├── *NIX
│ ├── BSDs
│ │ ├── A\ project\ model\ for\ the\ FreeBSDProject.pdf
│ │ ├── Absolute\ BSD\ -\ The\ Ultimate\ Guide\ To\ FreeBSD\ (2002).pdf
│ │ ├── Absolute\ OpenBSD\ -\ UNIX\ For\ The\ Practical\ Paranoid\ (2003).pdf
│ │ ├── FreeBSD\ Architecture\ Handbook.pdf
│ │ ├── FreeBSD\ Developers?\200\231\ Handbook.pdf
│ │ ├── FreeBSD\ Documentation\ Project_\ \ Primer\ for\ New\ Contributors.pdf
│ │ ├── FreeBSD\ Porter?\200\231s\ Handbook.pdf
│ │ ├── Frequently\ Asked\ Questions\ for\ FreeBSD\ 6.X\ ,\ 7.X\ and\ 8.X.pdf
│ │ └── The\ FreeBSD\ Corporate\ Networker?\200\231s\ Guide.pdf
│ ├── Greg_Kroah-Hartman_-_Linux_Kernel_in_a_Nutshell.pdf
│ ├── Linux
│ │ ├── Advanced\ Linux\ Programming\ -\ Mark\ Mitchell,\ Jeffrey\ Oldham,\ and\ Alex\ Samuel.pdf
│ │ ├── Introduction\ to\ Linux\ -\ A\ Hands\ on\ Guide\ -\ Machtelt\ Garrels.pdf
│ │ ├── Linux\ Indispensable\ \ Components
│ │ │ ├── Linux\ Device\ Drivers
│ │ │ │ ├── Essential\ Linux\ Device\ Drivers.pdf
│ │ │ │ └── Linux\ Device\ Drivers\ -\ Alessandro\ Rubini,\ Jonathan\ Corbet\ -\ 2E\ -\ Covers\ Linux\ 2.4.pdf
│ │ │ ├── Linux\ Networking\ Subsystem_\ Desktop\ Companion\ to\ the\ Linux\ Source\ Code\ -\ Ankit\ Jain.pdf
│ │ │ ├── The\ Linux\ Kernel
│ │ │ │ ├── The\ Linux\ Kernel\ -\ David\ A\ Rusling.pdf
│ │ │ │ ├── The\ Linux\ Kernel\ Module\ Programming\ Guide.pdf
│ │ │ │ ├── The\ Linux\ Kernel\ Primer.chm
│ │ │ │ ├── Understanding\ the\ Linux\ Kernel\ -\ 1st\ Edition\ -\ Daniel\ P.\ Bovet,\ Marco\ Cesati.pdf
│ │ │ │ └── Understanding\ the\ Linux\ Kernel\ 3rd\ Edition.chm
│ │ │ ├── Understanding\ Linux\ Network\ Internals\ 2005.chm
│ │ │ └── Virtual\ Memory\ Manager
│ │ │ ├── Code\ Commentary\ On\ The\ Linux\ Virtual\ Memory\ Manager\ -\ Mel\ Gorman.pdf
│ │ │ └── Understanding\ the\ Linux\ Virtual\ Memory\ Manager\ -\ Mel\ Gorman.pdf
│ │ ├── Linux\ Socket\ Programming\ By\ Example\ (Que)\ -\ Warren\ W.\ Gay.pdf
│ │ ├── Linux\ Toys\ II\ -\ 9\ Cool\ New\ Projects\ For\ Home,\ Office,\ And\ Entertainment.pdf
│ │ ├── Linux-Dictionary.pdf
│ │ ├── Linux-Media-Guide.pdf
│ │ ├── Redhat\ Linux\ 7.2\ Bible.pdf
│ │ ├── SystemAdmin
│ │ │ ├── A\ Practical\ Guide\ To\ Linux\ Commands,\ Editors,\ And\ Shell\ Programming\ (2005).chm
│ │ │ ├── A\ Practical\ Guide\ To\ Red\ Hat\ Linux,\ 3rd\ Edition\ (2006).chm
│ │ │ ├── Linux\ Bible,\ 2006\ Edition.pdf
│ │ │ ├── Linux\ Cookbook\ -\ Tips\ _\ Techniques\ for\ Everyday\ Use\ (2001).pdf
│ │ │ ├── Linux\ Power\ Tools\ (Sybex)\ -\ Roderick\ W.\ Smith.chm
│ │ │ ├── Linux\ Server\ Hacks\ Volume\ One.pdf
│ │ │ ├── Linux\ Server\ Hacks\ Volume\ Two.pdf
│ │ │ ├── Linux_101_Hacks.pdf
│ │ │ ├── MR-Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy\ -\ Binh\ Nguyen.pdf
