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Compiling the fortran versions

amollen edited this page Dec 16, 2014 · 17 revisions

Below, details of compiling the fortran versions of SFINCS on various computational systems are discussed.

For large problem sizes (i.e. high resolution), superlu_dist seems to work better than mumps. (Mumps returns a range of strange error messages.) Therefore it is recommended that you use superlu_dist rather than mumps by setting whichParallelSolverToFactorPreconditioner = 2 in input.namelist.

Superlu_dist had a bug prior to version 3.3 which causes SFINCS to sometimes return NaN, or to require many more iterations of the Krylov solver than necessary. Therefore be sure to use superlu_dist version no earlier than 3.3. On Cray computational systems, superlu_dist is included in a "cray-tpsl" module, and you can run module help cray-tpsl to check which version of superlu_dist is being used.

NERSC Edison

The following procedure worked as of 22 Feb 2014.

First, enter the following commands from the sfincs/fortran/singleSpecies/ and/or sfincs/fortran/multiSpecies/ directories:

cp makefile.edison makefile  
module load cray-petsc  
module load cray-hdf5-parallel
make all

(Note that this procedure uses the default compiler, intel.) During compiling I get this warning several times

ifort: command line warning #10120: overriding '-xAVX' with '-msse3'

as well as this warning during linking:

/opt/cray/hdf5-parallel/1.8.11/INTEL/130/lib/libhdf5_parallel.a(H5PL.o): In function `H5PL_load':
H5PL.c:(.text+0x393): warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking

But SFINCS seems to run fine nonetheless.

IPP Hydra cluster:

OBSERVE: It seems as Petsc has a compatibility problem with the IBM implementation of MPI, which is the standard used at Hydra. Errors arise for large problems, when many MPI messages are sent and received. It is therefore recommended to fully avoid the IBM parallel environment, and use intel MPI instead.

The following procedure worked as of 16 Dec 2014.

Load the following modules:

module switch intel/14.0
module unload
module load
module switch mkl/11.1
module load petsc-real/3.5.2

Set path to HDF5:

export HDF5_HOME=/hydra/u/system/SLES11/soft/hdf5/1.8.11/intel13.1/
export PATH=${PATH}:${HDF5_HOME}/bin

Enter the following (tcsh) commands from the sfincs/fortran/singleSpecies/ and/or sfincs/fortran/multiSpecies/ directories to build SFINCS:

setenv SFINCS_SYSTEM hydra  
make clean  
make all  

To run one also needs to add ${HDF5_HOME}/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, i.e. add


in the job submission file. To use the intel parallel environment use

# @ job_type = mpich

in the job submission file, and submit the parallel job with mpiexec instead of poe.

As an example to run interactively with 8 processes:


Create a file named host.list with a line localhost (i.e. 8 lines in this example) for each processor you intend to use, in the simulation directory.

poe ./sfincs -procs 8  

Chalmers University, C3SE Glenn cluster

The following procedure worked as of 31 Oct 2014.

Configure your github account. Download and install CMake. Download and install Valgrind.

Do not use the pgi compiler. Here we use gcc. Download and install PETSc (we used petsc-3.5.2):

export PETSC_DIR=$HOME/petsc-3.5.2 (or where you put petsc)
export PETSC_ARCH=linux-glenn-mpi-real
module load gcc/4.7/4.7.3
module load openmpi/1.5.4
module load acml/gfortran64_fma4_mp/5.3.0
./configure --configModules=PETSc.Configure --optionsModule=PETSc.compilerOptions PETSC_ARCH=linux-glenn-mpi-real --with-large-file-io=1 --with-shared-libraries --with-debugging=no --known-mpi-shared-libraries=0 --with-mpi=1 with-mpi-dir=$MPI_HOME --with-mpiexec=mpirun --with-blacs=1 --with-blacs-lib=/c3se/apps/Glenn/ScaLAPACK/2.0.1-gcc46_openmpi15/lib/libscalapack.a --with-blacs-include=. --with-scalapack=1 --with-scalapack-lib=/c3se/apps/Glenn/ScaLAPACK/2.0.1-gcc46_openmpi15/lib/libscalapack.a --with-scalapack-include=. --with-blas-lapack-dir=/c3se/apps/Common/acml/5.3.0/gfortran64_fma4_mp/lib --with-fftw=0 --with-x=0 --with-batch=1 --with-hdf5=1 --with-hdf5-dir=/c3se/apps/Glenn/hdf5/1.8.9-gcc4.7-openmpi1.5.3/ --with-metis=1 --download-metis --with-superlu_dist=1 --download-superlu_dist --with-parmetis=1 --download-parmetis --with-valgrind=1 --with-valgrind-dir=YOUR_PATH_TO_VALGRIND
(notice that you have to change YOUR_PATH_TO_VALGRIND to your Valgrind installation)

Then follow the instructions from configure about submitting a batch configure script and running reconfigure.

make all test

Clone a copy of SFINCS from github and enter the version you want to build:

export SFINCS_SYSTEM=glenn
make clean
make all