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kbuzzard committed Oct 5, 2023
1 parent 87ff81b commit 8a03ea3
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Showing 14 changed files with 580 additions and 45 deletions.
23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions Game/Levels/AdvAddition.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,23 +1,32 @@
import Game.Levels.Addition
import Game.MyNat.AdvAddition -- `zero_ne_succ` and `succ_inj`
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L01assumption
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L02more_assumption
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L02assumption2
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L03apply
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L04succ_inj1
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L04succ_inj
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L05succ_inj2
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L06intro
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L07intro2
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L08add_right_cancel
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L09add_left_cancel
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L10add_left_eq_self
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L11add_right_eq_self

World "AdvAddition"
Title "Advanced Addition World"

In Advanced Addition World we'll learn the `apply` tactic,
and several other tactics, enabling us to argue both forwards
and backwards.
We've proved that $2+2=4$; in Advanced Addition World we'll learn
how to prove that $2+2\\neq 5$.
We'll use this technique to prove that $2+2\\neq5$
and much more.
In Addition World we proved *equalities* like `x + y = y + x`.
In this world we'll learn how to prove *implications*
like $x+n=y+n \\implies x=y$. We'll have to learn three new
tactics to do this: `assumption`, `apply` and `intro`.
We'll also learn two new fundamental facts about
natural numbers, which Peano introduced as axioms.
Click on \"Start\" to proceed.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L01assumption.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,5 +32,5 @@ one of our hypotheses.

/-- Assuming $x+y=37$ and $3x+z=42$, we have $x+y=37$. -/
Statement (x y z : ℕ) (h1 : x + y = 37) (h2 : 3 * x + z = 42) : x + y = 37 := by
Hint "The goal is `h1`. Solve the goal by casting `assumption`."
Hint "The goal is one of our hypotheses. Solve the goal by casting `assumption`."
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L02assumption2.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import Game.Levels.Addition
import Game.MyNat.AdvAddition

World "AdvAddition"
Level 2
Title "`assumption` practice."

namespace MyNat

Introduction "If the goal is not *exactly* a hypothesis, we can sometimes
use rewrites to fix things up."

/-- Assuming $0+x=(0+y)+2$, we have $x=y+2$. -/
Statement (x : ℕ) (h : 0 + x = 0 + y + 2) : x = y + 2 := by
Hint "Rewrite `zero_add` at `h` twice, to change `h` into the goal."
repeat rw [zero_add] at h
Hint "Now you could finish with `rw [h]` then `rfl`, but `assumption`
does it in one line."
23 changes: 0 additions & 23 deletions Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L02more_assumption.lean

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L03apply.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ If `t : P → Q` is a proof that $P\\implies Q$, and `h : P` is a proof of `P`,
then `apply t at h` will change `h` to a proof of `Q`. The idea is that if
you know `P` is true, then you can deduce from `t` that `Q` is true.
If the goal is `Q`, then `apply t` will \"argue backwards\" and change the
If the *goal* is `Q`, then `apply t` will \"argue backwards\" and change the
goal to `P`. The idea here is that if you want to prove `Q`, then by `t`
it suffices to prove `P`, so you can reduce the goal to proving `P`.
Expand All @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ hypothesis with the `apply` tactic.

/-- If $x=37$ and we know that $x=37\implies y=42$ then we can deduce $y=42$. -/
Statement (x y : ℕ) (hx : x = 37) (h : x = 37 → y = 42) : y = 42 := by
Hint "Start with `apply h at hx`."
apply h at hx
Statement (x y : ℕ) (h : x = 37) (imp : x = 37 → y = 42) : y = 42 := by
Hint "Start with `apply imp at h`. This will change `h` to `y = 42`."
apply imp at h
Hint "Now finish with `assumption`."
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ that `succ a = succ b` implies `a = b`. Click on this theorem in the *Peano*
tab for more information.
Peano had this theorem as an axiom, but in Functional Programming World
we will show how to prove it. Right now let's just assume it,
and let's solve an equation using it. We will solve the equation
by manipulating our hypothesis until it becomes the goal.
we will show how to prove it in Lean. Right now let's just assume it,
and let's solve an equation using it. Again, we will proceed
by manipulating our hypothesis until it becomes the goal. I will
walk you through this level.