│ │ │ ├── Securing\ and\ Optimizing\ Linux_\ The\ Ultimate\ Solution.pdf
│ │ │ └── The\ Linux\ System\ Administrator_s\ Guide.pdf
│ │ ├── The\ Complete\ Reference\ -\ Red\ Hat\ Enterprise\ Linux\ _\ Fedora\ ed\ 2004.pdf
│ │ └── ubuntu
│ │ ├── Apress.Beginning.Ubuntu.Linux.2nd.Edition.Mar.2007.pdf
│ │ ├── Prentice.Hall.PTR.The.Official.Ubuntu.Book.Aug.2006.chm
│ │ └── Sams.Ubuntu.Unleashed.Aug.2006.chm
│ ├── Linux\ System\ Administration.pdf
│ ├── Linux\ in\ Action.pdf
│ ├── UNIX
│ │ ├── MustReads.txt
│ │ ├── Shell\ Scripting
│ │ │ ├── Advanced\ Bash\ Scripting\ -\ By\ Mendel\ Cooper.pdf
│ │ │ ├── GAWK_\ Effective\ AWK\ Programming\ -\ Arnold\ D.\ Robbins.pdf
│ │ │ ├── Sams\ Teach\ Yourself\ Shell\ Programming\ in\ 24\ Hours.pdf
│ │ │ └── Wiley\ -\ Mastering\ UNIX\ Shell\ Scripting.pdf
│ │ ├── System\ Admin\ n\ Security
│ │ │ ├── Beginning\ UNIX.pdf
│ │ │ ├── McGraw.Hill.UNIX.The.Complete.Reference.2nd.Edition.Dec.2006.chm
│ │ │ ├── OReilly\ -\ Practical\ UNIX\ and\ Internet\ Security.chm
│ │ │ ├── UNIX\ Administration\ A\ Comprehensive\ Sourcebook\ for\ Effective\ Systems\ and\ Network\ Management\ 2002.pdf
│ │ │ ├── UNIX\ Power\ Tools\ 3rd\ ed\ 2003.chm
│ │ │ ├── UNIX\ System\ Administration\ for\ Beginners\ -\ Steve\ Maxwell.pdf
│ │ │ ├── man\ pages\ section\ 3_\ Basic\ Library\ Functions.pdf
│ │ │ └── unixhintsandhacks.pdf
│ │ ├── System_s\ Programming
│ │ │ ├── AIX\ Version\ 6.1\ -\ General\ Programming\ Concepts_\ Writing\ and\ Debugging\ Programs.pdf
│ │ │ ├── Advanced\ Programming\ in\ the\ UNIX\ Environment\ by\ Richards\ Stevens.chm
│ │ │ └── Unix\ Systems\ Programming\ -\ \ Kay\ A.\ Robbins,\ Steven\ Robbins.chm
│ │ └── The\ Art\ Of\ Unix\ Programming-by\ Eric\ Raymond.pdf
│ ├── Understanding\ Linux\ Kernel.pdf
│ ├── nag2.pdf
│ ├── os-dev.pdf
│ └── slever_et_al_2009.pdf
├── Ansible
│ ├── Ansible\ Configuration\ Management,\ 2nd\ Edition.pdf
│ ├── ansible-configuration-management-boot-camp.pdf
│ └── ansible-for-devops-sample.pdf
├── AssemblyLanguages
│ ├── Guide\ To\ Assembly\ Language\ Programming\ In\ Linux\ -\ Sivarama\ P.\ Dandamudi.pdf
│ └── Introduction\ To\ 80x86\ Assembly\ Language\ And\ Computer\ Architecture\ -\ Richard\ C.\ Detmer.pdf
├── C
│ ├── A\ Buffer\ Overflow\ Study\ -\ Attacks\ and\ Defenses.pdf
│ ├── C\ Programming\ -\ Ebook.pdf
│ ├── C\ Programming\ Just\ The\ FAQs.pdf
│ ├── C\ conceptual\ \ questions.pdf
│ ├── C\ programmers\ test-\ Nyc\ Article.pdf
│ ├── Committee\ Draft\ ?\200\224\ May\ 6,\ 2005\ ISO-IEC\ 9899_TC2.pdf
│ ├── Debugging\ Questions.pdf
│ ├── Debugging\ Sample\ Questions\ C.pdf
│ ├── Deep\ C\ Secrets.pdf
│ ├── Let\ Us\ C\ -\ Yashwant\ Kanetkar.pdf
