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[Python] Yolo example + VS feature Inheritance #1413

merged 12 commits into from
Jun 11, 2024
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Yolo centering task on afma6
  • Loading branch information
SamFlt committed Jun 3, 2024
commit dac3e292a7365eabc220b3370f2bc44c5886d625
347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions modules/python/examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@

import visp
from visp.core import ColVector, Color, PixelMeterConversion, Display, Matrix
from visp.core import CameraParameters, HomogeneousMatrix , PoseVector, ImagePoint
from visp.core import ImageRGBa, ImageUInt16
from visp.core import UnscentedKalman, UKSigmaDrawerMerwe

from visp.visual_features import BasicFeature, FeaturePoint
from visp.vs import Servo
from visp.gui import ColorBlindFriendlyPalette
from visp.display_utils import get_display
from visp.robot import RobotAfma6, Robot

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from ultralytics import YOLO
except ImportError:
print('This example requires YoloV8: pip install ultralytics')

import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
import argparse
import pyrealsense2 as rs
from functools import partial
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False

def fx(x: ColVector, dt: float) -> ColVector:
@brief Process function that projects in time the internal state of the UKF.

@param x The internal state of the UKF.
@param dt The sampling time: how far in the future are we projecting x.

@return ColVector The updated internal state, projected in time, also known as the prior.
return ColVector([
x[0] + dt * x[1] + dt ** 2 * x[2],
x[1] + dt * x[2],
x[3] + dt * x[4] + dt ** 2 * x[5],
x[4] + dt * x[5],

def hx(x: ColVector) -> ColVector:
@brief Measurement function that expresses the internal state of the UKF in the measurement space.

@param x The internal state of the UKF.

@return ColVector The internal state, expressed in the measurement space.
return ColVector([

def add_state_vectors(a, b) -> ColVector:
@brief Method that permits to add two state vectors.

@param a The first state vector to which another state vector must be added.
@param b The other state vector that must be added to a.

@return ColVector The sum a + b.
return a + b

def residual_state_vectors(a, b) -> ColVector:
@brief Method that permits to substract a state vector to another.

@param a The first state vector to which another state vector must be substracted.
@param b The other state vector that must be substracted to a.

@return ColVector The substraction a - b.
return a - b

def generate_Q_matrix(dt: float, sigma: float) -> Matrix:
@brief Method that generates the process covariance matrix for a process for which the
state vector can be written as (x, dx/dt)^T

@param dt The sampling period.

@return Matrix The corresponding process covariance matrix.
return Matrix(np.asarray([
[dt**4/4, dt**3/3, dt**2/2, 0, 0, 0],
[dt**3/3, dt**2/2, dt, 0, 0, 0],
[dt**2/2, dt, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, dt**4/4, dt**3/3, dt**2/2],
[0, 0, 0, dt**3/3, dt**2/2, dt],
[0, 0, 0, dt**2/2, dt, 1],
]) * sigma)

def read_data(I_rgba: ImageRGBa, I_depth: ImageUInt16, pipe: rs.pipeline, align: rs.align) -> None:
frames = pipe.wait_for_frames()
aligned_frames = align.process(frames)
I_np = np.asanyarray(aligned_frames.get_color_frame().as_frame().get_data())
I_np = np.concatenate((I_np, np.ones_like(I_np[..., 0:1], dtype=np.uint8) * 255), axis=-1)
rgba_numpy_view = I_rgba.numpy() # writable numpy view of rgba image
np.copyto(rgba_numpy_view, I_np)
depth_numpy_view = I_depth.numpy()
depth_np = np.asanyarray(aligned_frames.get_depth_frame().as_frame().get_data())
np.copyto(depth_numpy_view, depth_np)

def cam_from_rs_profile(profile) -> Tuple[CameraParameters, int, int]:
intr = profile.as_video_stream_profile().get_intrinsics() # Downcast to video_stream_profile and fetch intrinsics
return CameraParameters(intr.fx, intr.fy, intr.ppx, intr.ppy), intr.height, intr.width

class VSPlot(object):
def __init__(self):
self.v = []
self.error = []
self.r = []
self.I = []

def on_iter(self, Idisp: ImageRGBa, v: ColVector, error: ColVector, cTw: HomogeneousMatrix) -> None:

def generate_anim(self):
self.error = np.asarray(self.error)[1:]
self.v = np.asarray(self.v)[1:]
self.r = np.asarray(self.r)[1:]

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 15 * (self.I[0].shape[0] / self.I[0].shape[1])))
axs = [axs[0][0], axs[0][1], axs[1][0],axs[1][1]]
titles = ['I', 'Feature error', 'Velocity', 'Pose']
legends = [
[r"$x$", r"$y$"],
[r"$\mathbf{\upsilon}_x$", r"$\mathbf{\upsilon}_y$"],
[r"$\theta\mathbf{u}_x$", r"$\theta\mathbf{u}_y$"],
data = [None, self.error, self.v, self.r]
artists = []
for i in range(len(axs)):
if data[i] is not None:
axs[i].set_xlim(0, len(self.v))
min_val, max_val = np.min(data[i]), np.max(data[i])
margin = (max_val - min_val) * 0.05
axs[i].set_ylim(min_val - margin, max_val + margin)
def animate(i):
print(f'Processing frame {i+1}/{len(self.I)}')
xs = range(i)
for j in range(2):
artists[1][j].set_data(xs, self.error[:i, j])
artists[2][j].set_data(xs, self.v[:i, j])
artists[3][j].set_data(xs, self.r[:i, j])
return artists

