This repository is to operacionalize YOLO model encapsulated into ROS2 middleware.
- File responsible for training YOLOv8 with the dataset using a .yaml configuration.
- File responsible for performing tests to verify if the integration between the camera and OpenCV is functioning correctly.
- File responsible for performing inference with the chosen dataset using images from the camera.
- File responsible for testing YOLOv8 Pose keypoints for the desired angle.
- File responsible for detecting pointed objects.
- File responsible for detecting pointed objects in multi-person scenarios.
- dataset/: Folder responsible for storing the pose dataset.
- runs/: Folder responsible for storing the trained model with the dataset and the obtained metrics.
- runs/weights/ File responsible for performing inferences (trained model).
- ros2_ws/: Folder containing files responsible for performing pose classification and pointed object detection in ROS 2.