Sync Gitlab Issues into a Microsoft Project File. Use it if you use MS Project for the general project planning but want to keep the Issues in Gitlab as a part of your project planning to follow the process progess.
Currently only Information from Gitlab Issues are inserted and updated within the Project File. Changes in synchronised fields will be overwritten.
The following MS Project attributes are synced (overwritten) from gitlab:
- Name (from title)
- Notes (from description) removed
- Deadline (from due_date)
- Work (from time_estimate)
- Actual Work (from total_time_spent)
- Actual Start (from created_at)
- Actual Finish (from closed_at)
- Percent Complete (if Tasks given for issue, otherwise only 0% and 100% [for closed])
- Text28 (list of labels)
- Text29 (URL to gitlab issue)
- Text30 (the reference to the issue is stored there)
- Hyperlink (link/URL to gitlab issue)
- ResourceNames (from Assigned)
Moved issues will be handled if the group selected and the issue was moved within the group. Problem is that accessing issues only by ID is just allowed for admins.
This project runs only in an Windows Environment with Microsoft Project installed.
Please note: This Script has been tested only mit Microsoft Project 2016. It could be, that some of the API has changed in newer versions. If you run into any troubles with a new version, please open an Issue.
usage: sync_gitlab2msproject [-h] [--version] [-v] [-vv] [--gitlab-url GITLAB_URL] [--gitlab-token GITLAB_TOKEN] {project,group} gitlab_resource_id project_file
Sync Gitlab Issue into MS Project
positional arguments:
{project,group} Gitlab resource type to sync with
gitlab_resource_id Gitlab resource id to sync with
project_file Microsoft Project File to sync with
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose set loglevel to INFO
-vv, --very-verbose set loglevel to DEBUG
--gitlab-url GITLAB_URL
URL to the gitlab instance i.e.
--gitlab-token GITLAB_TOKEN
Gitlab personal access token
- Optional: Install pipx
- Install the package
pipx install SyncGitlab2MSProject
(or usepip
if you don't like pipx) - Push the gitlab Issue to your MS Project file:
sync_gitlab2msproject --gitlab-url --gitlab-token <your_token> group <your_group_id> ms_project_file.mpp
If you have troubles that the wrong issues are opened once you click on a Hyperlink use the following VBA Script as a workaround. Simply add the VBA script to your Ribbon and it will open all Hyperlinks of the selected tasks.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function ShellExecute _
Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" ( _
ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal Operation As String, _
ByVal Filename As String, _
Optional ByVal Parameters As String, _
Optional ByVal Directory As String, _
Optional ByVal WindowStyle As Long = vbMinimizedFocus _
) As Long
Public Sub OpenUrls()
Dim lSuccess As Long
Dim T As Task
Dim Names As String
For Each T In ActiveSelection.Tasks
lSuccess = ShellExecute(0, "Open", T.HyperlinkAddress)
Next T
End Sub
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 3.2.3. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see