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Merge pull request #250 from labgem/dev
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Merge Dev Branch into Master to Release Version 2.1.0
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JeanMainguy authored Jul 10, 2024
2 parents f3ba6a1 + e10b28a commit d49dd5d
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Showing 67 changed files with 53,712 additions and 49,860 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/check_doc.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ jobs:
sphinx-build -b html . build/
# Great extra actions to compose with:
# Create an artifact of the html output.
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: DocumentationHTML
path: docs/build/
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions .github/workflows/check_recipes.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,17 +17,18 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: ['ubuntu-latest','macos-latest']
os: ['ubuntu-latest','macos-13']
python-version: ['3.8','3.9','3.10']
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Setting up miniconda
- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
channels: conda-forge,bioconda,defaults
channels: bioconda,conda-forge,anaconda,defaults
activate-environment: test
- name: Set up test environment
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
Expand Down
130 changes: 99 additions & 31 deletions .github/workflows/main.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,24 @@ on:
- '*'
# if any of this files or directory changed, trigger the CI
# The only case where it is not triggerd is when docs/ is modified
- 'tests/**'
- 'testingDataset/**'
- '.github/**'
- 'ppanggolin/**'
- ''
- 'ppanggolin_env.yaml'
- 'pyproject.toml'
- ''
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab


# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
Expand All @@ -15,13 +30,30 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: ['ubuntu-latest', 'macos-latest']
python-version: ['3.8', '3.9', '3.10']
os: ['ubuntu-latest', 'macos-13']
python-version: ['3.8', '3.10']


# Get number of cpu available on the current runner
- name: Get core number on linux
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: |
echo "Number of cores avalaible on the current linux runner $nb_cpu_linux"
echo "NUM_CPUS=$nb_cpu_linux" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Get core number on macos
if: matrix.os == 'macos-13'
run: |
nb_cpu_macos=`sysctl -n hw.ncpu`
echo "Number of cores avalaible on the current macos runner $nb_cpu_macos"
echo "NUM_CPUS=$nb_cpu_macos" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Install requirements with miniconda
- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
channels: conda-forge,bioconda,defaults
Expand All @@ -32,6 +64,7 @@ jobs:
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
pip install .[test]
mmseqs version
# Check that it is installed and displays help without error
- name: Check that PPanGGOLiN is installed
Expand All @@ -43,59 +76,67 @@ jobs:
# Check that unit tests are all passing
- name: Unit tests
shell: bash -l {0}
run: pytest
run: pytest

