It currently passes back passport's universal id
, username
, and avatar
has been deprecated in v0.0.4.
npm install passport-deviantart
Use the following example implementation to get started with deviantART's passport strategy library:
var passport = require('passport'),
deviantART = require('passport-deviantart').Strategy
passport.use('deviantart', new deviantART({
function(token, tokenSecret, profile, done){
User.findOrCreate(..., function(err, user) {
done(err, user);
Two routes are required for the deviantART passport strategy
* This first route redirects the user to the service provider.
app.get('/auth/provider/deviantart', passport.authenticate('deviantart'));
* This next route is used for the callback from the provider
* If the authentication was a sucess then reditect the user
* If it has failed bring them to the login page
passport.authenticate('provider', { successRedirect: '/',
failureRedirect: '/login' }));
A simple example link to use this provider
<a href="/auth/provider/deviantart">Log In with deviantART!</a>