This is the template repository for the docs being used by the JS-Boilerplate-Generator. In this repository all templates are located that the download-functionality of the JS-Boilerplate-Generator requires.
We provide four different css-templates that a user of the Boilerplate-Generator can choose from.
A classy-template with an unobtrusive design of elegant typography and colors that has quite a reputable look for a onepager.
The happy-colors template that is a lot more fancy with playful fonts and transition-effects as well as a shiny color palette that just puts you in a good mood.
Griddy is a simple grid-template based on gridicoulos, using rows and columns to create a flexible responsive layout for any purpose.
At least dark-theme provides quite the look you might be used to from your good ol' editors that take care of your eyes when coding.
Here are the templates located according to the css-files mentioned above. They include spacers for the Boilerplate-Generator to paste your selected values automatically into them.
provides a few examples used in our html/css-templates to fill logo spaceholders with joy.
contains the js-file to enable the menu-bar for mobile-view in classy, happy-colors and dark-theme.
contains three templates for a standard-module, presenter-module or a prototype. they all provide the spaceholders that will be enriched with users values when using the Boilerplate-Generator.