⚠️ Deprecation
This GitHub Action will be deprecated 21.11.2023. If you're still using this action please make sure you migrate to the supported service endpoint
If this action is used in your github workflow, it sends information about your github project to the LeanIX API and triggers an update of the LeanIX factsheet related to the project and the environment of your build. Specifications relating to the factsheet are set via the manifest.yml file in your repository and via input parameters of the action, which are explained in more detail below. On actions, workflows and using actions in workflows see also: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions
Place the manifest.yml file containing the correct information about your project in your project repository. You can use any path you want, this is passed to the action as an input parameter.
In the "Settings" -> "Secrets" -> "Actions secrets" area of the github project for which the action is used, a secret must be created, the value of which is a valid LeanIX token for the host that is used in the action. For the use of secrets in github see also https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/encrypted-secrets.
If you are logged into github and are on the page of your repository, you will see a bar with tabs below the repository name, one of which is titled "Actions".
Under this tab you will find the workflows that are specified in your project. A workflow could be described as the collection of jobs, steps in jobs and actions (like the LeanIX Action) in steps.
If you want to add the LeanIX action to a workflow, you can use the example workflow code listed below. Just add a file with a valid workflow yml-file to your repository unter the path .github/workflows/ , for example a file containing the workflow below under .github/workflows/test_leanix_action.yml .
More information on creating workflows for a project and adding actions to workflows can be found at https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/introduction-to-github-actions#create-an-example-workflow
The monitoring of the workflows and thus also that of the actions belonging to your project also takes place under the tab "actions". There you can see the output of every step of your workflow. As part of a step, the LeanIX action will generate meaningful messages both in the event of successful execution and in the event of an error, which you can use to understand what happened during the execution of the action.
The input parameters used in the example are explained in more detail in the "Inputs" section. The workflow, including the action, is triggered when you push a new commit to the repository.
name: leanix-action-test
HOST: app.leanix.net
LEANIX_MANIFEST_PATH: /lx-manifest.yml
STAGE: test
VERSION: 2.2.0
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: LeanIX Value Stream Management
uses: leanix/[email protected]
host: ${{ env.HOST }}
api-token: ${{ secrets.LEANIX_API_TOKEN }}
manifest-path: ${{ env.LEANIX_MANIFEST_PATH }}
dependency-manager: ${{ env.DEPENDENCY_MANAGER }}
stage: ${{ env.STAGE }}
version: ${{ env.VERSION }}
allow-failure: ${{ env.ALLOW_FAILURE }}
Example maven user settings file
<!-- settings.yaml is placed at the root level -->
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 https://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
Corresponding GitHub workflow action configuration
// ...
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: LeanIX Value Stream Management
uses: leanix/[email protected]
// ...
dependency-manager: MAVEN
maven-settings-path: settings.yaml
In the example workflow, various environment variables are initialized in the "env:" area. This allows you to reuse the values in the jobs of your workflow. Of course, every value in the "with:" area of the github action can also be set directly. In the example, the values of the environment variables are assigned to the input parameters of the LeanIX Action in this area. In order to meet the security standards, the API token must not be set in clear text in the workflow area, but the way described above must be chosen.
The steps and assignments carried out under "jobs:" are necessary for the use of the LeanIX Action. In addition to the environment variables / input parameters to be set correctly, you can choose the following values yourself:
- "uses: leanix/[email protected]": Here you can choose which version of the LeanIX action you want to use.
- "id: LIXVSM": This value is optional, here you can choose any ID for the LeanIX step in order to reference it elsewhere. For more information, see also https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idstepsid
The LeanIX host where the connector is located that should be used by the action, e.g.: eu.leanix.net
The LeanIX API token for secure access to the LeanIX connector API on the chosen host. Use the name you chose for the secret in the project settings here.
The path to the LeanIX manifest in your repository. Default: /lx-manifest.yml
Type of the dependency manager used for the project. Supported possible values: NPM, MAVEN, GRADLE.
The stage the workflow is triggered for. Default: production
The current version the workflow is triggered for.
Flag that indicates whether the entire workflow is allowed to continue if an error occurs in the LeanIX action. "True" means, the workflow continues upon error in the action, "false" makes it exit with error. Default: true
Path to the maven user settings file. This is ignored if the dependency manager is not MAVEN eg: 'settings.yml' if the file is at the root level