│ ├── MR-Function\ Pointer\ Tutorial.pdf
│ ├── Scope\ in\ C.ps
│ ├── Secure\ C\ Proposal.pdf
│ ├── Test\ Your\ C\ Skills.pdf
│ ├── The\ C\ Programming\ Language\ Ritchie\ _\ Kernighan\ -\ Solutions\ +\ Other\ C\ Stuffs.pdf
│ ├── The\ C\ Programming\ Language\ Ritchie\ _\ Kernighan.pdf
│ ├── The\ C\ Puzzle\ Book.pdf
│ ├── ctraps\ n\ pitfalls-Andrew\ Koenig.pdf
│ └── the_c_book.pdf
├── C#
│ ├── MIT.Press,.C.Sharp.Precisely.(2004).LRN.LotB.pdf
│ └── Morgan.Kaufmann.C.Sharp.2.0.Practical.Guide.for.Programmers.Feb.2005.eBook-DDU.pdf
├── C++
│ ├── Addison\ Wesley\ -\ Efficient\ C++\ Programming\ Techniques.pdf
│ ├── BS\ FAQs.html
│ ├── BS\ Tech\ FAQs.html
│ ├── Beginning\ C++\ Game\ Programming\ (2004).pdf
│ ├── Bjarne\ Stroustop-The\ C++\ Programming\ Languge\ 3rdEd.pdf
│ ├── BruceEckel
│ │ ├── Thinking\ in\ C++\ -\ Vol-1\ -\ Bruce\ Eckel.pdf
│ │ └── Thinking\ in\ C++\ -\ Vol-2\ -\ Bruce\ Eckel.pdf
│ ├── C++\ -\ Balagurusamy.pdf
│ ├── C++\ Coding\ Standards\ -\ 101\ Rules,\ Guidelines,\ And\ Best\ Practices\ (2004)\ -\ Herb\ Sutter.chm
│ ├── C++\ For\ Mathematicians\ -\ An\ Introduction\ For\ Students\ And\ Professionals\ (2006).pdf
│ ├── C++\ Primer\ (3rd\ Edition)\ -\ Stanley\ B.\ Lippman,\ José\ Lajoie.pdf
│ ├── C++\ Templates\ -\ The\ Complete\ Guide\ (2002).chm
│ ├── C++\ Timesaving\ Techniques\ -\ Matthew\ Telles.pdf
│ ├── C++\ and\ Object\ Design_\ the\ least\ you\ need\ to\ know\ -\ Brett\ L.\ Schuchert.pdf
│ ├── C++\ interviewquestions.pdf
│ ├── C++-tips-n-traps4.pdf
│ ├── C++.FAQs.Second.Edition.by.Marshall.Cline.Greg\ Lomow.Mike\ Girou.1998.chm
│ ├── CPP_Interview_Questions.pdf
│ ├── Exceptional\ C++\ -\ Herb\ Sutter.chm
│ ├── Exceptional\ C++\ Style\ 40\ New\ Engineering\ Puzzles,\ Programming\ \ problems\ and\ solutions\ -\ Herb\ Sutter.chm
│ ├── Microsoft\ Word\ -\ C++\ Questions.pdf
│ ├── ScottMeyers
│ │ ├── Effective\ C++,\ 3rd\ Edition\ (2005)ScottMeyers.chm
│ │ ├── Effective\ STL\ -\ Scott\ Meyers.pdf
│ ├── Technical\ Report\ on\ C++\ Performance.pdf
│ ├── cplusplus-tutorial.pdf
│ └── cppreferencecom_feb09.chm
├── Clouddesignpattern
│ └── CloudDesignPatternsBook-PDF.pdf
├── DesignPatterns
│ ├── Computer\ Science\ -\ Design\ Patterns\ -\ Elements\ Of\ Reusable\ (1998\ Addison-Wesley).pdf
│ ├── Design\ Patterns\ in\ Python.pdf
│ ├── Design\ Patterns_\ Elements\ of\ Reusable\ Object-Oriented\ Software\ -\ Erich\ Gamma,\ Richard\ Helm,\ Ralph\ Johnson,\ John\ Vlissides.pdf
│ ├── Head.First.Object.Oriented.Analysis.and.Design.pdf
│ ├── Head_First_Design_Patterns.pdf
│ ├── Modern\ C++\ Design\ -\ Generic\ Programming\ and\ Design\ Patterns\ Applied\ (2001).chm
│ ├── Pattern-Oriented\ Software\ Architecture?\200\224Patterns\ for\ Concurrent\ and\ Networked\ Objects,\ Volume\ 2.pdf
