This repository wraps prebuilt jars of maven dependencies that are not available (at the time) on p2 updatesites into Eclipse plugins for use in the Epoch IDE. The artifacts are pulled from maven central and redistributed via an Eclipse p2 repository acting as a mirror.
The main directories of the repository are the following:
- org.lflang.epoch.mirror.kotlin The plugin containing the jars of Kotlin
- org.lflang.epoch.mirror.json The plugin containing the jars of org.json
- org.lflang.epoch.mirror.jcip The plugin containing the annotations of org.jcip
- org.lflang.epoch.mirror.json The plugin containing the jars of com.hubspot.jinjava
- org.lflang.epoch.external.dependencies A legacy alias of org.lflang.epoch.mirror.kotlin
- org.lflang.epoch.external.dependencies.repository The p2 repository
You can find the Kotlin source code at: The code is made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0, which can be read in the LICENSE file.
Maven central source:
Maven central source:
Maven central source:
Maven central source: