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feat(NumberTheory/NumberField/FinitePlaces): the finite places of a n…
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…umber field (#19667)

This file defines finite places of a number field `K` as absolute values coming from an embedding
into a completion of `K` associated to a non-zero prime ideal of `𝓞 K` with some basic APIs.

This is part of a project which aims to define heights. The next step is the product formula.
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fbarroero committed Dec 7, 2024
1 parent 37305b9 commit 21d992d
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Showing 2 changed files with 237 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3883,6 +3883,7 @@ import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Discriminant.Basic
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Discriminant.Defs
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Embeddings
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.EquivReindex
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.FinitePlaces
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.FractionalIdeal
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.House
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Norm
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236 changes: 236 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/NumberField/FinitePlaces.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Fabrizio Barroero. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Fabrizio Barroero
import Mathlib.Data.Int.WithZero
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Embeddings
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.AdicValuation
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.Factorization
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Norm.AbsNorm
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Valued.NormedValued

# Finite places of number fields
This file defines finite places of a number field `K` as absolute values coming from an embedding
into a completion of `K` associated to a non-zero prime ideal of `𝓞 K`.
## Main Definitions and Results
* `NumberField.vadicAbv`: a `v`-adic absolute value on `K`.
* `NumberField.FinitePlace`: the type of finite places of a number field `K`.
* `NumberField.FinitePlace.mulSupport_finite`: the `v`-adic absolute value of a non-zero element of
`K` is different from 1 for at most finitely many `v`.
## Tags
number field, places, finite places

open Ideal IsDedekindDomain HeightOneSpectrum NumberField WithZeroMulInt

namespace NumberField

section absoluteValue

variable {K : Type*} [Field K] [NumberField K] (v : HeightOneSpectrum (𝓞 K))

/-- The norm of a maximal ideal as an element of `ℝ≥0` is `> 1` -/
lemma one_lt_norm : 1 < (absNorm v.asIdeal : NNReal) := by
by_contra! h
apply IsPrime.ne_top v.isPrime
rw [← absNorm_eq_one_iff]
have : 0 < absNorm v.asIdeal := by
rw [Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero, absNorm_ne_zero_iff]
exact (v.asIdeal.fintypeQuotientOfFreeOfNeBot v.ne_bot).finite

private lemma norm_ne_zero : (absNorm v.asIdeal : NNReal) ≠ 0 := ne_zero_of_lt (one_lt_norm v)

/-- The `v`-adic absolute value on `K` defined as the norm of `v` raised to negative `v`-adic
noncomputable def vadicAbv : AbsoluteValue K ℝ where
toFun x := toNNReal (norm_ne_zero v) (v.valuation x)
map_mul' _ _ := by simp only [_root_.map_mul, NNReal.coe_mul]
nonneg' _ := NNReal.zero_le_coe
eq_zero' _ := by simp only [NNReal.coe_eq_zero, map_eq_zero]
add_le' x y := by
-- the triangle inequality is implied by the ultrametric one
apply le_trans _ <| max_le_add_of_nonneg (zero_le ((toNNReal (norm_ne_zero v)) (v.valuation x)))
(zero_le ((toNNReal (norm_ne_zero v)) (v.valuation y)))
have h_mono := (toNNReal_strictMono (one_lt_norm v)).monotone
rw [← h_mono.map_max] --max goes inside withZeroMultIntToNNReal
exact h_mono (v.valuation.map_add x y)

theorem vadicAbv_def {x : K} : vadicAbv v x = toNNReal (norm_ne_zero v) (v.valuation x) := rfl

end absoluteValue

section FinitePlace
variable {K : Type*} [Field K] [NumberField K] (v : HeightOneSpectrum (𝓞 K))

/-- The embedding of a number field inside its completion with respect to `v`. -/
def embedding : K →+* adicCompletion K v :=
@UniformSpace.Completion.coeRingHom K _ v.adicValued.toUniformSpace _ _

noncomputable instance instRankOneValuedAdicCompletion :
Valuation.RankOne (valuedAdicCompletion K v).v where
hom := {
toFun := toNNReal (norm_ne_zero v)
map_zero' := rfl
map_one' := rfl
map_mul' := MonoidWithZeroHom.map_mul (toNNReal (norm_ne_zero v))
strictMono' := toNNReal_strictMono (one_lt_norm v)
nontrivial' := by
rcases Submodule.exists_mem_ne_zero_of_ne_bot v.ne_bot with ⟨x, hx1, hx2⟩
use (x : K)
rw [valuedAdicCompletion_eq_valuation' v (x : K)]
· simpa only [ne_eq, map_eq_zero, NoZeroSMulDivisors.algebraMap_eq_zero_iff]
· apply ne_of_lt
rw [valuation_eq_intValuationDef, intValuation_lt_one_iff_dvd]
exact dvd_span_singleton.mpr hx1

/-- The `v`-adic completion of `K` is a normed field. -/
noncomputable instance instNormedFieldValuedAdicCompletion : NormedField (adicCompletion K v) :=
Valued.toNormedField (adicCompletion K v) (WithZero (Multiplicative ℤ))

/-- A finite place of a number field `K` is a place associated to an embedding into a completion
with respect to a maximal ideal. -/
def FinitePlace (K : Type*) [Field K] [NumberField K] :=
{w : AbsoluteValue K ℝ // ∃ v : HeightOneSpectrum (𝓞 K), place (embedding v) = w}

/-- Return the finite place defined by a maximal ideal `v`. -/
noncomputable def (v : HeightOneSpectrum (𝓞 K)) : FinitePlace K :=
⟨place (embedding v), ⟨v, rfl⟩⟩

lemma toNNReal_Valued_eq_vadicAbv (x : K) :
toNNReal (norm_ne_zero v) (Valued.v (self:=v.adicValued) x) = vadicAbv v x := rfl

/-- The norm of the image after the embedding associated to `v` is equal to the `v`-adic absolute
value. -/
theorem FinitePlace.norm_def (x : K) : ‖embedding v x‖ = vadicAbv v x := by
simp only [NormedField.toNorm, instNormedFieldValuedAdicCompletion, Valued.toNormedField,
instFieldAdicCompletion, Valued.norm, Valuation.RankOne.hom, MonoidWithZeroHom.coe_mk,
ZeroHom.coe_mk, embedding, UniformSpace.Completion.coeRingHom, RingHom.coe_mk, MonoidHom.coe_mk,
OneHom.coe_mk, Valued.valuedCompletion_apply, toNNReal_Valued_eq_vadicAbv]

/-- The norm of the image after the embedding associated to `v` is equal to the norm of `v` raised
to the power of the `v`-adic valuation. -/
theorem FinitePlace.norm_def' (x : K) : ‖embedding v x‖ = toNNReal (norm_ne_zero v)
(v.valuation x) := by
rw [norm_def, vadicAbv_def]

/-- The norm of the image after the embedding associated to `v` is equal to the norm of `v` raised
to the power of the `v`-adic valuation for integers. -/
theorem FinitePlace.norm_def_int (x : 𝓞 K) : ‖embedding v x‖ = toNNReal (norm_ne_zero v)
(v.intValuationDef x) := by
rw [norm_def, vadicAbv_def, valuation_eq_intValuationDef]

open FinitePlace

/-- The `v`-adic norm of an integer is at most 1. -/
theorem norm_le_one (x : 𝓞 K) : ‖embedding v x‖ ≤ 1 := by
rw [norm_def', NNReal.coe_le_one, toNNReal_le_one_iff (one_lt_norm v)]
exact valuation_le_one v x

/-- The `v`-adic norm of an integer is 1 if and only if it is not in the ideal. -/
theorem norm_eq_one_iff_not_mem (x : 𝓞 K) : ‖(embedding v) x‖ = 1 ↔ x ∉ v.asIdeal := by
rw [norm_def_int, NNReal.coe_eq_one, toNNReal_eq_one_iff (v.intValuationDef x)
(norm_ne_zero v) (one_lt_norm v).ne', ← dvd_span_singleton,
← intValuation_lt_one_iff_dvd, not_lt]
exact (intValuation_le_one v x).ge_iff_eq.symm

/-- The `v`-adic norm of an integer is less than 1 if and only if it is in the ideal. -/
theorem norm_lt_one_iff_mem (x : 𝓞 K) : ‖embedding v x‖ < 1 ↔ x ∈ v.asIdeal := by
rw [norm_def_int, NNReal.coe_lt_one, toNNReal_lt_one_iff (one_lt_norm v),
exact dvd_span_singleton

end FinitePlace

namespace FinitePlace
variable {K : Type*} [Field K] [NumberField K]

instance : FunLike (FinitePlace K) K ℝ where
coe w x := w.1 x
coe_injective' _ _ h := Subtype.eq (AbsoluteValue.ext <| congr_fun h)

instance : MonoidWithZeroHomClass (FinitePlace K) K ℝ where
map_mul w := w.1.map_mul
map_one w := w.1.map_one
map_zero w := w.1.map_zero

instance : NonnegHomClass (FinitePlace K) K ℝ where
apply_nonneg w := w.1.nonneg

theorem apply (v : HeightOneSpectrum (𝓞 K)) (x : K) : mk v x = ‖embedding v x‖ := rfl