│ ├── Patterns\ of\ Enterprise\ Application\ Architecture\ -\ Martin\ Fowler,\ David\ Rice,\ Matthew\ Foemmel,\ Edward_Hieatt,\ Robert\ Mee,\ Randy\ Stafford.pdf
│ ├── Refactoring\ To\ Patterns\ -\ Joshua\ Kerievsky.pdf
│ ├── Refactoring_\ Improving\ the\ Design\ of\ Existing\ Code\ -\ Martin\ Fowler.chm
│ ├── Refactoring_\ Improving\ the\ Design\ of\ Existing\ Code\ -\ Martin\ Fowler.pdf
│ └── Thinking\ in\ Patterns\ in\ Java-\ Bruce\ Eckel.pdf
├── Docker
│ ├── Docker-Up\ and\ Running.pdf
│ └── Docker-in-Action.pdf
├── HTML
│ ├── 250\ html\ _\ webdesign\ secrets.pdf
│ ├── Beginning\ Web\ Programming\ with\ HTML,\ XHTML,\ and\ CSS~tqw~_darksiderg.pdf
│ ├── Create_Your_First_Website.pdf
│ ├── Creating\ Cool\ Web\ Sites\ with\ HTML\ XHTML\ and\ CSS.pdf
│ ├── HTML\ _\ Web\ Design\ -\ Tips\ _\ Techniques\ 2002.pdf
│ ├── HTML\ and\ XHTML\ The\ Definitive\ Guide\ 5th\ Edition.chm
│ └── HTML,\ XHTML,\ and\ CSS\ Bible,\ 3rd\ Edition.pdf
├── Java
│ ├── Concurrent\ Programming\ in\ Java\ 2nd\ Ed\ -\ Doug\ Lea.pdf
│ ├── Core\ Java2\ Volume\ I,\ 7thEdithon.chm
│ ├── Core\ Java2\ Volume\ II\ Advanced\ Features.pdf
│ ├── DATA\ STRUCTURES\ IN\ JAVA\ A\ Laboratory\ Course\ -\ Sandra\ Andersen.pdf
│ ├── DEITEL\ -\ Java\ Advanced\ How\ to\ Program\ (redistilled\ in\ one\ book).pdf
│ ├── Deitel\ -\ Advanced\ Java\ -\ Servlets\ And\ JSP.pdf
│ ├── Deitel\ -\ Advanced\ Java\ 2\ -\ How\ To\ Program.pdf
│ ├── Deitel\ -\ Java\ -\ How\ to\ Program\ 6e\ (Prentice,\ 2004).chm
│ ├── Deitel,\ Deitel\ -\ Java\ How\ to\ Program.\ 6th\ edition.\ 2004.pdf
│ ├── Eclipse\ for\ Dummies.pdf
│ ├── Eclipse,\ A\ Java\ Developer'S\ Guide.chm
│ ├── Eclipse.3.for.Java.Developers.pdf
│ ├── Effective\ Java\ Programming\ -\ Joshua\ Bloch.pdf
│ ├── Head-First-Java-2nd-edition.pdf
│ ├── Head_First_Servlets_and_JSP.pdf
│ ├── JAVA\ 2\ complete\ reference\ (5th\ ed)Herbert\ Schildt.pdf
│ ├── Java\ -\ Hacking\ -\ Covert\ Java\ Techniques\ for\ Decompiling,\ Patching,and\ Reverse\ Engineering\ -\ Sams.pdf
│ ├── Java\ Puzzlers\ Traps,\ Pitfalls,\ and\ Corner\ Cases\ -\ Joshua\ Bloch,\ Neal\ Gafter.chm
│ ├── Java.Game.Programming.For.Dummies.pdf
│ ├── McGrawHill\ Osborne\ -\ Java\ J2ME\ The\ Complete\ Reference.pdf
│ ├── O'Reilly\ -\ Java\ 3d\ Programming\ -\ Daniel\ Selman.pdf
│ ├── O'Reilly\ -\ Java\ In\ A\ Nutshell\ 1997.pdf
│ ├── O'Reilly\ -\ Java\ Network\ Programming\ Elliotte\ Rusty\ Harold\ 3E.chm
│ ├── O'Reilly\ -\ Java\ Swing.pdf
│ ├── O'Reilly\ -\ Java\ Threads.pdf
│ ├── O'Reilly\ -\ JavaIO\ -\ Elliotte\ Rusty\ Harold.chm
│ ├── OReilly\ -\ Enterprise\ JavaBeans,\ 3rd\ Edition.pdf
│ ├── OReilly\ -\ Java\ and\ XML\ Binding.pdf
