Project about cracking passwords. In a most simple and easiest way and is very effective.
Usage: python [hashfile]
Settings are MD5 only, just edit when you want to crack other then MD5
The program will connect to twitter, grep a few tweets and use those words as basewords for cracking MD5 hashes. You can edit keywords.txt if you want to search for specific basewords. For example, when you did some research on a person and you know the person loves soccer, cars, and gadgets. You can add to keywords.txt names of soccer clubs, his favorite cars, or when use an iphone you can add that too. Basically you can add everything you know about the person to crack his password.
An example on the output and complexity of the passwords
To test it yourself, you can download 7mil MD5 passwords here:
You will find 8,7 mil wordlist (scraped passwords) in the folder "Password list"
More information:
I will not do Windows support. Get a better OS windows is always telling about.