LemmaDoc MyNat.succ_inj as "succ_inj" in "Peano" "
Expand All @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ $ (\\operatorname{succ}(a) = \\operatorname{succ}(b))\\implies a=b$.
You can think of `succ_inj` itself as a proof; it is the proof
that `succ` is an injective function. In other words,
`succ_inj` is a proof of
$\\forall a b\\in \\mathbb{N}, (\\operatorname{succ}(a) = \\operatorname{succ}(b))\\implies a=b$.
$\\forall a, b\\in \\mathbb{N}, (\\operatorname{succ}(a) = \\operatorname{succ}(b))\\implies a=b$.
`succ_inj` was postulated as an axiom by Peano, but
in Lean it can be proved using `pred`, a mathematically
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L05succ_inj2.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ Introduction
In the last level, we manipulated the hypothesis `x + 1 = 4`
until it became the goal `x = 3`. In this level we'll manipulate
the goal until it becomes our hypothesis! In other words, we
will \"argue backwards\".
will \"argue backwards\". The `apply` tactic can do this too.
Again I will walk you through this one (assuming you're in
command line mode).

/-- If $x+1=4$ then $x=3$. -/
Expand Down
26 changes: 21 additions & 5 deletions Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L06intro.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,17 +7,33 @@ Title "intro"

namespace MyNat

TacticDoc intro "
## Summary
If the goal is `P → Q`, then `intro h` will introduce `h : P` as a hypothesis,
and change the goal to `Q`. Mathematically, it says that to prove $P\\implies Q$,
we can assume $P$ and then prove $Q$.
### Example:
If your goal is `x + 1 = y + 1 → x = y` (the way Lean writes $x+1=y+1\\implies x=y$)
then `intro h` will give you a hypothesis $x+1=y+1$ named `h`, and the goal
will change to $x=y$.
NewTactic intro

" We have seen how to `apply` theorems and assumptions of
"We have seen how to `apply` theorems and assumptions of
of the form `P → Q`. But what if our *goal* is of the form `P → Q`?
We need to know how to say \"let's assume `P`\" in Lean.
We do this with the `intro` tactic, the last tactic you need
To prove this goal, we need to know how to say \"let's assume `P` and deduce `Q`\"
in Lean. We do this with the `intro` tactic, the last tactic you need
to learn to solve all the levels in this world.

/-- $x=37\\implies x=37$. -/
/-- $x=37\implies x=37$. -/
Statement (x : ℕ) : x = 37 → x = 37 := by
Hint "Start with `intro h` to assume the hypothesis."
Hint "Start with `intro h` to assume the hypothesis and call its proof `h`."
intro h
Hint (hidden := true) "Now `assumption` finishes the job."
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L07intro2.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import Game.Levels.Addition
import Game.MyNat.AdvAddition

World "AdvAddition"
Level 7
Title "intro practice"

namespace MyNat

" Let's see if you can use the tactics we've learnt to prove $x+1=y+1\\implies x=y$.
Try this one by yourself; if you need help then click on \"Show more help!\".

/-- $x+1=y+1\implies x=y$. -/
Statement (x : ℕ) : x + 1 = y + 1 → x = y := by
Hint (hidden := true) "Start with `intro h` to assume the hypothesis."
intro h
Hint (hidden := true) "Now `repeat rw [← succ_eq_add_one] at h` is the quickest way to
change `succ x = succ y`."
repeat rw [← succ_eq_add_one] at h
Hint (hidden := true) "Now `apply succ_inj at h` to cancel the `succ`s."
apply succ_inj at h
Hint (hidden := true) "Now `rw [h]` then `rfl` works, but `assumption` is quicker."