│ ├── OReilly_Java_Servlet_Programming\ -\ \ Jason\ Hunter.pdf
│ ├── TCP-IP\ Sockets\ in\ Java\ -\ Practical\ Guide\ for\ Programmers\ 2e\ (Morgan,\ 2008).pdf
│ ├── The\ Java\ EE\ 6\ Tutorial.pdf
│ ├── The\ JavaTM\ Language\ Specification\ -\ Third\ Edition\ -\ James\ Gosling,\ Bill\ Joy,\ Guy\ Steele,\ Gilad\ Bracha.pdf
│ ├── The.Java.Programming.Language\ -\ Ken\ Arnold,\ James\ Gosling,\ David\ Holmes.4th.Edition.chm
│ ├── Thousand_java_tips.pdf
│ ├── [MIT\ Press]\ Java\ Precisely.pdf
│ ├── javafaq.html
│ ├── javatutorial.html
│ └── thinking\ in\ java\ -\ second\ edition-\ Bruce\ Eckel.pdf
├── JavaScript
│ ├── Beginning\ JavaScript\ 2E\ (WROX).chm
│ ├── How\ to\ Do\ Everything\ with\ JavaScript\ -\ 2003.pdf
│ ├── JavaScript\ 2.0\ The\ Complete\ Reference,\ Second\ Edition.chm
│ ├── JavaScript\ Application\ Cookbook\ 1999.pdf
│ ├── JavaScript\ Bible\ Gold.pdf
│ ├── JavaScript\ Bible.pdf
│ ├── JavaScript\ Reference\ Guide.pdf
│ ├── JavaScript\ The\ Definitive\ Guide,\ 4th\ Edition\ 2001.chm
│ ├── JavaScript\ The\ Definitive\ Guide.pdf
│ ├── JavaScript\ Tools\ Guide\ CS4.pdf
│ ├── JavaScript.Cookbook.pdf
│ ├── Javascript\ Bible,\ 5Th\ Ed\ -\ 2004.pdf
│ ├── Javascript\ By\ Example\ -\ 2003.chm
│ ├── Javascript\ Demystified.pdf
│ ├── Node.js_in_Action_(2014).pdf
│ ├── OReilly.JavaScript.The.Definitive.Guide.5th.Edition.Aug.2006.pdf
│ └── Understanding\ AJAX\ -\ Using\ JavaScript\ To\ Create\ Rich\ Internet\ Applications\ (2006).chm
├── Lisp_Scheme
│ ├── Practical\ Common\ Lisp\ -\ Peter\ Seibel.chm
│ ├── Simply\ Scheme\ -\ MIT\ Press.pdf
│ ├── Steele\ -\ Common\ Lisp\ -\ The\ Language\ 2e.pdf
│ ├── Structure\ and\ Interpretation\ of\ Computer\ Programs.pdf
│ ├── scala-for-the-impatient.pdf
│ ├── sicp.pdf
│ └── simply.scm
├── Logging
│ ├── 9781491909331.O'Reilly\ Media.I\ Heart\ Logs.Jay\ Kreps.2014.pdf
│ └── Logging\ and\ Log\ Management_\ The\ Authoritative\ Guide\ to\ Undeanagement\ -\ Anton\ Chuvakin\ &\ Kevin\ Schmidt\ &\ Chris\ Phillips.pdf
├── Miscellaneous
│ ├── 3D\ Game\ Programming\ All\ In\ One\ (2004).pdf
│ └── Programming\ Language\ Pragmatics,\ Second\ Edition_\ Michael\ L.\ Scott\ (Morgan\ Kaufmann,\ 2006).pdf
├── Networking
│ ├── Apache\ The\ Definitive\ Guide\ 3rd\ Edition.chm
│ ├── Beej_s\ Guide\ to\ Network\ Programming\ Using\ Internet\ Sockets.pdf
│ ├── Computer\ Networks\ -\ Andrew\ S.\ Tanenbaum\ -\ SOLUTIONS.pdf
│ ├── Computer\ Networks\ Interview\ Questions.pdf
│ ├── DNS
│ │ ├── DNS\ and\ BIND,\ 5th\ Edition.chm
│ │ └── DNS\ on\ Windows\ Server\ 2003.chm
│ ├── Data_Communications_and_networking_4_(Forouzan).PDF
│ ├── Essential\ SNMP\ 2001.chm
│ ├── Ethernet
