vimflowy is a vim plugin which implements a simple and elegant outliner tool like workflowy. It is based on vimoutliner and the document is still vimoutliner's.
- simple and elegant
- based on plain text file, you can open it everywhere and on every platform, with or without internet access.
- easy to navigate among items
- complete tasks will be archived and append a time stamp
- extensible with other vim plugins (VOoM and universal text linking)
Ouliner,highlights, folding and done mark
Keyword Filtering
Using pathogen is strongly encouraged.
git clone git:// .vim/bundle/vimflowy
- Open a .otl file and the plugin will be automatically loaded
- In the insert mode, you can use TAB key to indent items to build a structured outliner.
- In the normal mode, you can use TAB key to expand/collapse the current line.
- If one line starts with colon(:) or semicolon (;), it will displayed as supplement text.
- You can use zs to filter out lines containing the word under the cursor and zn to show all lines
- Once a line is done, simply use ,,dn to archive this item (and all its descendants) to a sibling DONE node and append it's finishing time.
- TAB: demote a heading in insert mode and expand/collapse nodes in normal mode
- ,,N(N=0~9): collapse to level N node, when N=0, collapse all
- zs: filter lines containing word under the cursor
- zn: equal to ,,0
- ,,dn: mark one line as done and append the time stamp
- ,,t: insert time
- ,,d: insert date
- color scheme: Please modify colors/vo_dark.vim