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Final project for the Robot Programming & Control course @ UniVR


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MoveIt interface for a simulated COMAU e.DO™ manipulator

This repository contains the code for the final project of the Robot Programming and Control course @UniVR.

The project is a ROS package that implements a MoveIt interface for the control of a simulated COMAU e.DO™ robotic manipulator. The package also covers the bringup of the robot in a Gazebo simulation, with the possibility of using Rviz for the path planning with MoveIt or a rqt plugin for the manual control of the robot's joints.

Table Of Contents


The package was developed and tested on Ubuntu 20.04. Compatibility with other distros or other operating systems is not guaranteed.

The package requires a ROS Noetic installation, as well as the MoveIt and Gazebo ROS packages, which can be installed with:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-moveit ros-noetic-moveit-* ros-noetic-joint-trajectory-controller ros-noetic-gazebo-*

If catkin_make gives errors about missing make recipes for some libraries, try to execute the above install with the --reinstall flag to make sure you have the latest version of the packages.

The package can then be installed as any other ROS package:

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd .. && catkin_make

If catkin_make gives errors related to Gazebo, it is suggested to reinstall the related ROS packages. For Gazebo version 11 this is done as follows:

sudo apt-get purge libgazebo11-dev
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgazebo11-dev ros-noetic-gazebo-*


The entry point for the package is the edo.launch file. The launch file sets up the Gazebo simulation, initializes MoveIt's Move Group Interface and launches the main ROS node that offers user interaction. The launch file can be launched as-is, alongside a MoveIt plugin for Rviz or alongside a rqt GUI for the manual control of the robot. As is always the case, before launching the launch file both ROS and the workspace must be sourced by executing:

source {PATH_TO_ROS}/setup.bash && source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

where {PATH_TO_ROS} is the path of the ROS installation, typically:


Standalone execution

The package can be launched as-is by executing:

roslaunch edo edo.launch

The launch file sets up the Gazebo simulation, initializes MoveIt and launches the ROS node that handles user interaction. In this case user interaction is achieved with a console commands approach, in which the user inputs commands via the terminal, which are then excecuted by the ROS node.

Execution with Rviz

The package can be launched alongside the Rviz plugin by executing:

roslaunch edo edo.launch rviz:=true

The launch file does everything the standalone case does, with the addition of launching an Rviz interface for the interactive plannig of motions. In this case user interaction is achieved with a more direct approach, in which the user manually jogs the robot by moving its end effector, then planning the trajectory between the starting and end points using MoveIt's planner.

Execution with rqt GUI

The package can be launched alongside the rqt GUI by executing:

roslaunch edo edo.launch edo_gui:=true

The launch file does everything the standalone case does, with the addition of launching an rqt-gui interface. In this case user interaction is achieved by direct manipulation of the joints of the robot, with the use of a set of sliders.

Terminating the execution

To terminate the execution, in the terminal where edo.launch was launched, first kill the instance of EdoConsole by issuing the command:


Then, once the process exits, terminate the EdoMoveGroupInterface by pressing CTRL+C.

Sample tasks

Pick and place

The edo_move_group_interface node implements a pick-and-place task parameterized on the markers on the work surface. Through the command line, one can set up the task with the command:

pnp_target S

that spawns a sphere in the given marker.

Once the task has been set up, it can be executed by executing the command:

pnp S E

The robot should then move above the S marker, lower itself on the marker location and close the gripper, grasping the sphere. Then the robot should move back to the approach location. Finally it should move above the E marker, lower itself on the marker location, open the gripper and release the sphere. It should then first return to the approach location and then end the task by returning to the home position.

The resulting execution should be similar to this:

Note that different behaviors can arise during different executions, depending on the optimization steps performed by the planner.

Cartesian path planning

The edo_move_group_interface node implements a cartesian trajectory planning task between four given markers on the work surface. Note that not all four-marker combinations result in a feasible cartesian path. For instance having two consecutive markers from the inner region (i.e. I through L and O through R) results in a failed plan, because the manipulator is too close to the joint limits.

To plan and execute the path one can execute the command:

cartesian S E A W

The robot should then move in a straight line from S to E, then from E to A, then from A to W, then finally from W to S.

The resulting execution should be similar to this:

Implementation details

Workspace modeling and URDF integration

The work area was modeled to be as similar as possible to the real-life workspace of the COMAU e.DO™ robotic manipulator in the UniVR IceLab. The manipulator is placed on a table of dimension (1.30x1.30x0.83), on which is also placed a replica of e.DO™'s working board, which is a mat that shows the x-y cartesian axes as well as some known positions marked with letters.

e.DO™ working board

The creation of the model of the table was divided into two steps. In the first step, digital models of the table and working board were created. The 3D model of the table was created using Blender, starting from the measured dimensions of the real one. The working board was replicated in CAD, and then used as a texture to be placed on top of the 3D model. The resulting 3D model was then exported in .dae format, which is the preferred file format for importing 3D models into Gazebo.

