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lcy1364 authored Aug 12, 2024
1 parent c5d3f55 commit c3c467e
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,919 additions and 0 deletions.
287 changes: 287 additions & 0 deletions ADNC.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@

seu <- LoadH5Seurat("./dlpfc.h5seurat")

meta <- read.csv("./dlpfc_meta.csv",row.names = 1) <- meta[rownames( ),]

seu$ADNC %<>% fct_collapse(reference = c("Reference","Not AD"))
seu$ADNC %<>% fct_rev()

gene <- rtracklayer::import("./gencode.v32.primary_assembly.annotation.gtf") %>%
gene %<>% select(gene_name,gene_id,seqnames) %>% distinct() %>% mutate(gene_id = str_remove(gene_id,"\\..*"))
gene %<>% filter(str_detect(seqnames,"chr\\d+"))

geneID_to_sym <- gene$gene_name %>% setNames(gene$gene_id)

geneSymToID <- gene$gene_id %>% setNames(gene$gene_name)
qs::qsave(seu, file = "dfpfc.qs",nthreads = 20)
seu_org <- qs::qread("./dfpfc.qs")

count <- GetAssayData(seu_org,slot = "count")
rownames(count) <- geneID_to_sym[rownames(count)]
count <- count[rownames(count) %in% gene$gene_name,]

seu <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = count, =

seu@reductions <- seu_org@reductions

qs::qsave(seu, file = "dfpfc.qs")

seu <- qs::qread("./dfpfc.qs")

seu %<>% NormalizeData() %>% ScaleData(features = c("NOSTRIN", "FLT1", "CLDN5", "SLC1A3", "MUSTN1", "AQP4", "FGFR3","GFAP", "OPALIN", "MOG", "FYB1", "APBB1IP", "PTPRC", "TYROBP","CSPG4", "PDGFRA", "MYT1", "SLC17A7", "RORB", "LINC00507", "THEMIS","FEZF2", "CCN2", "FAM84B","POU3F1","NPSR1","GAD1", "GAD2", "PVALB", "LHX6", "SST", "LAMP5", "PAX6", "VIP"))

qs::qsave(seu, file = "dfpfc.qs",nthreads = 20)

ADNC_color = MetBrewer::met.brewer(name = "Tiepolo",n = length(unique(seu$ADNC)),direction = 1) %>% setNames(c("High", "Intermediate", "Low","reference"))

ADNC_order <- c("reference", "Low", "Intermediate", "High")

subclass_color <- MetBrewer::met.brewer(name = "Juarez",n = length(unique(seu$Subclass))) %>% setNames( %>% select(Class,Subclass) %>% distinct() %>% arrange(Class,Subclass) %$% Subclass )

subclass_color <- c(Chandelier = "#A82203", Lamp5 = "#8A392C", `Lamp5 Lhx6` = "#6C5055",
Pax6 = "#4F677E", Pvalb = "#317EA7", Sncg = "#328FB4", Sst = "#5F9697",
`Sst Chodl` = "#8D9E7A", Vip = "#BAA55C", `L2/3 IT` = "#E7AD3F",
`L4 IT` = "#EBA03D", `L5 ET` = "#E38F41", `L5 IT` = "#DC7D46",
`L5/6 NP` = "#D46C4A", `L6 CT` = "#CA5F4C", `L6 IT` = "#B26546",
`L6 IT Car3` = "#9B6B40", L6b = "#837239", Astrocyte = "#6C7833",
Endothelial = "#567238", `Microglia-PVM` = "#406443", OPC = "#2B554F",
Oligodendrocyte = "#15475B", VLMC = "#003967")

{DimPlot(seu, = "Subclass",shuffle = T, = T,label = T,repel = T,raster = F,label.size = 8) + theme(legend.position = "none") + scale_color_manual(values = subclass_color) + scale_fill_manual(values = subclass_color)+ cowplot::theme_nothing()}%T>% ggsave(filename = "dlpfc_global.png",height = 7,width = 8,dpi = 300)