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=len(self.v), blit=False, repeat=False)
writervideo = animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=30)'exp.mp4', writer=writervideo)

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Centering task using a YOLO network')
parser.add_argument('--class-id', type=int, help='COCO class id of the object to track (e.g, 2 for a car)')
args = parser.parse_args()

detection_model = YOLO('')

plotter = VSPlot()

# Initialization
print('Initializing Realsense camera...')
# Realsense2
pipe = rs.pipeline()
config = rs.config()
fps = 30
config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.z16, fps)
config.enable_stream(, 640, 480, rs.format.rgb8, fps)
cfg = pipe.start(config)

# Initialize data
cam, h, w = cam_from_rs_profile(cfg.get_stream(
depth_scale = cfg.get_device().first_depth_sensor().get_depth_scale()
print(f'Depth scale is {depth_scale}')

I = ImageRGBa(h, w)
I_depth = ImageUInt16(h, w)
Idisp = ImageRGBa(h, w)

# Align depth stream with color stream
align = rs.align(
get_images = partial(read_data, pipe=pipe, align=align)

print('Initializing Afma6...')
robot = RobotAfma6()

print('Moving Afma6 to starting pose...')
r = PoseVector(0.06706274856, 0.3844766362, -0.04551332622 , 0.3111005431, 0.3031078532, 0.01708581392)
cTw = HomogeneousMatrix(r)

robot.setPosition(Robot.ControlFrameType.REFERENCE_FRAME, r)

print('Warming up camera...')
for _ in range(100):
get_images(I, I_depth)

# Define kalman filter

drawer = UKSigmaDrawerMerwe(6, alpha=0.0001, beta=2, kappa=-3, resFunc=residual_state_vectors, addFunc=add_state_vectors)
pixel_noise = 1
noise_x, noise_y = [pixel_noise / f for f in [cam.get_px(), cam.get_py()]]
noise_vel = 1e-8
noise_accel = 1e-12
measure_covariance = Matrix([
[noise_x ** 2, 0.0],
[0.0, noise_y ** 2]
process_covariance = Matrix([
[noise_x ** 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, noise_vel, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, noise_accel, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, noise_y ** 2, 0,0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, noise_vel,0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, noise_accel],
kalman = UnscentedKalman(generate_Q_matrix(1 / fps, sigma=1e-8), measure_covariance, drawer, fx, hx)

# Define centering task
xd, yd = PixelMeterConversion.convertPoint(cam, w / 2.0, h / 2.0)
get_images(I, I_depth)
Zd = I_depth[h // 2, w // 2] * depth_scale
print(f'Desired depth is {Zd}')
sd = FeaturePoint()
sd.buildFrom(xd, yd, Zd)

s = FeaturePoint()
s.buildFrom(0.0, 0.0, Zd)

task = Servo()
task.addFeature(s, sd)
task.setCameraDoF(ColVector([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]))
target_class = args.class_id # Car

v = ColVector(6, 0.0)

d = get_display()
_ = detection_model(np.array(I.numpy()[..., 2::-1]))
error_norm = 1e10
last_detection_time = -1.0
first_iter = True
# Servoing loop
while error_norm > 5e-7:
start = time.time()
# Data acquisition
get_images(I, I_depth)

def has_class_box(box):
return box.cls is not None and len(box.cls) > 0 and box.cls[0]

# Build current features
results = detection_model(np.array(I.numpy()[..., 2::-1]))[0] # Run detection
boxes = results.boxes
max_conf = 0.0
idx = -1
bb = None
for i in range(len(boxes.conf)):
if boxes.cls[i] == target_class and boxes.conf[i] > max_conf:
idx = i
max_conf = boxes.conf[i]
bb = boxes.xywh[i].cpu().numpy()

if bb is not None:
u, v = bb[0], bb[1]
x, y = PixelMeterConversion.convertPoint(cam, u, v)
if first_iter:
initial_state = ColVector([x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0])
kalman.init(initial_state, process_covariance)
first_iter = False
kalman.filter(ColVector([x, y]), (1 / fps))
kalman_state = kalman.getXest()
last_detection_time = time.time()
s.buildFrom(kalman_state[0], kalman_state[3], Zd)
v = task.computeControlLaw()
if last_detection_time < 0.0:
raise RuntimeError('No detection at first iteration')
kalman.predict(time.time() - last_detection_time)
kalman_pred = kalman.getXpred()
s.buildFrom(kalman_pred[0], kalman_pred[3], Zd)

error: ColVector = task.getError()
error_norm = error.sumSquare()

# Display and logging
current_color = ColorBlindFriendlyPalette(ColorBlindFriendlyPalette.SkyBlue).to_vpColor()
if bb is not None:
Display.displayRectangle(I, i=int(bb[1] - bb[3] / 2), j=int(bb[0] - bb[2] / 2), width=bb[2], height=bb[3],
color=current_color, fill=False, thickness=2)
sd.display(cam, I, ColorBlindFriendlyPalette(ColorBlindFriendlyPalette.Yellow).to_vpColor(), thickness=3)
s.display(cam, I, current_color, thickness=3)
Display.getImage(I, Idisp)
robot.getPosition(Robot.ControlFrameType.REFERENCE_FRAME, r)
plotter.on_iter(Idisp, v, error, cTw)

# Move robot/update simulator
robot.setVelocity(Robot.ControlFrameType.CAMERA_FRAME, v)
print(f'Iter took {time.time() - start}s')