# Test the complete workflow
- name: Complete workflow
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin all --cpu 1 --fasta genomes.fasta.list --output mybasicpangenome
ppanggolin info --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --content --parameters --status
mkdir info_to_test
ppanggolin all --cpu $NUM_CPUS --fasta genomes.fasta.list --output mybasicpangenome
ppanggolin info --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --content --parameters --status > info_to_test/mybasicpangenome_info.yaml
cat info_to_test/mybasicpangenome_info.yaml
cd -
# test most options calls. If there is a change in the API somewhere that was not taken into account (whether in the options for the users, or the classes for the devs), this should fail, otherwise everything is probably good.
#--draw_hotspots option is problematic on macOS.
- name: Step by Step workflow with most options calls
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin annotate --fasta genomes.fasta.list --output stepbystep --kingdom bacteria
ppanggolin cluster -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --coverage 0.8 --identity 0.8
ppanggolin annotate --fasta genomes.fasta.list --output stepbystep --kingdom bacteria --cpu $NUM_CPUS
ppanggolin cluster -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --coverage 0.8 --identity 0.8 --cpu $NUM_CPUS
ppanggolin graph -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 -r 10
ppanggolin partition --output stepbystep -f -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --cpu 1 -b 2.6 -ms 10 -fd -ck 500 -Kmm 3 12 -im 0.04 --draw_ICL -se $RANDOM
ppanggolin partition --output stepbystep -f -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --cpu $NUM_CPUS -b 2.6 -ms 10 -fd -ck 500 -Kmm 3 12 -im 0.04 --draw_ICL
ppanggolin rarefaction --output stepbystep -f -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --depth 5 --min 1 --max 50 -ms 10 -fd -ck 30 -K 3 --soft_core 0.9 -se $RANDOM
ppanggolin draw -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --tile_plot --nocloud --soft_core 0.92 --ucurve --output stepbystep -f
ppanggolin rgp -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --persistent_penalty 2 --variable_gain 1 --min_score 3 --dup_margin 0.05
ppanggolin spot -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --spot_graph --overlapping_match 2 --set_size 3 --exact_match_size 1
ppanggolin spot -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep --spot_graph --overlapping_match 2 --set_size 3 --exact_match_size 1 -f
ppanggolin draw -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --draw_spots -o stepbystep -f
ppanggolin module -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --transitive 4 --size 3 --jaccard 0.86 --dup_margin 0.05
ppanggolin write_pangenome -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --soft_core 0.9 --dup_margin 0.06 --gexf --light_gexf --csv --Rtab --stats --partitions --compress --json --spots --regions --borders --families_tsv --cpu 1
ppanggolin write_genomes -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --fasta genomes.fasta.list --gff --proksee --table
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --prot_families all --gene_families shell --regions all --fasta genomes.fasta.list
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --prot_families rgp --gene_families rgp
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --prot_families rgp --gene_families rgp --compress
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --prot_families softcore --gene_families softcore
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --prot_families module_0
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --prot_families core
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --gene_families module_0 --genes module_0
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --genes core --proteins cloud
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --gene_families module_0 --genes module_0 --compress
ppanggolin fasta -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --output stepbystep -f --proteins cloud --cpu $NUM_CPUS --keep_tmp --compress
ppanggolin draw -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --draw_spots --spots all -o stepbystep -f
ppanggolin metrics -p stepbystep/pangenome.h5 --genome_fluidity --no_print_info --recompute_metrics --log metrics.log
ppanggolin info --pangenome stepbystep/pangenome.h5 > info_to_test/stepbystep_info.yaml
cat info_to_test/stepbystep_info.yaml
cd -
- name: gbff parsing and MSA computing
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin workflow --cpu 1 --anno genomes.gbff.list --output myannopang
ppanggolin msa --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 --source dna --partition core -o myannopang/ -f --use_gene_id --phylo --single_copy
ppanggolin workflow --cpu $NUM_CPUS --anno genomes.gbff.list --output myannopang
ppanggolin msa --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 --source dna --partition core -o myannopang/ -f --use_gene_id --phylo --single_copy --cpu $NUM_CPUS
ppanggolin info --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 > info_to_test/myannopang_info.yaml
cat info_to_test/myannopang_info.yaml
cd -
- name: clusters reading from external file
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin panrgp --anno genomes.gbff.list --cluster clusters.tsv --output readclusterpang
ppanggolin annotate --anno genomes.gbff.list --output readclusters
ppanggolin cluster --clusters clusters.tsv -p readclusters/pangenome.h5
ppanggolin msa --pangenome readclusterpang/pangenome.h5 --partition persistent --phylo -o readclusterpang/msa/ -f
ppanggolin panrgp --anno genomes.gbff.list --cluster clusters.tsv --output readclusterpang --cpu $NUM_CPUS
ppanggolin annotate --anno genomes.gbff.list --output readclusters --cpu $NUM_CPUS
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {$1 = $1 OFS $1} 1' clusters.tsv > clusters_with_reprez.tsv;
ppanggolin cluster --clusters clusters_with_reprez.tsv -p readclusters/pangenome.h5 --cpu $NUM_CPUS
ppanggolin msa --pangenome readclusterpang/pangenome.h5 --partition persistent --phylo -o readclusterpang/msa/ -f --cpu $NUM_CPUS
cd -
- name: testing rgp_cluster command
shell: bash -l {0}
Expand All @@ -110,17 +151,17 @@ jobs:
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin align --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --sequences some_chlam_proteins.fasta \
--output test_align --draw_related --getinfo --fast
--output test_align --draw_related --getinfo --fast --cpu $NUM_CPUS
cd -
- name: testing context command
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin context --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 --sequences some_chlam_proteins.fasta --output test_context --fast
