EDA and Geospatial Analysis of 7k restaurants in Bengaluru based on their Cuisine, Cost, Rating, location etc. The purpose of the analysis is to find out the best area of opportunity to set up HoReCa (Hotel,Restaurant,Cafe) business in Bangalore. Also to figure out the competitive cusines and price points to offer to the customers for best turnover.
WARNING: Geospatial interactive visualization are done through Folium maps. These custom JavaScript plots, will not work in your repository on GitHub.
So, in short, interactive features of Jupyter notebooks like the folium maps won't be rendered when you add them in a github repository.
As a workaround, you can use nbviewer as mentioned below. You just need to put the github link of your notebook in nbviewer and all your maps will be rendered there as they would normally be in a jupyter notebook.
Please visit https://nbviewer.org/github/lavahammer/Zomato_Geospatial_Analysis/blob/main/Zomato_Geospatial_Analysis.ipynb