│ │ ├── Ethernet\ Definitive\ Guide\ 2000.pdf
│ │ ├── Ethernet\ Networks\ Design\ Implementation\ Organization\ and\ Management\ 4th\ Ed\ 2003.pdf
│ │ ├── Ethernet_\ The\ Definitive\ Guide\ (O_Reilly)\ -\ Charles\ E.\ Spurgeon.pdf
│ │ └── The\ Ethernet\ Evolution_\ From\ 10\ Meg\ to\ 10\ Gig\ -\ How\ it\ all\ Works!.pdf
│ ├── HTTP\ The\ Definitive\ Guide.chm
│ ├── IBM\ RedBook\ -\ Linux\ Client\ Migration_Cookbook,\ Version\ 2.pdf
│ ├── IBM\ RedBook\ -\ TCP-IP\ Tutorial\ and\ Technical\ Overview.pdf
│ ├── Kurose\ And\ Ross\ -\ Computer\ Networking\ A\ Top-Down\ Approach\ Featuring\ The\ Internet\ -\ SOLUTIONS.pdf
│ ├── Kurose\ And\ Ross\ -\ Computer\ Networking\ A\ Top-Down\ Approach\ Featuring\ The\ Internet.pdf
│ ├── Mathematical\ Foundations\ of\ Computer\ Networking\ -\ Prof\ S.\ Keshav\ -\ University\ of\ Waterloo.pdf
│ ├── Morgan.Kaufmann.Network.Routing.Algorithms.Protocols.and.Architectures.Mar.2007[by\ AllOut].pdf
│ ├── Network\ Analysis\ Architecture\ and\ Design\ -\ Morgan\ Kaufmann\ (3rd\ Ed).pdf
│ ├── Next-Generation\ Network\ Services\ (2005).chm
│ ├── O_Reilly\ -\ Using\ Samba.pdf
│ ├── O_Reilly\ Server\ Load\ Balancing.pdf
│ ├── Semantic.Web.for.the.Working.Ontologist-Morgan.Kaufmann\ =by-JuJu=.pdf
│ ├── TCP-IP
│ │ ├── Illustrated\ TCP-IP\ -\ A\ Graphic\ Guide\ To\ The\ Protocol\ Suite\ (1999)\ -\ Matthew\ Naugle.chm
│ │ ├── Internetworking\ with\ TCP-IP,\ Volume-I\ -\ Douglus\ E.\ Comer.pdf
│ │ ├── Routing\ TCP-IP,\ Volume\ II\ (CCIE\ Professional\ Development)\ -\ Jeff\ Doyle\ -\ CISCO\ Press.chm
│ │ ├── TCP\ IP\ Network\ Administration\ 3rd\ ed\ 2002.chm
│ │ ├── TCP-IP\ Analysis\ and\ Troubleshooting\ Toolkit\ 2003\ -\ Kevin\ Burns.pdf
│ │ ├── TCP-IP\ Illustrated\ Volume\ 1_\ The\ Protocols\ -\ Richard\ Stevens.chm
│ │ ├── TCP-IP\ Illustrated\ Volume\ 1_\ The\ Protocols\ -\ Richard\ Stevens.pdf
│ │ ├── TCP-IP\ Illustrated\ Volume\ 2_\ The\ Implementation\ -\ Gary\ Wright,\ Richard\ Stevens.chm
│ │ ├── TCP-IP\ Network\ Administration\ -\ Oreilly\ -\ Craig\ Hunt.pdf
│ │ └── Understanding\ IPv6\ (2003)\ -\ Joseph\ Davies\ -\ Microsoft.chm
│ ├── UNP-RichardStevens
│ │ ├── Addison\ Wesley\ Unix\ Network\ Programming\ Volume\ 1\ The\ Sockets\ Networking\ API-Lib.chm
│ │ └── Addison\ Wesley\ Unix\ Network\ Programming\ Volume\ 2\ 3E\ Interprocess\ Communication.djvu
│ ├── Understanding\ Microsoft\ Virtualization\ Solutions\ -\ Microsoft\ Press.pdf
│ ├── VoIP\ for\ Dummies\ 2005.pdf
│ ├── What\ All\ Network\ Administrators\ Know.pdf
│ ├── Wireless
│ │ ├── 802.11\ Security\ 2002.pdf
│ │ ├── 802.11\ Wireles\ Networks\ The\ Definitive\ Guide.pdf
│ │ ├── Absolute\ Beginner_s\ Guide\ to\ Wi-Fi\ Wireless\ Networking\ (2004).chm
