Bash munin plugins for monitoring an AWS Redshift database.
To make use of this plugins, you should first make sure you have the right configuration.
You should create a munin plugin configuration with these variables an put them in
env.redshift_host <hostname>
env.redshift_port <port>
env.redshift_user <user>
env.redshift_pass <pass>
env.redshift_db <db>
Then checkout the project (somewhere)
# checkout the project (can be anywhere)
cd /usr/share/munin/plugins
git clone
To make use of the commit queue plugin, simply create a symlink in the plugins directory for the munin node.
The output will be a graph which displays the average cmmit queue time (in seconds), the average commit time and the average commit queue size. We will gather the data from the last 5 minutes.
# Symlink the plugin in the munin-plugins dir:
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/munin-redshift-plugins/ redshift_commit_queue
# Test it like this (config):
munin-run redshift_commit_queue config
# Then run it like this (should display a value)
munin-run redshift_commit_queue
# Restart the munin-node (if everything is ok)
service munin-node restart
The disk-based queries plugin is a little harder to set up. The query to collect the data is quite heavy, and therefor we do not execute this query every 5 minutes.
We have build in a "cron" mode, which can be used to collect the data. Munin will ony use this "fetched" data.
To setup this plugin, first create a cronjob which collects the data. For example in /etc/crontab
# Collect redshift disk-based queries (every hour)
0 * * * * root munin-run redshift_disk_queries cron
Then, just install the script as a normal script:
# Symlink the plugin in the munin-plugins dir:
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/munin-redshift-plugins/ redshift_disk_queries
# Test it like this (config):
munin-run redshift_disk_queries config
# ONLY FIRST RUN, Fetch the data (note, has no output, takes some time!):
munin-run redshift_disk_queries cron
# Then run the plugin (should output a value)
munin-run redshift_disk_queries
# Restart the munin-node (if everything is ok)
service munin-node restart
This plugin shows how much percent of the disk is used.
To make use of the commit queue plugin, simply create a symlink in the plugins directory for the munin node.
# Symlink the plugin in the munin-plugins dir:
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/munin-redshift-plugins/ redshift_disk_usage
# Test it like this (config):
munin-run redshift_disk_usage config
# Then run it like this (should display a value)
munin-run redshift_disk_usage
# Restart the munin-node (if everything is ok)
service munin-node restart