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Configure LEAP

Aditya Chinchure edited this page Aug 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

Config Files

Each node in LEAP can be configured by using a json that gets passed as a parameter when the node gets initialized. Some of the things that can be configured using these config files are the ip and port of the node being configured, whether to use SSL/TLS to encrypt the connections, or the ID of the node.

Cloud Algo Config

ip_port: The ip and port the cloud algo is listening. Takes format of "ip:port" string.
coordinator_ip_port: The ip and port the coordinator is listening. Takes format of "ip:port" string.
secure_with_tls: Whether to use tls to secure connections between the cloud algo. Use "y" to enable TLS and "n" to disable it.
cert: A string that gives the path to the location of the certificate for the cloud algo. Only used when TLS is enabled.
key: A string that gives the path to the location of the private key for the cloud algo. Only used when TLS is enabled.
certificate_authority: The path to the certificate from the certificate authority. Only used when TLS is enabled.
coord_cn: The name given to the coordinator when its certificate is created. Only used when TLS is enabled.

Coordinator Config

IpPort: The ip and port the coordinator is listening. Takes format of "ip:port" string.
Secure: Whether to use tls to secure connections between the coordinator. Use true to enable TLS and false to disable it.
Crt: A string that gives the path to the location of the certificate for the coordinator. Only used when TLS is enabled.
Key: A string that gives the path to the location of the private key for the coordinator. Only used when TLS is enabled.
CertAuth: The path to the certificate from the certificate authority. Only used when TLS is enabled.
SiteConnCN: The name given to the site connector when its certificate is created. Only used when TLS is enabled.

Site Connector Config

IpPort: The ip and port the site connector is listening. Takes format of "ip:port" string.
CoordinatorIpPort: The ip and port the coordinator is listening. Takes format of "ip:port" string.
AlgoIpPort: The ip and port the site algo is listening. Takes format of "ip:port" string.
SiteId: The id of this side. An integer.
Secure: Whether to use tls to secure connections between the site connector. Use true to enable TLS and false to disable it.
Crt: A string that gives the path to the location of the certificate for the site connector. Only used when TLS is enabled.
Key: A string that gives the path to the location of the private key for the site connector. Only used when TLS is enabled.
CertAuth: The path to the certificate from the certificate authority. Only used when TLS is enabled.
CoordCN: The name given to the coordinator when its certificate is created. Only used when TLS is enabled.
SiteAlgoCN: The name given to the site algo when its certificate is created. Only used when TLS is enabled.

Site Algo Config

ip_port: The ip and port the site algo is listening. Takes format of "ip:port" string.
connector_ip_port: The ip and port the site connector is listening. Takes format of "ip:port" string.
csv_true: Whether to grab data from a csv file.
secure_with_tls: Whether to use tls to secure connections between the site algo. Use "y" to enable TLS and "n" to disable it.
cert: A string that gives the path to the location of the certificate for the site algo. Only used when TLS is enabled.
key: A string that gives the path to the location of the private key for the site algo. Only used when TLS is enabled.
certificate_authority: The path to the certificate from the certificate authority. Only used when TLS is enabled. site-id: A number that is the site's ID. Must be unique for each site. redcap_url: The API URL of the REDCap site that is running the LEAP connector external module. Must look like this: "< REDCap URL>/api/" redcap_auth: The Auth Token generated by the LEAP external module in REDCap. See External Module documentation for details. redcap_pid: The project ID of the REDCap project that the site is associated with. Numeric value.