Image-Plane continuum subtraction for FITS cubes
pip install git+
Usage: imcontsub [OPTIONS] INPUT_IMAGE
--version Show the version and exit.
--order TEXT Order of spline. If given as a list of size
N, then N iterations will be perfomed.
--segments TEXT Width of spline segments in km/s. If given
as a list, then it must have same sixe as
--output-prefix PATH Name of ouput image
--mask-image PATH Mask image
--sigma-clip TEXT Sigma clip for each iteration. Only required
if mask-image is not given.
--fit-model [polyn|spline|dct]
--overwrite / --no-overwrite Overwrite output image if it already exists
--stokes-axis / --no-stokes-axis
Set this flag if the input image has a
stokes dimension. (Default is True).
--help Show this message and exit.
Specifiy the list options (--order
, sigma-clip
, etc.,) using square brackets. For example
imcontsub --order [3,3] --segments [400,350] --sigma-clip [5,5] --mask-image fornax_lw13-cube_mask.fits fornax_lw13-cube_data.fits