(L)and (C)onservation Optimiser is an IP model for land conservation. This project is a remake of an old hackathon project (OPAL), which used a naive gradient descent algorithm and was extremely slow. This version leverages Gurobi to solve a MIP model of the problem instead.
$N$ - set of planning units (land plots) -
$E = {(n,m) | n,m\in N}$ - set of edges connecting plots. -
$K$ - set of planning features (species)
$c_n$ - cost of plot$n$ -
$r_{nk}$ - contribution of planning feature$k$ at plot$n$ . -
$T_k$ - target threshold of planning feature$k$ in an optimal solution. -
$v_{e}, \forall e\in E$ - bonus for selecting adjacent units of the edge (usually some measure of shared border length). -
$b$ - multiplier for adjacency bonuses. -
$R_n \subset N, \forall n \in N$ - set of plots that must also be selected if$n$ is selected.
$x_n, \forall n\in N$ - 1 if plot$n$ is selected, 0 otherwise. -
$y_e, \forall e\in E$ - 1 if the plots connected by$e$ are both selected, 0 otherwise.
$y$ variables must correctly represent the status of their connected units.
- Target thresholds must be reached.
- Required units must be selected for a unit to be selected.