This repository contains various scripts & images to install Faveo Helpdesk on various platforms(OS)
Faveo can be installed on a variety of platforms. The choice of the platform is yours.
If you don't want to use Docker, the best way to setup the project is to use the same configuration that Homestead uses. Basically, Faveo depends on the following:
- Apache (with mod_rewrite enabled) or Nginx or IIS
- Git
- PHP 7.3.x with the following extensions: curl, dom, gd, json, mbstring, openssl, pdo_mysql, tokenizer, zip
- Composer
- MySQL 5.7.x or MariaDB 10.3+
- Optional: Redis or Beanstalk
For complete minimum requirement list check here
The preferred OS distribution is Cent OS 7, simply because all the development is made on it and we know it works. However, any OS that lets you install the above packages should work.
Faveo Helpdesk Community can be installed using following installers
- Softaculous
- Fantastico
We have created script for simple, one click installtion of Faveo.
For Faveo Helpdesk Freelancer, paid and Enterprise version
For Faveo Helpdesk Community
Create your own fork of Faveo master repositoray and use git-flow to create a new feature. Once the feature is published in your fork, send a pull request to begin the conversation of integrating your new feature into Faveo.
Visit the issue page. And if you'd like professional help commercial support is available, email us through the contact form.
- Faveo Helpdesk
- Faveo Docker
- Faveo Probe