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This repository contains all the files you'll see during the webinars of the course Programming for Everybody hosted by Le Wagon. Welcome aboard! ๐ŸŽ‰


Any tool you see a teacher using during a live session is free to use and optional to this course. The applications we'll present are used by thousands of successful tech companies around the world (including us!), and we'll utilise them to show you how to work in a real development environment.

If you donโ€™t have any prior experience, please just follow the session, ask your eventual questions at the end of it, write and share your experience with your classmates on the Slack workspace, and donโ€™t do anything else described here. As explained during the program presentation, this course is just an extension of the Codecademy Ruby track, and you are not required to do anything more than following the meetings.

Table of contents


Please star the repository, or just bookmark the page in your favourite browser.

Each Ruby file you see in this repository will be filled by a teacher during the corresponding session. In the slides folder you can see and download the slides we share during our lessons.

You'll also find a test folder in this repository. Don't edit or delete any file outside this folder: it's important to always keep your personal experiments in a separate place! ๐Ÿงช


N.B: This is a free online learning series, and our teachers won't be able to help you with your computer configuration. If you are just moving your first steps (you don't know Git, Ruby, what a terminal is, or any of the tools we are using), please just watch the videos and, if you feel confident enough, use a REPL as described below. Want to learn to configure your computer like a pro? Do it with us!


You can use a REPL to see and interact with the code we share every session.

First, create an account on Once logged-in, come back here and click this button ๐Ÿ‘‰ Run on to open this repository there, then click fork to save a copy in your personal REPLs collection.

Now click on the file to open it, and... wait a second, that's me! ๐Ÿค–

You can use the Ruby console on the right to run quick tests, or create more complex files in the test folder and execute them from the integrated shell. If the shell window is not displaying automatically, open it manually or with the โŒ˜โ‡งS shortcut (see the first picture below), and run your test files from there with ruby test/name_of_the_file.rb.

After a session ends, switch to the Version Control tab and click Pull to get the new files from the lecture.

N.B: if the pull command doesn't work, it's probably because you edited some files you shouldn't touch! ๐Ÿ›‘ Check which ones under Changed files or folders, and if they don't belong to the test folder, make them look exactly as the ones on GitHub, then click Pull again. If this doesn't help either, just come back here and follow the instructions again to create a new copy โ˜๏ธ

Git and Ruby

ONLY if you already have:

  • Ruby installed (type ruby --version in your terminal, it should give you a version >= 2.2)
  • Git installed (git --version should be >= 1.7)
  • a GitHub profile
  • some basic knowledge of programming

you can clone this repository on your computer and fetch the new changes after each session.

First, fork (copy) this repository to your profile.

Then, open your terminal and run the following commands one at a time (always read the comments carefully, they're there for a reason! ๐Ÿ‘€):

# TODO: change with your GitHub username

# 1. Create a new folder where to keep your personal projects:
[ ! -d ~/code ] && mkdir ~/code
[ ! -d ~/code/$GITHUB_USERNAME ] && mkdir ~/code/$GITHUB_USERNAME

# 2. Clone the repository from your GitHub and connect to @lewagonlisbon's one (run JUST ONCE):
git clone$GITHUB_USERNAME/programming4everybody.git
cd programming4everybody
git remote add upstream
git fetch --all
git reset --hard upstream/master

# 3. Open the repository in your favourite editor:
atom . # or `open -a Atom .`
subl . # or `open -a "Sublime Text" .`
code . # or `open -a "Visual Studio Code" .`

Check our code from the webinars in your editor and play around in the test folder. You can run your test files in the terminal with ruby test/a_test_file.rb, or type irb to open an interactive Ruby console.

After each session, get the latest updates with:

git fetch --all
git reset --hard upstream/master

Bonus: if you use Atom, you can install the Teletype package and interact with our code when you ask for a live help! ๐Ÿค“

General overview

Our program has 10 lessons, following Codecademyโ€™s free Ruby track:

  1. Introduction to Ruby Wednesday, April 8th
  2. Control flow in Ruby Friday, April 10th
  3. Looping with Ruby Monday, April 13th
  4. Arrays and Hashes Wednesday, April 15th
  5. Blocks and Sorting Friday, April 17th
  6. Hashes and Symbols Monday, April 20th
  7. Refactoring Wednesday, April 22nd
  8. Procs and Lambdas Friday, April 24th
  9. Object-Oriented Programming, Part 1 Monday, April 27th
  10. Object-Oriented Programming, Part 2 Wednesday, April 29th

Typical session

  • 13h00-13h25 (GMT+1) Live session on Livestorm with Le Wagon's teachers showing lots of live-demos to help you understand the concepts using practical examples
  • 13h25-13h45 Q&A session where you'll be able to ask the teachers any question you might have and share your screen with them for a live help
  • 13h45-? Keep coding! Use the Slack workspace to find a buddy and work with him, interact with other classmates, or just send a funny gif ๐Ÿ™ˆ

For each session, a private link to the meeting will be shared on the course Slack channel. The Livestorm meetings and Slack workspace are private, and only authorised participants can access them ๐Ÿ”’

N.B: to keep the lecture as interactive as possible, if you share your screen with the rest of the participants, we ask you to do it for no more than 2 minutes per session, excluding any eventual extra presentation ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Going further

Can't wait to know more about programming? Apply to Le Wagon, and learn how to build the app of your dreams with us! ๐Ÿš€

By completing this course, you get a special 10% off the next Lisbon course tuition, and you can combine this discount with any other active scholarship! ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น Applications are open for our next batches, check out the dates on our website and get in touch with our admissions manager Fernando.

You can also follow us on Meetup, Facebook and Instagram, and stay involved in our amazing community ๐Ÿคฉ