Slice is an ultra-simple, Python-based, in-memory key-value store that communicates using the RESP protocol (redis use this for communication).
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Building a database from scratch can be an exhilarating experience. With Slice, you can:
- build a database from scratch
- learn database internals, starting with Redis
- learn about advanced data structures, algorithms, and event loops (io multiplexing)
- collaborate with other engineers and contribute back to Open Source
While production use of Slice might not be ideal, it offers a perfect platform for:
Educational Purposes: Learn the fundamentals of key-value stores and database systems in a practical way. Experimentation and Prototyping: Rapidly test and validate data storage concepts for small-scale projects. Building a Foundation for Redis: Get comfortable with the RESP protocol used by Redis before diving into the full-fledged server.
To run SliceDB locally, you'll need:
You'll need:
- Python 3+
- A supported platform environment:
- Linux-based environment
- OSX (Darwin) based environment
$ git clone
$ cd slice-db
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ mv .example.env .env
$ python3
You'll need:
- Docker
$ git clone
$ cd slice-db
$ mv .example.env .env
$ docker compose up -d
Slice communicates in the Redis dialect, allowing seamless integration with any Redis client. To interact with Slice:
- Use a Redis CLI for quick access.
- Programmatically connect using your preferred Redis library in the language of your choice.
import redis
client = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)
client.set('key', 'value')
print(client.get('key')) # Output: b'value'
Ready to dive into Slice? Join our community and contribute to the project on GitHub. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, there's room for everyone to learn and grow together.