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  • Create data using mintclassicsDB.sql file

  • analysis code in mintclassicsDBmain.sql file

  • code to create primary key and secondary key in keymintclassicsDB.sql file

  1. warehouses table

warehouseCode: Warehouse code (primary key).

warehouseName: Warehouse name.

warehousePctCap: Warehouse capacity percentage.

  1. products table

productCode: Product code (primary key).

productName: Product name.

productLine: Product line that the product belongs to (linked to the productlines table).

productScale: Product scale (size, weight).

productVendor: Product supplier.

productDescription: Product description.

quantityInStock: Product inventory quantity.

warehouseCode: Warehouse code that the product is stored in (linked to the warehouses table).

buyPrice: Product purchase price.

MSRP: Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price.

  1. productlines table

productLine: Product line name (primary key).

textDescription: Short description of the product line.

htmlDescription: More detailed description in HTML format.

image: Image of the product line.

  1. orderdetails table

orderNumber: Order number (foreign key to orders table).

productCode: Product code (foreign key to products table).

quantityOrdered: Quantity of products ordered in the order.

priceEach: Price of each product.

orderLineNumber: Order number of the line in the order.

  1. orders table

orderNumber: Order number (primary key).

orderDate: Order date.

requiredDate: Requested delivery date.

shippedDate: Delivery date.

status: Order status.

comments: Comments about the order.

customerNumber: Customer number (linked to customers table).

  1. customers table

customerNumber: Customer number (primary key).

customerName: Customer name.

contactLastName: Contact's last name.

contactFirstName: Contact's first name.

phone: Contact phone number.

addressLine1, addressLine2: Customer address.

city: City.

state: State or province.

postalCode: Postal code.

country: Country.

salesRepEmployeeNumber: Salesperson code (linked to employees table).

creditLimit: Customer credit limit.

  1. employees table

employeeNumber: Employee code (primary key).

lastName: Employee last name.

firstName: Employee first name.

extension: Contact number.

email: Employee email.

officeCode: Office code where employee works (linked to offices table).

reportsTo: Employee direct manager code.

jobTitle: Employee job title.

  1. offices table

officeCode: Office code (primary key).

city: City of the office.

phone: Office phone number.

addressLine1, addressLine2: Office address.

state: State or province.

country: Country.

postalCode: Postal code.

territory: Area where the office operates.

  1. payments table

customerNumber: Customer number (linked to customers table).

checkNumber: Payment slip number.

paymentDate: Payment date.

amount: Payment amount.


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