/-- For a finite place `w`, return a maximal ideal `v` such that `w = finite_place v` . -/
noncomputable def maximalIdeal (w : FinitePlace K) : HeightOneSpectrum (𝓞 K) := w.2.choose

theorem mk_maximalIdeal (w : FinitePlace K) : mk (maximalIdeal w) = w := Subtype.ext w.2.choose_spec

theorem norm_embedding_eq (w : FinitePlace K) (x : K) :
‖embedding (maximalIdeal w) x‖ = w x := by
conv_rhs => rw [← mk_maximalIdeal w, apply]

theorem pos_iff {w : FinitePlace K} {x : K} : 0 < w x ↔ x ≠ 0 := AbsoluteValue.pos_iff w.1

theorem mk_eq_iff {v₁ v₂ : HeightOneSpectrum (𝓞 K)} : mk v₁ = mk v₂ ↔ v₁ = v₂ := by
refine ⟨?_, fun a ↦ by rw [a]⟩
intro h
rw [DFunLike.ne_iff]
have ⟨x, hx1, hx2⟩ : ∃ x : 𝓞 K, x ∈ v₁.asIdeal ∧ x ∉ v₂.asIdeal := by
by_contra! H
exact h <| HeightOneSpectrum.ext_iff.mpr <| IsMaximal.eq_of_le (isMaximal v₁) IsPrime.ne_top' H
use x
simp only [apply]
rw [← norm_lt_one_iff_mem ] at hx1
rw [← norm_eq_one_iff_not_mem] at hx2

theorem maximalIdeal_mk (v : HeightOneSpectrum (𝓞 K)) : maximalIdeal (mk v) = v := by
rw [← mk_eq_iff, mk_maximalIdeal]

lemma maximalIdeal_injective : (fun w : FinitePlace K ↦ maximalIdeal w).Injective :=
Function.HasLeftInverse.injective ⟨mk, mk_maximalIdeal⟩

lemma maximalIdeal_inj (w₁ w₂ : FinitePlace K) : maximalIdeal w₁ = maximalIdeal w₂ ↔ w₁ = w₂ :=

theorem mulSupport_finite_int {x : 𝓞 K} (h_x_nezero : x ≠ 0) :
(Function.mulSupport fun w : FinitePlace K ↦ w x).Finite := by
have (w : FinitePlace K) : w x ≠ 1 ↔ w x < 1 :=
ne_iff_lt_iff_le.mpr <| norm_embedding_eq w x ▸ norm_le_one w.maximalIdeal x
simp_rw [Function.mulSupport, this, ← norm_embedding_eq, norm_lt_one_iff_mem,
← Ideal.dvd_span_singleton]
have h : {v : HeightOneSpectrum (𝓞 K) | v.asIdeal ∣ span {x}}.Finite := by
apply Ideal.finite_factors
simp only [Submodule.zero_eq_bot, ne_eq, span_singleton_eq_bot, h_x_nezero, not_false_eq_true]
have h_inj : Set.InjOn FinitePlace.maximalIdeal {w | w.maximalIdeal.asIdeal ∣ span {x}} :=
Function.Injective.injOn maximalIdeal_injective
refine (h.subset ?_).of_finite_image h_inj
simp only [dvd_span_singleton, Set.image_subset_iff, Set.preimage_setOf_eq, subset_refl]

theorem mulSupport_finite {x : K} (h_x_nezero : x ≠ 0) :
(Function.mulSupport fun w : FinitePlace K ↦ w x).Finite := by
rcases IsFractionRing.div_surjective (A := 𝓞 K) x with ⟨a, b, hb, rfl⟩
simp_all only [ne_eq, div_eq_zero_iff, NoZeroSMulDivisors.algebraMap_eq_zero_iff, not_or,
obtain ⟨ha, hb⟩ := h_x_nezero
simp_rw [← RingOfIntegers.coe_eq_algebraMap]
apply ((mulSupport_finite_int ha).union (mulSupport_finite_int hb)).subset
intro w
simp only [Function.mem_mulSupport, ne_eq, Set.mem_union]
simp +contextual only [ne_eq, one_ne_zero, not_false_eq_true, div_self, implies_true]

end FinitePlace

end NumberField

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