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LeoFS v1.2.2 (Dec 17, 2014)

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@yosukehara yosukehara released this 17 Dec 09:49
· 1011 commits to v1 since this release


  • New Features
    • #117 leo_storage Implemented the auto-compaction mechanism

      • The auto-compaction configuration file for LeoFS Storage, name of which is leo_storage.conf
      • The auto-compaction configuration is as follows:
      ## [compaction] enabled compaction? - default:false
      autonomic_op.compaction.is_enabled = true
      ## [compaction] number of parallel procs - default:1
      autonomic_op.compaction.parallel_procs = 1
      ## [compaction] warning ratio of active size - default:70%
      autonomic_op.compaction.warn_active_size_ratio = 70
      ## [compaction] threshold ratio of active size - default:60%
      autonomic_op.compaction.threshold_active_size_ratio = 60
  • Improvements
    • #270 Supported leo_watchdog for FreeBSD and SmartOS

    • #281 leo_gateway Made timeout configurable for the get and the find_by_parent_dir

    • The watchdog mechnism to production status

      • The watchdog configuration file for LeoFS Storage and LeoFS Gateway, name of which are leo_storage.conf and leo_gateway.conf
      • The watchdog configuration for CPU and Disk as follows:
      ##  Watchdog.CPU
      ## Is cpu-watchdog enabled - default:false
      watchdog.cpu.is_enabled = true
      ## cpu - raised error times
      watchdog.cpu.raised_error_times = 3
      ## cpu - watch interval - default:5sec
      watchdog.cpu.interval = 5
      ## Threshold CPU load avg for 1min/5min - default:5.0
      watchdog.cpu.threshold_cpu_load_avg = 5.0
      ## Threshold CPU load util - default:100 = "100%"
      watchdog.cpu.threshold_cpu_util = 100
      ##  Watchdog.DISK
      ## Is disk-watchdog enabled - default:false
      watchdog.disk.is_enabled = true
      ## disk - raised error times
      watchdog.disk.raised_error_times = 3
      ## disk - watch interval - default:1sec
      watchdog.disk.interval = 1
      ## Threshold disk use% - defalut:85%
      watchdog.disk.threshold_disk_use = 85
      ## Threshold disk util% - defalut:100%
      watchdog.disk.threshold_disk_util = 100
      ## Threshold disk read kb/sec - defalut:262144(KB)
      watchdog.disk.threshold_disk_rkb = 262144
      ## Threshold disk write kb/sec - defalut:262144(KB)
      watchdog.disk.threshold_disk_wkb = 262144
      ## disk target devices for checking disk utilization
      watchdog.disk.target_devices = []
      • Improved MQ's confurations for LeoFS Stroage in order to be able to control system load
      ## [Number of bach processes of message]
      ## Minimum number of bach processes of message
      mq.num_of_batch_process_min = 100
      ## Maxmim  number of bach processes of message
      mq.num_of_batch_process_max = 10000
      ## Maxmim  number of bach processes of message
      mq.num_of_batch_process_regular = 1000
      ## Maxmim  number of bach processes of message
      mq.num_of_batch_process_step = 250
      ## [Interval beween batch-procs]
      ## Minimum value of interval beween batch-procs(msec)
      mq.interval_between_batch_procs_min = 10
      ## Maximum value of interval between batch-procs(msec)
      mq.interval_between_batch_procs_max = 1000
      ## Regular value of interval between batch-procs(msec)
      mq.interval_between_batch_procs_regular = 300
      ## Step value of interval between batch-procs(msec)
      mq.interval_between_batch_procs_step = 100
      • Improved the mq-status command of leofs-adm
      $ leofs-adm mq-stats [email protected]
                    id                |    state    | number of msgs | batch of msgs  |    interval    |            description
      leo_delete_dir_queue            |   idling    | 0              | 1000           | 100            | delete directories
      leo_comp_meta_with_dc_queue     |   idling    | 0              | 1000           | 100            | compare metadata w/remote-node
      leo_sync_obj_with_dc_queue      |   idling    | 0              | 1000           | 100            | sync objs w/remote-node
      leo_recovery_node_queue         |   idling    | 0              | 1000           | 100            | recovery objs of node
      leo_async_deletion_queue        |   idling    | 0              | 1000           | 100            | async deletion of objs
      leo_rebalance_queue             |   running   | 2167           | 1400           | 10             | rebalance objs
      leo_sync_by_vnode_id_queue      |   idling    | 0              | 1000           | 100            | sync objs by vnode-id
      leo_per_object_queue            |   idling    | 0              | 1000           | 100            | recover inconsistent objs
  • Fixed Bugs
    • #273 leo_gateway NFS Max file size was hardcoded as 4GB
    • #274 leo_manager leo_storage leo_gateway Crashed a manager node by snmp-related issue with Erlang-17
    • #275 leo_gateawy An error message was output if there is no the http custom header file
    • #277 leo_gateway In REST mode, Putting a large object failed
    • #279 leo_object_storage Compaction status can be inconsistent when an error occured while preparing compaction
    • #282 leo_gateway Gateway's timeout configuration has been ignored
  • Used libraries