Littlebird Grid is a virtual world built on the frameworks provided by the @OpenSimulator and @SLViewer projects. Littlebird is unique is many ways! We've been working on the viewer code base to completely revamp the resident's experience. We're also actively refitting the simulatoion software on the server-side to improve overall performance, usability and scalability.
- Coming soon...
~~codestuffings for administrative pleasure!~~
- Improve collision detection
- Improve Avatar-Avatar Physics Events
- standardized dynamic context menus
- raycasting
- rewrite LSL/OSSL Libraries
- Develop a better mesh rendering platform
- extend hovertext operation on in-world onjects
- resident avatars
- improve world map & local minimap (connect to bordering regions)
- Developer System Library: HUDs and attachments, clothing, bodyparts, etc
- Rebuild the world around the viewer!
- extend particle engine
- improve prims manipulations (twisting, hollow, cut, etc)
- add more post-processing effects
- alter sky, sun, moon, stars, windlight settings
- more...