{DimPlot(seu, = "ADNC", = "ADNC",shuffle = T, = T,label = T,repel = T,raster = F,label.size = 8) + theme(legend.position = "none") + scale_color_manual(values = ADNC_color) + scale_fill_manual(values = ADNC_color)+ cowplot::theme_nothing()}%T>% ggsave(filename = "dlpfc_global_ADNC_umap.png",height = 7,width = 30,dpi = 300)

Idents(seu) <- "Subclass"
FeaturePlot(seu, pt.size = ,cols = c("grey80","purple","red","black"),slot = "",features = c("NOSTRIN", "FLT1", "CLDN5", "SLC1A3", "MUSTN1", "AQP4", "FGFR3","GFAP", "OPALIN", "MOG", "FYB1", "APBB1IP", "PTPRC", "TYROBP","CSPG4", "PDGFRA", "MYT1", "SLC17A7", "RORB", "LINC00507", "THEMIS","FEZF2", "CCN2", "FAM84B","POU3F1","NPSR1","GAD1", "GAD2", "PVALB", "LHX6", "SST", "LAMP5", "PAX6", "VIP"),combine = F,raster = T,raster.dpi = c(1000,1000),order = T,coord.fixed = T,label = T) %>% patchwork::wrap_plots(ncol = 5) %>%
ggsave(filename = "classic_Marker.png", height = 50,width = 45,dpi = 200,limitsize = F)

{ggplot( %>% group_by(ADNC,Subclass,Specimen.ID) %>% summarise(count = n()) %>% group_by(Specimen.ID) %>% mutate(per = count/sum(count)),mapping = aes(ADNC,y = per)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill = Subclass))+ggsignif::geom_signif(comparisons = list(c("reference","Low"),c("reference","Intermediate"),c("reference","High")),map_signif_level = T,step_increase = 0.05,margin_top = -0.3 ) + facet_wrap(~Subclass,scales = "free_y") + ggprism::theme_prism() + theme(legend.position = "none",axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1,vjust = 1))} %T>% ggsave(filename = "dlpfc_global_subclass_ratio.pdf",height = 12,width = 15,dpi = 300)

{ggplot( %>% group_by(ADNC,Class,Specimen.ID) %>% summarise(count = n()) %>% group_by(Specimen.ID) %>% mutate(per = count/sum(count)),mapping = aes(ADNC,y = per)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill = Class)) + facet_wrap(~Class,scales = "free_y") + ggsignif::geom_signif(comparisons = list(c("reference","High"),c("reference","Intermediate"),c("reference","Low")),step_increase = 0.05,margin_top = -0.3,map_signif_level = T) + ggprism::theme_prism() + theme(legend.position = "none",axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1,vjust = 1))} %T>% ggsave(filename = "dlpfc_global_class_ratio.pdf",height = 10,width = 15,dpi = 300)

seu_list <- seu %>% SplitObject("Subclass")
x = seu_list[["L6 CT"]]
degTable <- mclapply(seu_list,mc.cores = length(seu_list),function(x) {
ADNC = c("High", "Intermediate", "Low")
l = ADNC[[1]]
res <- mclapply(ADNC,mc.cores = length(ADNC),function(l){
res <- Seurat::FindMarkers(x, = "ADNC",ident.1 = l,ident.2 = NULL)
res$cluster <- l
res$gene <- rownames(res)
res$subclass <- x$Subclass[[1]]
}) %>% purrr::reduce(rbind)
) %>% purrr::reduce(rbind)
degTable %>% write.csv("dlpfc_adnc_deg.csv")

{ggplot( degTable %>% filter(p_val_adj < 0.2,avg_log2FC >0) %>%
select(subclass,cluster) %>% table %>%,aes(x = subclass,y = Freq, group = cluster, fill = cluster)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity",position = "dodge") + scale_y_log10() + ggprism::theme_prism() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1)) + MetBrewer::scale_fill_met_d(name = "Navajo")} %>%
ggsave(filename = "dlpfc_num_of_deg_up.pdf",height = 6,width = 15,dpi = 300)

