BookPlatformDemo is a Spring Boot-based web application that allows users to register and access book-related data through REST APIs. It also features role-based access control with admin
and user
roles. Data is persisted in a PostgreSQL database, and passwords are securely stored using bcrypt encryption.
- User Registration: Users can register and have their credentials stored securely with bcrypt encryption.
- Role-based Access Control: Admins and regular users have different access levels to perform actions.
- Book API:
- Retrieve all books
- Get details of a book by its ID
- Search for books by title or author
- Spring Security Integration: Secure the application with login and access control based on user roles
- Data Persistence: Uses Spring Data JPA with PostgreSQL to store users and books
- Spring Boot: Core framework for the application
- Spring Data JPA: ORM tool for interacting with the PostgreSQL database
- Spring Security: Provides security features like authentication and role-based authorization
- Lombok: Reduces boilerplate code for entity classes
- Spring Web: For building the RESTful API
- PostgreSQL: Database for persisting users and book information
Get all books:
GET /books
Returns a list of all books.
Get book by ID:
GET /book/id/{id}
Retrieves a specific book by its ID.
Get book by title:
GET /book?title={title}
Finds a book based on the title.
Get books by author:
GET /books?author={author}
Returns a list of books written by the specified author.
Register a new user:
POST /register
Registers a new user in the system. The password will be encrypted before saving to the database.
Example request body:
{ "username": "user1", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "password" }
- Admin: Has access to administrative endpoints
- User: Has restricted access to regular user actions
The application utilizes Spring Security to authenticate and authorize users based on their roles. Only authenticated users can access certain endpoints, and permissions differ between admins and regular users.
- Passwords are encrypted using bcrypt for secure storage in the PostgreSQL database
- Role-based access ensures different levels of control for
The application uses PostgreSQL as its database. Make sure you have PostgreSQL running and configured with the correct credentials in
- Java 17+
- PostgreSQL
- Maven
Clone the repository:
git clone
Configure PostgreSQL in
Build and run the application using Maven:
mvn clean install mvn spring-boot:run
Access the APIs at