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Feature ‐ Non‐Latin Literal Multiple Literals in single bnode

Matt Miller edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 1 revision

There is a need to allow multiple literals with the same predicate to enable non-latin cataloging in BF 2.0 In Marva you can add a second literal in some fields that allow you to enter another literal which you can then change the language of, for example the interface for title allows you add a second literal:


In BF 2.0 this would become this blank node:

    <bf:mainTitle>Naqsh-i Yahūd dar ishghāl-i ʻIrāq</bf:mainTitle>
    <bf:mainTitle xml:lang="fa-arab">نقش يهود در اشغال عراق</bf:mainTitle>

In the BF Pilot we only really used this feature in two components, the title and provision activity on the instance: image