{ggplot( degTable %>% filter(p_val_adj < 0.2,avg_log2FC <0) %>%
select(subclass,cluster) %>% table %>%,aes(x = subclass,y = Freq, group = cluster, fill = cluster)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity",position = "dodge") + scale_y_log10() + ggprism::theme_prism() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1)) + MetBrewer::scale_fill_met_d(name = "Navajo")} %>%
ggsave(filename = "dlpfc_num_of_deg_down.pdf",height = 6,width = 15,dpi = 300)


celltype = "L5 ET"
for (celltype in c("Astrocyte", "Chandelier", "Endothelial", "L2/3 IT", "L4 IT",
"L5 ET", "L5 IT",
"L5/6 NP", "L6 CT", "L6 IT", "L6 IT Car3",
"L6b", "Lamp5", "Lamp5 Lhx6", "Microglia-PVM", "Oligodendrocyte",
"OPC", "Pax6", "Pvalb", "Sncg", "Sst", "Sst Chodl", "Vip", "VLMC"
)) {

tmpSeu <- seu_list[[celltype]]
Idents(tmpSeu) <- "ADNC"

markers <- degTable %>% filter(avg_log2FC >0, subclass == celltype,p_val < 0.05) %>%
dplyr::group_by(gene) %>%
dplyr::top_n(n = 1,wt = avg_log2FC) %>%
ungroup %>%
dplyr::top_n(n = 15, wt = avg_log2FC) %>%
mutate(unluckGene = str_detect(gene,"\\.[0-9]$"))

markers %<>% mutate(cluster = factor(cluster,levels = ADNC_order)) %>% arrange(cluster,unluckGene)

st.dataPlot <- prepareDataFromscRNA(object = tmpSeu,
diffData = markers,
showAverage = T)

enrich <- parallel::mclapply(unique(st.dataPlot$wide.res$cluster) %>% sort,mc.cores = 4,function(i){

res <- clusterProfiler::enrichGO(gene =geneSymToID[st.dataPlot$wide.res %>% filter(cluster == i) %$% gene] ,ont = "BP",
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
keyType = "ENSEMBL", pvalueCutoff = 1,
qvalueCutoff = 0.2,
OrgDb =
if (is.null(res)) {
res@result$group <- str_c("C",i)

res@result$ratio <- sapply(res@result$GeneRatio, function(x) eval(parse(text = x)))*100

res@result %>% arrange(pvalue) %>% slice_head(n = 5) %>% dplyr::select(group,Description,pvalue,ratio)

}) %>% keep(~!is.null(.)) %>% purrr::reduce(rbind)

markGenes <- markers %>% filter(avg_log2FC >0) %>%
dplyr::group_by(cluster) %>%
arrange(unluckGene,desc(abs(avg_log2FC))) %>%
slice_head(n = 10) %$% gene

pdf(str_c("dlpfc_",str_replace(celltype,"/","_"),"_adnc_up.pdf"),height = 10/nrow(markers)*10,width = 0.5*(ncol(st.dataPlot$wide.res)-2)+9,onefile = F)
visCluster(object = st.dataPlot,
plot.type = "both",
column_names_rot = 45,
markGenes = markGenes,
sample.col = ADNC_color,
markGenes.side = "left", = enrich,
line.side = "left",ctAnno.col = ADNC_color[markers$cluster %>% unique],
cluster.order = c(1:length(unique(markers))),
go.col = ADNC_color[unique(markers$cluster)[enrich$group %>% str_extract("\\d+") %>% as.numeric()]]


markers <- degTable %>% filter(avg_log2FC <0, subclass == celltype,p_val < 0.05) %>%
dplyr::group_by(gene) %>%
dplyr::top_n(n = 1,wt = avg_log2FC) %>%
ungroup %>%
dplyr::top_n(n = 15, wt = avg_log2FC) %>%
mutate(unluckGene = str_detect(gene,"\\.[0-9]$"))

markers %<>% mutate(cluster = factor(cluster,levels = ADNC_order)) %>% arrange(cluster,unluckGene)

st.dataPlot <- prepareDataFromscRNA(object = tmpSeu,
diffData = markers,
showAverage = T)
tmp <- st.dataPlot
tmp$wide.res <- st.dataPlot$wide.res %>% filter(str_detect(gene,"\\.[0-9]$",negate = T))

enrich <- parallel::mclapply(unique(st.dataPlot$wide.res$cluster) %>% sort,mc.cores = 4,function(i){

res <- clusterProfiler::enrichGO(gene =geneSymToID[st.dataPlot$wide.res %>% filter(cluster == i) %$% gene] ,ont = "BP",
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
keyType = "ENSEMBL", pvalueCutoff = 1,
qvalueCutoff = 0.2,
OrgDb =
if (is.null(res)) {
res@result$group <- str_c("C",i)

res@result$ratio <- sapply(res@result$GeneRatio, function(x) eval(parse(text = x)))*100

res@result %>% arrange(pvalue) %>% slice_head(n = 5) %>% dplyr::select(group,Description,pvalue,ratio)

}) %>% keep(~!is.null(.)) %>% purrr::reduce(rbind)

markGenes <- markers %>% filter(avg_log2FC <0) %>%
dplyr::group_by(cluster) %>%
arrange(cluster ,unluckGene,desc(abs(avg_log2FC))) %>%
slice_head(n = 3) %$% gene

pdf(str_c("dlpfc_",str_replace(celltype,"/","_"),"_adnc_down.pdf"),height = 10/nrow(markers)*10, width = 0.5*(ncol(st.dataPlot$wide.res)-2)+9,onefile = F)
visCluster(object = st.dataPlot,
plot.type = "both",
column_names_rot = 45,
markGenes = markGenes,
sample.col = ADNC_color,
markGenes.side = "left", = enrich,
line.side = "left",
ctAnno.col = ADNC_color[markers$cluster %>% unique],
cluster.order = c(1:length(unique(markers))),
go.col = ADNC_color[unique(markers$cluster)[enrich$group %>% str_extract("\\d+") %>% as.numeric()]]


data <- %>% group_by(ADNC,Class,Specimen.ID) %>% summarise(count = n()) %>% group_by(Specimen.ID) %>% mutate(per = count/sum(count))

model <- lm(per ~ ADNC * Class, data=data)

summary_model <- summary(model)
coefficients <- summary_model$coefficients
r_squared <- summary_model$r.squared
p_value <- coefficients[2,4]

plot <- ggplot(data, aes(x=as.numeric(ADNC), y=per, group = Class,color = Class)) +
geom_point() +

geom_smooth(method='lm', se=FALSE) +
labs(title='ADNC', x='ADNC', y='percentage', color='Category') +
theme_minimal()+ labs(subtitle = str_c("R squared ",round(r_squared,digits = 2)))

plot %>% ggsave(filename = "dlpfc_adnc_regression_global.png",height = 5,width = 7)

ct = unique(data$Class)[[1]]
for (ct in unique(data$Class)) {
tmp = data %>% filter(Class == ct)

model <- lm(per ~ ADNC, data=tmp)
summary_model <- summary(model)
coefficients <- summary_model$coefficients
r_squared <- summary_model$r.squared

plot1 <- ggplot(tmp, aes(x=as.numeric(ADNC), y=per, group = Class,color = Class)) +
geom_point() +

geom_smooth(method='lm', formula = y ~ x, se=FALSE) +
labs(title='ADNC', x='ADNC', y='percentage', color='Category') + facet_wrap(~Class) +
theme_minimal()+ labs(subtitle = str_c("R squared ",round(r_squared,digits = 2)))

plot1 %>% ggsave(filename = str_c("dlpfc_adnc_regression ",ct,"_.png"),height = 5,width = 7)



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