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Mapbox Maps SDK Flutter Plugin

The Mapbox Maps SDK Flutter Plugin is an officially developed solution from Mapbox that enables use of our latest Maps SDK product (v11.2.0). The plugin allows developers to embed highly customized maps using a Flutter widget on Android and iOS.

Web and desktop are not supported.

Contributions welcome!

Supported API

Feature Android iOS
Camera position
Camera animations
User Location
Circle Layer
Fill Layer
Fill extrusion Layer
Line Layer
Circle Layer
Raster Layer
Symbol Layer
Hillshade Layer
Heatmap Layer
Sky Layer
GeoJson Source
Image Source
Vector Source
Raster Source
Rasterdem Source
Circle Annotations
Point Annotations
Line Annotations
Fill Annotations
Style DSL
Expression DSL
View Annotations


The Maps Flutter Plugin is compatible with applications:

  • Deployed on iOS 12 or higher
  • Built using the Android SDK 21 or higher
  • Built using the Dart SDK 3.0.0 or higher


Configure credentials

To run the Maps Flutter Plugin you will need to configure the Mapbox Access Tokens. Read more about access tokens and public/secret scopes at the platform Android or iOS docs.

Secret token

To access platform SDKs you will need to create a secret access token with the Downloads:Read scope and then:

  • to download the Android SDK add the token configuration to ~/.gradle/ :
  • to download the iOS SDK add the token configuration to ~/.netrc :
  login mapbox

Public token

You can set the access token for Mapbox Maps Flutter Plugin(as well as for evey Mapbox SDK) via MapboxOptions:


It's a good practice to retrieve access tokens from some external source.

You can pass access token via the command line arguments when either building :

flutter build <platform> --dart-define PUBLIC_ACCESS_TOKEN=...

or running the application :

flutter run --dart-define PUBLIC_ACCESS_TOKEN=...

You can also persist token in launch.json :

"configurations": [
        "args": [
            "--dart-define", "PUBLIC_ACCESS_TOKEN=..."

Then to retrieve the token from the environment in the application :

String ACCESS_TOKEN = String.fromEnvironment("ACCESS_TOKEN");

Add the dependency

To use the Maps Flutter Plugin add the git dependency to the pubspec.yaml:

  mapbox_maps_flutter: ^1.1.0

Configure permissions

You will need to grant location permission in order to use the location component of the Maps Flutter Plugin.

You can use an existing library to request location permission, e.g. with permission_handler await Permission.locationWhenInUse.request(); will trigger permission request.

You also need to declare the permission for both platforms :


Add the following permissions to the manifest:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />


Add the following to the Runner/Info.plist to explain why you need access to the location data:

    <string>[Your explanation here]</string>

Add a map

Import mapbox_maps_flutter library and add a simple map:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:mapbox_maps_flutter/mapbox_maps_flutter.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(MaterialApp(home: MapWidget()));

MapWidget widget

The MapWidget widget provides options to customize the map - you can set MapOptions, CameraOptions, styleURL etc.

It also allows or add listeners for various events - related to style loading, map rendering, map loading.

MapboxMap controller

The MapboxMap controller instance is provided with MapWidget.onMapCreated callback.

MapboxMap exposes an entry point to the most of the APIs Maps Flutter Plugin provides. It allows to control the map, camera, styles, observe map events, query rendered features, etc.

It's organized similarly to the Android and iOS counterparts.

To interact with the map after it's created store the MapboxMap object somewhere :

class FullMap extends StatefulWidget {
  const FullMap();

  State createState() => FullMapState();

class FullMapState extends State<FullMap> {
  MapboxMap? mapboxMap;

  _onMapCreated(MapboxMap mapboxMap) {
    this.mapboxMap = mapboxMap;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
        body: MapWidget(
      key: ValueKey("mapWidget"),
      onMapCreated: _onMapCreated,

User location

Platform docs : Android, iOS.

To observe the user's location and show the location indicator on the map use LocationComponentSettingsInterface accessible via MapboxMap.location.

You need to grant location permission prior to using location component (as explained before).

Location puck

To customize the appearance of the location puck call MapboxMap.location.updateSettings method.

To use the 3D puck with model downloaded from Uri instead of the default 2D puck :

      locationPuck: LocationPuck(
          locationPuck3D: LocationPuck3D(

You can find more examples of customization in the sample app.

Markers and annotations

Platform docs : Android, iOS.

You have several options to add annotations on the map.

  1. Use the AnnotationManager APIs to create circle/point/polygon/polyline annotations.

To create 5 point annotations using custom icon:

  mapboxMap.annotations.createPointAnnotationManager().then((pointAnnotationManager) async {
    final ByteData bytes =
        await rootBundle.load('assets/symbols/custom-icon.png');
    final Uint8List list = bytes.buffer.asUint8List();
    var options = <PointAnnotationOptions>[];
    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
          geometry: createRandomPoint().toJson(), image: list));

You can find more examples of the AnnotationManagers usage in the sample app : point annotations, circle annotations, polygon annotations, polyline annotations.

  1. Use style layers. This will require writing more code but is more flexible and provides better performance for the large amount of annotations (e.g. hundreds and thousands of them). More about adding style layers in the Map styles section.

Map styles

Platform docs : Android, iOS.

The Mapbox Maps Flutter Plugin allows full customization of the look of the map used in your application.

Set a style

You can specify the initial style uri at MapWidget.styleUri, or load it at runtime using MapboxMap.loadStyleURI / MapboxMap.loadStyleJson :


Work with layers

You can familiarize with the concept of sources, layers and their supported types in the platform documentation.

To add, remove or change a source or a layer use the object.

To add a GeoJsonSource and a LineLayer using the source :

  var data = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/polyline.geojson');
  await "line", data: data));
      id: "line_layer",
      sourceId: "line",
      lineJoin: LineJoin.ROUND,
      lineCap: LineCap.ROUND,
      lineOpacity: 0.7,
      lineWidth: 8.0));

Using expressions

You can change the appearance of a layer based on properties in the layer's data source or zoom level. Refer to the documentation for the description of supported expressions. To apply an expression to interpolate gradient color to a line layer:"layer", "line-gradient",

Camera and animations

Platform docs : Android, iOS. The camera is the user's viewpoint above the map. The Maps Flutter Plugin provides you with options to set and adjust the camera position, listen for camera changes, get the camera position, and restrict the camera position to set bounds.

Camera position

You can set the starting camera position using MapWidget.cameraOptions :

  key: ValueKey("mapWidget"),
  cameraOptions: CameraOptions(
      center: Point(coordinates: Position(-80.1263, 25.7845)).toJson(),
      zoom: 12.0),

or update it at runtime using MapboxMap.setCamera :

  center: Point(coordinates: Position(-80.1263, 25.7845)).toJson(),
  zoom: 12.0));

You can find more examples of interaction with the camera in the sample app.

Camera animations

Camera animations are the means by which camera settings are changed from old values to new values over a period of time. You can animate the camera using flyTo or easeTo and move to a new center location, update the bearing, pitch, zoom, padding, and anchor.

To start a flyTo animation to the specific camera options :

        anchor: ScreenCoordinate(x: 0, y: 0),
        zoom: 17,
        bearing: 180,
        pitch: 30),
    MapAnimationOptions(duration: 2000, startDelay: 0));

You can find more examples of animations in the sample app.

User interaction

Platform docs : Android, iOS.

Users interacting with the map in your application can explore the map by performing standard gestures.

You can retrieve or update the GestureSettings using MapboxMap.gestures.

You can observe gesture events using MapWidget.onTapListener, MapWidget.onLongTapListener, MapWidget.onScrollListener.


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