For crouton: Download latest version from Then:
sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -r xenial -t gnome,touch
# or -> sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -r xenial -t unity,touch
# or -> sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -r xenial -t unity-desktop,xiwi,touch
To see all the installation options use:
sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -t list
To start the chroot:
sudo startgnome
# if you installed unity or other environment use the appropiate command. For example:
sudo startunity
In case of need, remove a previous chroot:
sudo edit-chroot -a # to list chroot names
sudo delete-chroot <name>
In Ubuntu:
cd ~
sudo apt-get -y install git
git clone
cd setup-ubuntu
chmod +x
You will be asked for your root password at the beginning.
Perform locale configuration for gnome terminal:
cd ~
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
In the dpkg-reconfigure screen, hit enter at the first prompt and select "en_US.UTF-8" as the default for the second prompt. At this point restart the chroot (log out and log in again) to apply all changes.
Install the text editor of your choice. Included are scripts to install Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text.
To install Visual Studio Code run:
cd ~/setup-ubuntu
To install Sublime Text run:
cd ~/setup-ubuntu
Optionally download and setup tmux by running (you will be asked for your root password at the beginning):
cd ~/setup-ubuntu
Optionally setup rvm, ruby, as well as rails and gosu by running:
cd ~/setup-ubuntu
You will be asked for your root password at the beginning. And also to set a password for the postgresql user. Then the postgresql service will be started.
Optionally setup github ssh configuration by running:
cd ~/setup-ubuntu
You will be propmted for a passphrase for ssh keys, and then once more to add it to the ssh-agent After doing that, login on Github website and do the following:
Go to settings -> SSH and GPG keys Add new SSH Key Title: "Ubuntu Development Environment" or any other name Key: Paste the key. Should already be in clipboard after ./ If not run: xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/ Click Add SSH key May need to confirm GitHub password
You can test the connection by running:
ssh -T [email protected]
Clean up the directory
cd ~
rm -rf setup-ubuntu
Finally close the terminal and open a new one. All changes and configurations should be loaded now.