Emphasise the benefits. Show examples. Tell people what they think about it and give people the opportunity to contact the company to provide a concrete house for themselves.
As a user, I want to understand what this site is about so I can decide if I'm interested or not.
As a user, I want to learn more about the benefits of concrete houses, including being aware of all the benefits.
As a user, I want to see how these concrete houses look like so I can choose which design I will pick.
As a user, I want to see other people's opinions so I can make an informed decision.
As a user, I want to contact the company to get more specific information.
Located at the top of the page.
The logo image is on the left side.
The navigation buttons are on the right side.
- "Home" button - takes you to the main page. Selected by default.
- "Gallery" button - takes you to a page with a library of images on the theme "Concrete Houses".
- "Form" button - takes you to the page for filling out the form for contacting the site's consultants.
The opened link has an underscore.
Navigation buttons also have hover animation
In general, the top panel looks like the user's expectations.
The navigation bar is responsive:
- On tablets and phones, the navbar moves down for compactness.
- Thanks to the tutorial project "Love Running" from which the form was borrowed.
- Represent:
- Show a possible type of building.
- Show the advantages of this category of houses.
- Shows feedback from satisfied clients.
- Invites to fill out the contact form.
- Represent: