Official PyTorch implementation of Multi-orientation U-Net (MO U-Net).
See requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Before training the model, set data_dir in "" and run "run" to convert data into h5 file format (required format for the dataloader). Files should be arranged in the following format prior to running the preprocessing script:
├── Data_folder
| ├── Subject_1
| | ├── Axial.nii
| | ├── Coronal.nii
| | ├── Sagittal.nii
| | └── High_field.nii
| ├── Subject_2
| | ├── Axial.nii
| | ├── Coronal.nii
| | ├── Sagittal.nii
| | └── High_field.nii
Modify "" to set directory for preprocessed data and training configurations.
Modify "" file to specify input image, output directory, and prefix specifying subject number. Run "" to obtain prediction (saved as 'subpred_final.nii')
Download our trained Multi-orientation U-Net from the following link:
Code-base adapted from:
PyTorch implementation of LPIPS borrowed from: