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Debug llvm setup issue pt 6 #117

Debug llvm setup issue pt 6

Debug llvm setup issue pt 6 #117

Workflow file for this run

# ==================================================================================================
# Header
# ==================================================================================================
name: CI
on: [push, pull_request]
# on:
# pull_request:
# push:
# branches:
# - master
# - misc
# ==================================================================================================
# Jobs
# ==================================================================================================
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# We have issues with MacOS... because of reasons...
# So we have tests that are currently failing, but still want to keep them around,
# as some of them seem to be issues with Clang itself, and not with our code,
# and are hence expected to be solved with some update on their end at a later point.
# We try to use this here to have the whole workflow succeed even with these jobs failing,
# see
# --> We have deactivated the failing macos jobs for now, so let's deactivate this switch here,
# so that for now, we fail the workflow when a single job fails. That makes it easier to see
# problems down the line.
# continue-on-error: true
# ==========================================================================
# Matrix
# ==========================================================================
fail-fast: false
# -------------------------------------------------------
# matrix
# -------------------------------------------------------
- ubuntu-20.04
- ubuntu-22.04
- macos-11
- macos-12
# - gcc-5
# - gcc-6
- gcc-7
- gcc-8
- gcc-9
- gcc-10
- gcc-11
- gcc-12
- gcc-13
- llvm-5
- llvm-6
- llvm-7
- llvm-8
- llvm-9
- llvm-10
- llvm-11
- llvm-12
- llvm-13
- ON
# - OFF
# -------------------------------------------------------
# exclude
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Newer GCC versions are not available on all Ubuntu
- os: ubuntu-20.04
compiler: gcc-12
- os: ubuntu-20.04
compiler: gcc-13
- os: ubuntu-20.04
compiler: llvm-13
# Older GCC versions are not supported by Ubuntu any more
- os: ubuntu-22.04
compiler: gcc-7
- os: ubuntu-22.04
compiler: gcc-8
# llvm-9 causes weird segfauls on Ubuntu, which do not seem to be our fault.
# Need to investiage further at some point. We used setup-cpp locally to install
# the very same version of llvm-9, and got tons of segfauls for all kind of functions...
- os: ubuntu-20.04
compiler: llvm-9
- os: ubuntu-22.04
compiler: llvm-9
# We also currently exclude clang from macos, as it fails with different types of
# linker errors. As this is merely a problem in the setup, we defer solving this for now.
# Wildcards do not work here, so we have to list them all... :-(
- os: macos-11
compiler: llvm-5
- os: macos-11
compiler: llvm-6
- os: macos-11
compiler: llvm-7
- os: macos-11
compiler: llvm-8
- os: macos-11
compiler: llvm-9
- os: macos-11
compiler: llvm-10
- os: macos-11
compiler: llvm-11
- os: macos-11
compiler: llvm-12
- os: macos-11
compiler: llvm-13
- os: macos-12
compiler: llvm-5
- os: macos-12
compiler: llvm-6
- os: macos-12
compiler: llvm-7
- os: macos-12
compiler: llvm-8
- os: macos-12
compiler: llvm-9
- os: macos-12
compiler: llvm-10
- os: macos-12
compiler: llvm-11
- os: macos-12
compiler: llvm-12
- os: macos-12
compiler: llvm-13
# -------------------------------------------------------
# include
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Test the release version with both compilers and OSs
- os: ubuntu-latest
compiler: gcc
build_type: RELEASE
- os: ubuntu-latest
compiler: llvm
build_type: RELEASE
- os: macos-latest
compiler: gcc
build_type: RELEASE
- os: macos-latest
compiler: llvm
build_type: RELEASE
# Test without htslib with both compilers and OSs
- os: ubuntu-latest
compiler: gcc
htslib: OFF
- os: ubuntu-latest
compiler: llvm
htslib: OFF
- os: macos-latest
compiler: gcc
htslib: OFF
- os: macos-latest
compiler: llvm
htslib: OFF
# We test AppleClang as well, as a special case.
# - os: macos-10.15
# compiler: apple
- os: macos-11
compiler: apple
- os: macos-12
compiler: apple
# ==========================================================================
# Steps
# ==========================================================================
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/[email protected]
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Setup
# -------------------------------------------------------
- name: Setup C++
# Reference:
# uses: aminya/[email protected]
uses: aminya/[email protected]
if: matrix.compiler != 'apple'
compiler: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
cmake: true
make: true
- name: Setup C++ - AppleClang
if: matrix.compiler == 'apple'
run: |
brew install cmake
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Dependencies
# -------------------------------------------------------
- name: Install Dependencies - Ubuntu
if: runner.os == 'linux'
# 1: htslib dependencies, see
# 2: clang on ubuntu 22 is not properly set up, we need libtinfo5,
# see
# 3: Install gdb for debugging output.
run: |
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev
sudo apt-get install libtinfo5 gdb
# sudo apt-get remove autoconf
# sudo apt-get install autoconf2.64 liblzma-dev libbz2-dev
- name: Install Dependencies - MacOS
if: runner.os == 'macos'