In the second step the model was actually imported into the Gazebo simulation. This was achieved by adding an additional link between the world and the base link of the robot, in the edo.xacro file.

Resulting model

The mesh obtained in Blender was used only for the visual appearance of the workspace. For the collision properties, a box with the same dimensions as the table was used. This helps reduce the loss of computation time while processing collision checks.

MoveGroupInterface implementation

The simplest MoveIt user interface is the MoveGroupinterface, which is a set of wrappers that provide functions to cover most of the basic operations, such as setting joint or cartesian space goals, creating motion plans, moving the robot, adding objects in the environment and attaching/detaching them from the robot.

The interface is implemented by the node.

The node has three main attributes:

  • robot, a RobotCommander instance that handles the physical structure of the robot itself, providing link and group names as well as information on the current state.
  • scene, a PlanningSceneInterface instance that handles the robot's knowledge of the surrounding environment, providing methods to add/remove objects from the world and attaching/detaching them from the robot.
  • edo_move_group, a MoveGroupCommander instance that handles the planning and execution of robot motions, providing methods for path planning, setting joint or cartesian space goals, information on the joint states and the spatial configuration of the robot's end-effector.

The node implements all basic capabilities of the MoveGroupInterface and PlanningSceneInterface classes, namely:

  • Moving the robot to a desired joint goal, with the go_to_joint_state function.

    This is implented by directly passing the joint state goal to the MoveGroup's go function.

  • Moving the robot to a desired pose goal, with the go_to_pose_goal function.

    This is implemented by fist setting the MoveGroup's pose target, and then by calling the go function.

  • Moving the robot to a desired xyz coordinate with a given rpy orientation of the end-effector, with the go_to_xyz_rpy function.

    This is implemented with the above descripted go_to_pose_goal function. The target pose is computed with the pose_from_xyz_rpy function, which takes as input the xyz coordinates and rpy orientations and constructs a Pose message with them. The quaternion representing the orientation is computed from rpy with the quaternion_from_euler function of the tf.transformations module.

  • The planning of paths in cartesian space, with the plan_cartesian_path function.

    This is implemented simply by passing a list of waypoints to the MoveGroup's compute_cartesian_path function, which also takes as arguments an end-effector step value, for the generation of intermediate points between the provided waypoints, and a jump threshold, which controls the check for infeasible jumps in the joint space. By default the end-effector step is set to 0.0001 and the jump threshold is set to 0, disabling the jump check.

  • The execution of the computed plan, with the execute_plan function.

    This is just a wrapper around the MoveGroup's own execute function.

  • The spawning of objects in the world, with the spawn_model function.

    This is implemented by calling Gazebo's spawn_urdf_model service to make the model visually appear in the scene, and then by calling the PlanningSceneInterface's appropriate method (add_box, add_sphere or add_mesh) in order to add the object to the planning scene, so that the planner takes it into account while computing motion plans.

  • The removal of objects from the world, with the delete_model function.

    This is implemented by calling Gazebo's delete_model service to remove the object from the scene, and then by calling the PlanningSceneInterface's remove_world_object method, in order to remove the object from the planning scene.

The node also implements the control of the gripper, with the set_gripper_span function. The function interacts with the node, which actually handles the control of the gripper.

Finally, the node implements utility functions, such as the printing of the pose, joint state or rpy orientation of the end-effector (respectively with the print_cartesian, print_joint and print_rpy functions), the setting and reaching of the home position (with the set_home and go_home functions) and the motion of the robot to one of the known markers (with the go_to_marker function).

IKFast inverse kinematics plugin

IKFast is an analytical inverse kinematics solver plugin part of the OpenRAVE motion planning environment.

It has been choosen instead of MoveIt's default KDL plugin because the latter did not perform acceptably with e.DO™. Specifically, an high failure rate in the planning stage and a long computation time were observed. It is reported that IKFast has an higher success rate in trajectory planning compared to KDL, as well as a much faster computation time.

To use IKFast with e.DO™, the plugin package was generated by following the tutorial, and then merged into the edo package. Then in the kinematics.yaml file the correct plugin was indicated in the kinematics_solver property.


The end effector mounted on the manipulator is a linear gripper with two fingers that is installed on the wrist of the robot. The prismatic joint allows a linear movement, to open and close the two fingers like so:

e.DO™ gripper

The gripper is managed by the node. The node subscribes to the following topics:

  • set_gripper_span, which accepts a Float32 message containing the desired width of the gripper.
  • joint_states, which accepts a JointState message containing the current state of the joints, which is used to update the current gripper's width.

Once a message is received on the set_gripper_span topic, the node computes the correct angle values for the fingers of the gripper, publishing the results on the following topics:

  • edo_gripper_left_base_controller, Float64 message.
  • edo_gripper_left_finger_controller, Float64 message.
  • edo_gripper_right_base_controller, Float64 message.
  • edo_gripper_right_finger_controller, Float64 message.

The values for the fingers are computed with a "magic formula", that comes from the linear regression of manual measures of the span of the gripper and the angle of the base fingers.

