Towards Better Modeling With Missing Data: A Contrastive Learning-Based Visual Analytics Perspective
CIVis integrates a Contrastive Learing (CL) framework to enable modeling dataset with missing values, avoiding imputation, and is a visual analytics system to allow users with limited background CL knowledge to iteratively improve model training. Finally a accurate and trustworthy model makes prediction for downstream tasks, fed by incomplete data.
Install python packages (Exclude PyTorch if you already install.)
cd backend pip install -r requirement.txt
Install frontend packages
cd frontend npm install
Run backend
cd backend /opt/conda/bin/flask run --host= --port=5000
Run frontend
cd frontend npm run start
If this paper and tool helps your research projects, please considering citing our paper:
title={Towards Better Modeling With Missing Data: A Contrastive Learning-Based Visual Analytics Perspective},
author={Xie, Laixin and Ouyang, Yang and Chen, Longfei and Wu, Ziming and Li, Quan},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},