Based on the created by Peter Norvig, I have developed a spell class and its children.
The basic idea in Norvig's speller is to use minimum edit distance to list word candidates (one or two edits away from the mistyped word) and select the most frequent word in a corpus as the best candidate.
I have reassemble the original code in a Spell class and used it to derived different spell correctors.
- - also takes in account the distance between letter in a keyboard.
- - uses eSpeak to the misspelled word phonetic transcription and looks for the word which has a similar phonetic transcription. It also consider minimum edit distance, but using elementary operations (addition, subtraction, transposition and replacement) on phones. The distinction features description of phones is also considered to measure phone dissimilarities. As the previous classes, frequency of occurrence of words are also taken in account. An objective function is used to balance between phone-edit distance and frequency of occurrence.