The node also publishes the current status and width of the gripper on the following topics:

  • edo_gripper_state, Int8 message containing 1 or 0 if the gripper is, respectively, moving or not.
  • edo_gripper_span, Float32 message containing the current width of the gripper.

The gripper's width is updated with the update function, which is called within a 10Hz control loop. The width is computed by inverting the previously described "magic formula".

Gazebo Grasp Fix Plugin

The Gazebo grasp fix plugin is a package used in order to achieve a realistic grasp behavior. This is needed because Gazebo is not yet optimized to handle grasping interactions between objects.

The package was cloned from source and merged into the edo package. The plugin is then loaded in the edo_gripper_dummy.xacro file. The adopted settings for the plugin are:

  • gripper_link: edo_gripper_left_finger_link and edo_gripper_left_finger_link
  • forces_angle_tolerance: 90
  • update_rate: 32
  • grip_count_threshold: 1
  • max_grip_count: 2
  • release_tolerance: 0.005
  • disable_collisions_on_attach: true

The meaning of each parameter is explained on the github page of the plugin. These parameters were tuned during development, until the resulting grasp was reliable and realistic enough.

The plugin basically works by checking if two opposing forces are applied by the gripper links on an object. If they are, the object is fixed to the end-effector link. When this check fails, the object is released.



The main user interaction with the robot is through a terminal-like interface implemented by the node.

The node abstracts the handling of console commands, which are supplied as a dictionary like:

"command" : { "desc" : "Command description",
              "args" : [arg1, arg2, ...],
              "types" : [type(arg1), type(arg2), ...],
              "callback" : function() }

The node automatically handles the casting of the strings coming from the console to the correct types, and the call to the specified callback function.

The implemented commands are:

  • kill : Kills the execution
  • set joint angle: Sets the given joint to the given angle in degrees
  • move joint angle: Moves the given joint by the given angle in degrees
  • set_gripper span: Sets the gripper's span to the given width in millimeters
  • goto marker: Moves the robot to the given marker
  • home : Moves the robot to the home position
  • set_home : Sets the current joint state as the home position
  • print_joint : Prints the current joint state
  • print_cartesian : Prints the current pose
  • print_rpy : Prints the current rpy orientation of the EE
  • pnp markerA marker B : Executes pick and place between markerA and markerB
  • pnp_target marker: Spawns a sphere for pick and place in the given marker
  • cartesian m1 m2 m3 m4: Plans and executes a cartesian path between the given markers
  • spawn marker shape: Spawns a shape at the given marker. Available shapes are 'box', 'cylinder' and 'sphere'.
  • delete name: Deletes the shape with the given name



To offer a more intuitive way of manipulating the robot, a GUI was implemented, based on the joint_trajectory_controller plugin for rqt.

The plugin was modified by adding a slider for the control of the gripper and by removing the interface for the choosing of the arm controller and namespace, since both values are already known. The main edits to the plugin are in the file.

Pick and place sample task

First of all, the robot was jogged manually using the rqt plugin in order to register the xyz coordinates of all markers on the working board, as well as the corresponding rpy orientation of the end effector.

The pick_and_place function takes as arguments the marker where to pick the sphere and the marker where to place it. The task is divided in several steps:

  • Pick approach: the end-effector goes 5 millimeters above the pick marker, then the gripper fully opens.
  • Pick: the end effector lowers itself on the pick marker, then the gripper closes and grasps the sphere.
  • Pick approach: the end-effector goes back to the pick approach location.
  • Place approach: the end-effector goes 5 millimeters above the place marker
  • Place: the end-effector lowers itself on the place marker, then the gripper opens and the sphere is released.
  • Place approach: the end-effector goes back to the place approach location.
  • Homing: the robot returns to the home position.

In the pick step the sphere, if it exists, is attached to the end-effector in the planning scene. This ensures that in the following steps the planner will take into account the bounding box of the sphere for collision checking, as well as its mass and inertia. In the place step the sphere, if a sphere was picked, is detached from the end-effector in the planning scene.

The gripper span set for the pick step is smaller (23 mm) than the actual diameter of the sphere (25 mm). This helps in consistently achieving the grasp. In a real robot this value should probably be closer to the actual width of the object to be picked, but still slightly smaller in order to actually apply strong enough forces for the grasp.

Cartesian path planning sample task

The cartesian function takes as arguments four markers between which to plan a cartesian trajectory. It does so by first computing a corresponding list of four poses, which is then passed to the MoveGroupInterface's plan_cartesian_path function. The planner returns a motion plan and a numeric value representing the fraction of the path that it was able to generate successfully. If the fraction is equal to 1, i.e. if all of the path was generated, the plan is then executed.


The URDF models for the robot and the gripper have been adapted from eDO_description and edo_gripper.

The configuration for the Gazebo simulation and Rviz visualization has been adapted from edo_gazebo and edo_gripper.

The package uses the Gazebo grasp fix plugin.

The rqt plugin for the slider control of the joints is based on the joint_trajectory_controller plugin.


Final project for the Robot Programming & Control course @ UniVR