│ │ ├── Bulletproof\ Wireless\ Security\ -\ GSM,\ UMTS,\ 802.11,\ And\ Ad\ Hoc\ Security\ 2005.pdf
│ │ ├── Caution!\ Wireless\ Networking\ Preventing\ a\ Data\ Disaster\ 2004.chm
│ │ ├── Wi-Fi\ Toys\ -\ 15\ Cool\ Wireless\ Projects\ For\ Home,\ Office,\ And\ Entertainment\ 2004.pdf
│ │ ├── Wireless\ Maximum\ Security\ 2006.chm
│ │ └── [E-Books]\ OReilly\ -\ Building\ Wireless\ Community\ Networks.pdf
│ └── o_reilly\ -\ ant-the\ definitive\ guide.pdf
├── Nginx
│ ├── Complete-NGINX-Cookbook-2019.pdf
│ ├── Deploying-NGINX-Plus-as-an-API-Gateway-eBook.pdf
│ ├── F5-BIG-IP-to-NGINX-Plus-Migration-Guide.pdf
│ ├── High-Performance-Caching-NGINX-Plus.pdf
│ └── ModSecurity_3_NGINX_Quick_Start_Guide.pdf
├── Nodejs
│ └── Node.js_in_Action_(2014).pdf
├── PHP
│ ├── Beginning\ PHP5,\ Apache,\ And\ MySQL\ Web\ Development\ (2005).pdf
│ ├── How\ To\ Do\ Everything\ With\ PHP\ _\ MySQL\ 2005.pdf
│ ├── PHP\ 5\ Fast\ _\ Easy\ Web\ Development.chm
│ ├── PHP\ _\ MySQL\ For\ Dummies,\ 2nd\ Edition.pdf
│ ├── PHP5\ _\ MYSQL\ BIBLE.pdf
│ └── Teach\ Yourself\ PHP,\ MySQL,\ And\ Apache\ All-In-One,\ 3rd\ Edition\ (2006).chm
├── PaloAltoNetwork
│ ├── aws-transit-vpc-model-deployment-guide.pdf
│ ├── pan-os-50-AdminGuide\ 9.28.12\ PM.pdf
│ └── pan-os-50-AdminGuide.pdf
├── ProgrammingContests
│ ├── Art_of_Programming_Contest_SE_for_uva.pdf
│ └── Programming_Challenges.pdf
├── Python
│ ├── Core\ Python\ Programming.chm
│ ├── Data\ Structures\ and\ Algorithms\ with\ Object-Oriented\ Design\ Patterns\ in\ Python\ -\ Bruno\ R.\ Preiss.chm
│ ├── Hack\ a\ Mobile\ Phone\ with\ Linux\ and\ Python.pdf
│ ├── Must\ Read\ -\ Dive\ Into\ Python\ -\ Mark\ Pilgrim.pdf
│ ├── Natural\ Language\ Processing\ with\ Python\ (2009).pdf
│ ├── O'Reilly\ Learning\ Python\ (3rd\ Edition)\ Mark\ Lutz.pdf
│ ├── OReilly\ -\ Python\ Standard\ Library.chm
│ ├── Programming\ Python,\ 3rd\ Edition\ (2006)\ -\ Mark\ Lutz.chm
│ ├── Python\ 2.1\ Bible\ (2001).pdf
│ ├── Python\ Network\ Programming.pdf
│ ├── Python\ Testing\ -\ Beginner's\ Guide\ (2010).pdf
│ ├── Python\ _\ XML\ -\ XML\ Processing\ with\ Python,\ First\ Edition\ (2002).pdf
│ ├── PythonLanguageReferenceManual2.5.pdf
│ ├── Rapid\ Web\ Applications\ With\ TurboGears\ -\ Using\ Python\ To\ Create\ Ajax-Powered\ Sites\ (2006).chm
│ ├── The\ Definitive\ Guide\ to\ Jython\ -\ Python\ for\ the\ Java\ Platform\ (2010).pdf
│ ├── byteofpython.pdf
│ ├── python\ programming\ -\ an\ introduction\ to\ computer\ science.pdf
│ └── thinkpython.pdf
├── README.md
├── Ruby
│ ├── Carlson\ -\ Ruby\ Cookbook\ (O'Reilly,\ 2006).chm
│ ├── Clinton\ -\ Ruby\ Phrasebook\ [programming]\ (AW,\ 2008).pdf
│ ├── Cooper\ -\ Beginning\ Ruby\ -\ From\ Novice\ to\ Pro\ (Apress,\ 2007).pdf