ppanggolin context --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 --sequences some_chlam_proteins.fasta --output test_context --fast --cpu $NUM_CPUS
# test from gene family ids. Test here with one family of module 1. The context should find all families of module 1
echo AP288_RS05055 > one_family_of_module_1.txt
ppanggolin context --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 --family one_family_of_module_1.txt --output test_context_from_id
ppanggolin context --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 --family one_family_of_module_1.txt --output test_context_from_id --cpu $NUM_CPUS
cd -
- name: testing metadata command
shell: bash -l {0}
Expand All @@ -132,34 +173,50 @@ jobs:
ppanggolin metadata -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 -s db4 -m metadata/metadata_rgps.tsv -a RGPs
ppanggolin metadata -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 -s db5 -m metadata/metadata_contigs.tsv -a contigs
ppanggolin metadata -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 -s db6 -m metadata/metadata_modules.tsv -a modules
ppanggolin write_metadata -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 -o metadata_flat_output
ppanggolin write_pangenome -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --output mybasicpangenome -f --gexf --light_gexf --cpu 1
ppanggolin write_pangenome -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --output mybasicpangenome -f --gexf --light_gexf --cpu $NUM_CPUS
ppanggolin rgp_cluster --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 -o rgp_cluster_with_metadata --graph_formats graphml
cd -
- name: testing config file
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
ppanggolin utils --default_config panrgp -o panrgp_default_config.yaml
ppanggolin panrgp --anno genomes.gbff.list --cluster clusters.tsv -o test_config --config panrgp_default_config.yaml
cut -f1,2 clusters.tsv > clusters_without_frag.tsv
ppanggolin panrgp --anno genomes.gbff.list --cluster clusters_without_frag.tsv -o test_config --config panrgp_default_config.yaml --cpu $NUM_CPUS
cd -
- name: testing projection cmd
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
head genomes.gbff.list | sed 's/^/input_genome_/g' > genomes.gbff.head.list
ppanggolin projection --pangenome stepbystep/pangenome.h5 -o projection_from_list_of_gbff --anno genomes.gbff.head.list --gff --proksee
ppanggolin projection --pangenome stepbystep/pangenome.h5 -o projection_from_list_of_gbff --anno genomes.gbff.head.list --gff --proksee --cpu $NUM_CPUS
head genomes.fasta.list | sed 's/^/input_genome_/g' > genomes.fasta.head.list
ppanggolin projection --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 -o projection_from_list_of_fasta --fasta genomes.fasta.head.list --gff --proksee --cpu $NUM_CPUS
ppanggolin projection --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 -o projection_from_single_fasta \
--genome_name chlam_A --fasta FASTA/GCF_002776845.1_ASM277684v1_genomic.fna.gz \
--spot_graph --graph_formats graphml --fast --keep_tmp -f --add_sequences --gff --proksee --table --add_metadata
--spot_graph --graph_formats graphml --fast --keep_tmp -f --add_sequences --gff --proksee --table --add_metadata --cpu $NUM_CPUS
ppanggolin projection --pangenome mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 -o projection_from_gff_prodigal \
--genome_name chlam_annotated_with_prodigal --anno GBFF/GCF_003788785.1_ct114V1_genomic_prodigal_annotation.gff.gz \
--gff --table
--gff --table --cpu $NUM_CPUS
# projection of a plasmid with chevron that have been added manually to test chevron handeling in GFF
ppanggolin projection --pangenome myannopang/pangenome.h5 --anno GBFF/plasmid_NZ_CP007132_with_manually_added_chevrons.gff.gz --cpu $NUM_CPUS -o projection_plasmid_with_chevron
# projection with GFF with no sequence and fasta sequence
ppanggolin projection -p myannopang/pangenome.h5 --anno GBFF/plasmid_GCF_000093005.1_ASM9300v1.gff.gz --fasta GBFF/plasmid_GCF_000093005.1_ASM9300v1.fna.gz
# projection with GFF with no sequence and fasta sequence specified in a TSV file with other GFF (but with sequences)
head -n 3 genomes.gbff.head.list > genomes.gbff.h3_and_GFFplasmidNoSeq.list
echo GFF_plasmid_No_seq$'\t'GBFF/plasmid_GCF_000093005.1_ASM9300v1.gff.gz >> genomes.gbff.h3_and_GFFplasmidNoSeq.list
echo GFF_plasmid_No_seq$'\t'GBFF/plasmid_GCF_000093005.1_ASM9300v1.fna.gz >> genomes.fna.GFFplasmidNoSeq.list
ppanggolin projection -p myannopang/pangenome.h5 --anno genomes.gbff.h3_and_GFFplasmidNoSeq.list --fasta genomes.fna.GFFplasmidNoSeq.list
- name: testing write_genome_cmds
shell: bash -l {0}
Expand All @@ -181,5 +238,16 @@ jobs:
# Pipe separatore is found in metadata source db1. if we don't require this source then the writting with pipe is work fine.
ppanggolin write_genomes -p mybasicpangenome/pangenome.h5 --output mybasicpangenome/genomes_outputs_with_metadata -f --gff --proksee --table --add_metadata --metadata_sources db2 db3 db4
- name: Archive diff files
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: comparison-results_${{ matrix.os }}_python${{ matrix.python-version }}
path: testingDataset/info_to_test/*

- name: testing info output
shell: bash -l {0}
run: |
cd testingDataset
python -e expected_info_files/ -t info_to_test/ -o diff_output
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion VERSION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion docs/dev/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,23 @@ It's essential to update the documentation to reflect your changes. Provide clea
### Continuous Integration (CI) Workflow
We've set up a CI workflow in the Actions tab, which executes a series of PPanGGOLiN commands to validate their functionality. If you've introduced a new feature, consider adding a command line to the CI YAML file to test it and ensure its seamless integration.
We've set up a CI workflow in the Actions tab that executes a series of PPanGGOLiN commands to validate their functionality, and also compares the contents of the PPanGGOLiN info files generated during the workflow with the expected ones stored in the `testingDataset` directory. If you've introduced a new feature, consider adding a command line to the CI YAML file to test it and ensure its seamless integration.
The CI workflow can be launched locally using the Python script `` located in the `testingDataset` directory. This script reads the CI pipeline file and creates a bash script to facilitate local execution of the pipeline.
To setup the local execution with 10 CPUs in the local_CI directory, execute the following command:
python testingDataset/ -o local_CI -c 10
Then, run the local CI using the following command:
(cd local_CI; bash
### Unit Tests
Expand Down

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