docker build --no-cache -t eclipse/che-plugin-registry .
Where --no-cache
is needed to prevent usage of cached layers with plugin registry files.
Useful when you change plugin metadata files and rebuild the image.
Note that the Dockerfiles feature multi-stage build, so it requires Docker of version 17.05 and higher.
Though you may also just provide the image to the older versions of Docker (ex. on Minishift) by having it build on newer version, and pushing and pulling it from Docker Hub.
image would be rebuilt after each commit in master
You can deploy Che plugin registry on Openshift with command.
oc new-app -f openshift/che-plugin-registry.yml \
-p IMAGE="eclipse/che-plugin-registry" \
-p IMAGE_TAG="latest" \
-p PULL_POLICY="IfNotPresent"
You can deploy Che plugin registry on Kubernetes using helm. For example if you want to deploy it in the namespace kube-che
and you are using minikube
you can use the following command.
DOMAIN="$(minikube ip).nip.io"
helm upgrade --install che-plugin-registry \
--debug \
--namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
--set global.ingressDomain=${DOMAIN} \
You can use the following command to uninstall it.
helm delete --purge che-plugin-registry
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 eclipse/che-plugin-registry
Here is an overview of all fields that can be present in plugin meta YAML files
field name in YAML | description | mandatory |
id | plugin ID | yes |
version | plugin version | yes |
type | plugin type | yes |
name | plugin name | yes |
title | plugin title | yes |
description | plugin description | yes |
icon | URL to plugin icon (must be in SVG format) | yes |
url | an URL to the plugin source | yes |
publisher | name of plugin publisher | yes |
repository | URL to repository of the plugin | yes |
category | plugin category | yes1 |
firstPublicationDate | date of publishing the plugin (in ISO 8601) | no2 |
latestUpdateDate | date of latest plugin update (in ISO 8601) | no3 |
preview | a URL to devfile, to preview this plugin | no |
tags | a list of tags, related to this plugin | no |
mediaImage | links for images showcasing the plugin | no |
mediaVideo | links for video showcasing the plugin | no |
attributes | a map of special attributes, can be used for instance, imported plugins from VS Code | no |
1 - Category must be equal to one of the following: "Editor", "Debugger", "Formatter", "Language", "Linter", "Snippet", "Theme", "Other"
2 - firstPublicationDate is not required to be present in YAML, as if not present, it will be generated during Plugin Registry dockerimage build
3 - latestUpdateDate is not required to be present in YAML, as it will be generated during Plugin Registry dockerimage build
At the moment, some of these fields (that are related to plugin viewer) are validated during the Plugin Registry dockerimage build.
curl "http://localhost:8080/plugins/index.json"
"id": "org.eclipse.che.editor.theia",
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "Che Editor",
"name": "theia-ide",
"description": "Eclipse Theia",
"links": {
"self": "/plugins/org.eclipse.che.editor.theia/1.0.0/meta.yaml"
"id": "che-service-plugin",
"version": "0.0.1",
"type": "Che Plugin",
"name": "Che Service",
"description": "Che Plug-in with Theia plug-in and container definition providing a service",
"links": {
"self": "/plugins/che-service-plugin/0.0.1/meta.yaml"
"id": "che-dummy-plugin",
"version": "0.0.1",
"type": "Che Plugin",
"name": "Che dummy plugin",
"description": "A hello world theia plug-in wrapped into a Che Plug-in",
"links": {
"self": "/plugins/che-dummy-plugin/0.0.1/meta.yaml"
curl "http://localhost:8080/plugins/org.eclipse.che.editor.theia/1.0.0/meta.yaml"
id: org.eclipse.che.editor.theia
version: 1.0.0
type: Che Editor
name: theia-ide
title: Eclipse Theia for Eclipse Che
description: Eclipse Theia
icon: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/929088242456190976/xjkS2L-0_400x400.jpg
url: https://github.com/ws-skeleton/che-editor-theia/releases/download/untagged-892e01b21d0145207b0f/che-editor-plugin.tar.gz
Che is open sourced under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.