│ ├── Fitzgerald\ -\ Learning\ Ruby\ (O'Reilly,\ 2007).pdf
│ ├── Flanagan\ -\ The\ Ruby\ Programming\ Language\ (O'Reilly,\ 2008).chm
│ ├── Programming\ Ruby\ -\ Dave\ Thomas.pdf
│ ├── Rajshekhar\ -\ Building\ Dynamic\ Web\ 2.0\ Websites\ with\ Ruby\ on\ Rails\ (Packt,\ 2008).pdf
│ ├── Rappin\ -\ Professional\ Ruby\ on\ Rails\ (Wrox,\ 2008).pdf
│ ├── TheLittleBookOfRuby.pdf
│ ├── Thomas\ D.Programming\ in\ Ruby.2000.pdf
│ └── oscon05.pdf
├── SRE
│ └── SRS.pdf
├── Websites
│ ├── Building_Scalable_Web_Sites.pdf
│ └── OReilly.High.Performance.Web.Sites.Sep.2007.pdf
├── XML
│ ├── Addison\ Wesley\ -\ Essential\ Xml\ Quick\ Reference\ (Xml,\ Xpath,\ Xslt,\ Xml\ Schema,\ Soap\ And\ More)\ -\ 20.pdf
│ ├── Deitel\ -\ XML\ -\ How\ to\ Program\ (Prentice,\ 2000).pdf
│ ├── Essential\ XML-Quick\ Reference\ -\ Aaron\ Skonnard,\ Martin\ Gudgin.pdf
│ ├── HowToProgramXML.pdf
│ ├── Java\ and\ XML,\ 2nd\ 2001.pdf
│ ├── OReilly\ -\ Learning\ XML\ -\ Erik\ T.\ Ray.pdf
│ ├── OReilly\ -\ XML\ Schema\ -\ Eric\ van\ der\ Vlist.pdf
│ ├── OReilly.Python.and.XML.pdf
│ ├── XML\ 1.1\ Bible,\ 3rd\ Edition.pdf
│ ├── XML\ Bible(2ndEd).pdf
│ ├── XML\ Programming\ Bible\ (2003).pdf
│ └── XML\ Security\ (2002).pdf
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│ └── ng-book2-angular-5-r67.pdf
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│ └── 05db7df4f31840f0a873d6ea14dcc28d.pdf
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│ ├── Erica-Gamets-GREP-Cheat-Sheet.pdf
│ ├── Introducing\ Regular\ Expressions_\ Unraveling\ Regular\ Expressions,\ Step-by-Step\ [Fitzgerald\ 2012-08-03].pdf
│ ├── Mastering\ Regular\ Expressions?\210精?\200\232正?\210\231表达?\217\ 第?\211?\211\210?\211.pdf
│ ├── Regular\ Expressions\ Cookbook_\ Detailed\ Solutions\ in\ Eight\ Programming\ Languages\ (2nd\ ed.)\ [Goyvaerts\ &\ Levithan\ 2012-09-06].pdf
│ ├── Regular-Expressions.pdf
│ ├── Regular_Expression_Pocket_Reference_2nd_Ed.pdf
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│ ├── Kubernetes\ in\ Action.pdf
│ ├── Managing_Kubernetes.pdf
│ ├── The\ Kubernetes\ Book\ ?\200\223\ Version\ 2.2\ -\ January\ 2018.epub
│ ├── TheNewStack_Book101_KubernetesSolutionsDirectory.pdf
│ ├── TheNewStack_Book1_TheStateOfTheKubernetesEcosystem.pdf
│ ├── TheNewStack_Book2_KubernetesDeploymentAndSecurityPatterns.pdf
│ ├── TheNewStack_Book3_CICDwithKubernetes.pdf
│ ├── TheNewStack_UseCasesForKubernetes.pdf
│ ├── Ultimate_Kubernetes_Security_Guide_from_Neuvector.pdf
│ ├── borg,omega,\ and\ kubernetes.pdf
│ └── kubernetes_upandrunning.pdf
├── loadbalancer
│ └── Load-Balancing-in-the-Cloud-AWS-NGINX-Plus.pdf
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