Now with tokio 1.0 support! Use version 0.12.0 and up for tokio 1.0
This crate provides types and functions for working with i3's IPC protocol (and some basic sway support) within tokio. It re-exports the subcrate i3ipc-types
because it is also used for a synchronous version of the code.
see here for tokio runtime specific i3
see here for async-std specific i3 ipc (and sway-- not all fields supported)
see here for synchronous specific i3 ipc (and sway-- not all fields supported)
I expect the most common use case will be to subscribe to some events and listen:
use std::io;
use tokio::stream::StreamExt;
use tokio_i3ipc::{
event::{Event, Subscribe},
#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let mut i3 = I3::connect().await?;
let resp = i3.subscribe([Subscribe::Window]).await?;
println!("{:#?}", resp);
let mut listener = i3.listen();
while let Some(event) = {
match event? {
Event::Workspace(ev) => println!("workspace change event {:?}", ev),
Event::Window(ev) => println!("window event {:?}", ev),
Event::Output(ev) => println!("output event {:?}", ev),
Event::Mode(ev) => println!("mode event {:?}", ev),
Event::BarConfig(ev) => println!("bar config update {:?}", ev),
Event::Binding(ev) => println!("binding event {:?}", ev),
Event::Shutdown(ev) => println!("shutdown event {:?}", ev),
Event::Tick(ev) => println!("tick event {:?}", ev),
Contributions PRs, issues, comments, are all welcome!