Conclusion "These worlds have been a tutorial on our new tactics. Now let's use them
to prove some more fundamental facts about the naturals which we will need in later worlds."
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L08add_right_cancel.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import Game.Levels.Addition
import Game.MyNat.AdvAddition

World "AdvAddition"
Level 8
Title "add_right_cancel"

namespace MyNat

LemmaTab "Add"

LemmaDoc MyNat.add_right_cancel as "add_right_cancel" in "Add" "
`add_right_cancel a b n` is the theorem that $a+n=b+n \\implies a=b.$

NewLemma MyNat.add_right_cancel

"`add_right_cancel a b n` is the theorem that $a+n=b+n\\implies a=b$.
Start with `induction n with d hd` and see if you can take it from there.

/-- $a+n=b+n\\implies a=b$. -/
Statement add_right_cancel (a b n : ℕ) : a + n = b + n → a = b := by
induction n with d hd
intro h
repeat rw [add_zero] at h
intro h
repeat rw [add_succ] at h
apply succ_inj at h
apply hd at h

Conclusion "Nice!"
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L09add_left_cancel.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L08add_right_cancel

World "AdvAddition"
Level 9
Title "add_left_cancel"

namespace MyNat

LemmaTab "Add"

LemmaDoc MyNat.add_left_cancel as "add_left_cancel" in "Add" "
`add_left_cancel a b n` is the theorem that $n+a=n+b \\implies a=b.$

NewLemma MyNat.add_left_cancel

"`add_left_cancel a b n` is the theorem that $n+a=n+b\\implies a=b$.
You can prove it by induction on `n` or you can deduce it from `add_left_cancel`.

/-- $a+n=b+n\implies a=b$. -/
Statement add_left_cancel (a b n : ℕ) : n + a = n + b → a = b := by
repeat rw [add_comm n]
intro h
apply add_right_cancel at h
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L10add_left_eq_self.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L09add_left_cancel

World "AdvAddition"
Level 10
Title "add_left_eq_self"

namespace MyNat

LemmaTab "Add"

LemmaDoc MyNat.add_left_eq_self as "add_left_eq_self" in "Add" "
`add_left_eq_self x y` is the theorem that $x + y = y\\implies x=0.$

NewLemma MyNat.add_left_eq_self

`add_left_eq_self x y` is the theorem that $x + y = y\\implies x=0.$

/-- $x + y = y\implies x=0.$ -/
Statement add_left_eq_self (x y : ℕ) : x + y = y → x = 0 := by
intro h
nth_rewrite 2 [← zero_add y] at h
apply add_right_cancel at h

Conclusion "Did you use induction on `y`?
Here's a proof of `add_left_eq_self` which uses `add_right_cancel`.
If you want to inspect it, you can go into editor mode by clicking `</>` in the top right
and then just cut and paste the proof and move your cursor around it
(although you'll lose your own proof this way if you're not careful). Click `>_` to get
back to command line mode.
intro h
nth_rewrite 2 [← zero_add y] at h
apply add_right_cancel at h
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions Game/Levels/AdvAddition/L11add_right_eq_self.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import Game.Levels.AdvAddition.L10add_left_eq_self

World "AdvAddition"
Level 11
Title "add_right_eq_self"

LemmaTab "Add"

namespace MyNat

LemmaDoc MyNat.add_right_eq_self as "add_right_eq_self" in "Add" "
`add_right_eq_self x y` is the theorem that $x + y = x\\implies y=0.$

NewLemma MyNat.add_right_eq_self

"`add_right_eq_self x y` is the theorem that $x + y = x\\implies y=0.$

/-- $a+n=b+n\implies a=b$. -/
Statement add_right_eq_self (x y : ℕ) : x + y = x → y = 0 := by
rw [add_comm]
intro h
apply add_left_eq_self at h

Conclusion "Here's a proof using `add_left_eq_self`:
rw [add_comm]
intro h
apply add_left_eq_self at h

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