# The commands below were try and error with the CI...
# - install simple dependencies of htslib, and for (trying to get) OpenMP
# - switch xcode mode, see
# - output xcode info for debugging, see
# - we also tried xocde-select from and
# but that did not work
# - previously, we used an htslib version that required autoconf 2.69.
# we switched now, but keep this here for reference if needed later
run: |
brew install autoconf automake libdeflate libomp gdb
if [[ "${{ matrix.compiler }}" == gcc* ]]; then
echo "Patching xcode gcc issues"
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
# xcode-select -p
# xcode-select -p
# pkgutil
# /usr/bin/xcodebuild -version
# xcode-select --install
# brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies autoconf
# brew install [email protected]
# echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin:$PATH"' >> /Users/runner/.bash_profile
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Configure
# -------------------------------------------------------
- name: Configure
run: |
# Take matrix includes into account
if [[ "${{ matrix.build_type }}" == "RELEASE" ]]; then export GENESIS_DEBUG=OFF; fi
if [[ "${{ matrix.htslib }}" == "OFF" ]]; then export GENESIS_USE_HTSLIB=OFF; fi
# Deactivate OpenMP on MacOS for now. Causes way too much trouble.
if [[ "${RUNNER_OS}" == "macOS" ]]; then export GENESIS_USE_OPENMP=OFF; fi
# Need to set the xcode patch here as well, as job steps don't keep status.
if [[ "${RUNNER_OS}" == "macOS" ]] && [[ "${{ matrix.compiler }}" == gcc* ]]; then
echo "Patching xcode gcc issues"
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
# - name: MacOS CMake debug
# if: always() && runner.os == 'macos'
# run: |
# CMAKE_OUT="/Users/runner/work/genesis/genesis/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log"
# CMAKE_ERR="/Users/runner/work/genesis/genesis/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log"
# if [[ -f ${CMAKE_OUT} ]]; then
# cat ${CMAKE_OUT}
# fi
# if [[ -f ${CMAKE_ERR} ]]; then
# cat ${CMAKE_ERR}
# fi
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Build
# -------------------------------------------------------
- name: Build
# Below we use a workaround for LLVM as configured by setup-cpp, which clashes with htslib:
# and
run: |
if [[ ! -z "${LLVM_PATH}" ]]; then
# export LDFLAGS=`echo ${LDFLAGS} | sed 's/"//g'`
# export CPPFLAGS=`echo ${CPPFLAGS} | sed 's/"//g'`
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake
# Need to set the xcode patch here as well, as job steps don't keep status.
if [[ "${RUNNER_OS}" == "macOS" ]] && [[ "${{ matrix.compiler }}" == gcc* ]]; then
echo "Patching xcode gcc issues"
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
cmake --build ./build -- -j 2
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Test
# -------------------------------------------------------
- name: Tests
id: test
if: >
success() &&
runner.os != 'windows' &&
matrix.build_type != 'RELEASE'
run: |
- name: Test - gdb
# If the regular test run failed, we repeat with gdb, to print the stack.
if: ${{ failure() && steps.test.conclusion == 'failure' }}
run: |
# We are not using the `./test/ gdb` here, to make it easier for MacOS.
# gdb on Mac needs to be code signed for executing without admin rights...
# See for the details.
if [[ ${{ matrix.os }} == macos* ]] ; then
# On macOS< we first try to debug with lldb, as gdb is having issues...
echo "lldb"
if command -v lldb >/dev/null 2>&1; then
lldb --batch -o "run" -o "thread backtrace all" -o "quit" -- ./bin/test/genesis_tests
return 0
# Create a certificate in the System Keychain, and trust the certificate for code signing
echo "cert"
bash ./test/macos-codesign/
security find-certificate -c gdb-cert
security find-certificate -p -c gdb-cert | openssl x509 -checkend 0
security dump-trust-settings -d
# Sign and entitle the gdb binary
echo "sign"
sudo codesign --entitlements ./test/macos-codesign/gdb-entitlement.xml -fs gdb-cert $(which gdb)
codesign -vv $(which gdb)
codesign -d --entitlements :- $(which gdb)
# Refresh the system's certificates and code-signing data
echo "refresh"
sudo killall taskgated
sleep 10
# ps $(pgrep -f taskgated)
# Also make sure that some other stuff is set up correctly. Might help.
# See
echo "extra"
touch ~/.gdbinit
sed -i '.bak' '/set startup-with-shell enable/d' ~/.gdbinit
sudo DevToolsSecurity -disable
# We tried running it via sudo instead, but that just hangs indefinitely.
# So now, we just run in a loop with timeout, and hope that one of the attempts works.
# That seems to be what's recommended in this case... oh macOS...
echo "install timeout"
brew install coreutils
echo "run"
while [ $ATTEMPT -le $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; do
echo "Attempt $ATTEMPT of $MAX_ATTEMPTS"
gtimeout ${TIMEOUT} gdb -ex "set confirm off" -iex "set pagination off" -ex "run" -ex "thread apply all bt" -ex "quit" --args ./bin/test/genesis_tests
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
if [ $ATTEMPT -gt $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]; then
sleep 1
# If we are not on macOS, things just work fine.
gdb -ex "set confirm off" -iex "set pagination off" -ex "run" -ex "thread apply all bt" -ex "quit" --args ./bin/test/genesis_tests
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Logs
# -------------------------------------------------------
- name: Upload Logs
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: logs-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.compiler }}-${{ matrix.build_type }}-htslib-${{ matrix.htslib }}
path: |