Releases: leftygray/ART_For_Temporary_Residents
Version corresponding to accepted paper
This release corresponds to the code used for all the analysis, results, and figures generated for the paper "Funding antiretroviral treatment for HIV-positive temporary residents in Australia prevents transmission and is inexpensive" accepted by Sexual Health.
Version info: Code run in R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Using: Rstudio version 1.0136
On: 2017-05-09
With: ggplot2 2.2.1; dplyr 0.5.0; tidyr 0.6.1; rmarkdown 1.3; knitr 1.15.1; gridextra 2.2.1; Hmisc 4.0.2;
Version corresponding to updated code in response to reviewers comments
This release corresponds to the code used for all the analysis, results, and figures generated in response to the reviewers comments to the submitted manuscript "Funding ART for HIV-positive Temporary Residents in Australia Prevents Transmission and is Cost Neutral"
Version info: Code run in R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Using: Rstudio version 1.0136
On: 2017-05-09
With: ggplot2 2.2.1; dplyr 0.5.0; tidyr 0.6.1; rmarkdown 1.3; knitr 1.15.1; gridextra 2.2.1; Hmisc 4.0.2;
Version corresponding to submitted manuscript
This release corresponds to the code used for all the analysis, results, and figures for the submitted manuscript "Funding ART for HIV-positive Temporary Residents in Australia Prevents Transmission and is Cost Neutral"