This Magento extension add a system of tickets into orders. It helps then to improve communication between customers and after-sale service.
- Customers can add message to their orders
- Administrators can reply to these message in BO
- Administrators can change status of a chat
- Different message can be seen in BO in a global grid, into orders and into customer account
- Administrators can create new ticket directly in BO or delete them
- Email notification send to administrator about new tickets posted by customers
- Possibility of disabling answer for closed tickets
- Install extension through Magento downloader or with pear. Extension can be found on Magento Connect Order Tickets page.
- Refresh Cache
- If you use Magento Compilation, run compilation process through back office (System > Tools > Compilation)
- For receiving automatically email about new tickets set correct email recipients in BO System > Configuration > Sales > Orders tickets
- You can also change frequency for receiving this emails by changing cron
expression at the same place.
By default emails are send every day at 2:42 and 14:42
More about cron expression
This extension is compatible with:
- Magento CE 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8
- Magento EE 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13
Extension available in:
- English
- French
- Spanish
If you find a bug, you can create a ticket.
Check Magento Connect Order Tickets page for more details.
Order tickets extension is licensed under AFL 3.0 license.