Created for Black Lives Matter Hackathon (2020)
Calista Wong Karen Berba Lisa Bettcher
We wanted to create a multi-functional mobile app that empowers people, especially those of targeted demographics, to stand up against police brutality and injustice.
- Informs users on their rights based on their individual situations
- Provides a guideline on the pieces of information that should be collected in a police encounter
- Sends an auto-generated text message with location data to an emergency contact in the case of an arrest
- Guides the user to create a police complaint letter through an auto-generated template
- Firebase and Flutter
- Delegating tasks in a team
- Working with different environments and getting all of our apps to sync
- Developing features that are practical and usable to people facing police brutality
- Trying to understand the challenges that other POC encounter
- Marketing our app and the best way to present our ideas
- Learning mobile development on Flutter
- Learning about how to create a marketing pitch
- The reality of racial injustice
- Individual rights
- Different situations in which police aggression and injustice may occur
- Supporting photo documentation in creating police reports
- Voice-activated functions, for situations when users are not able to access their phones easily
- Voice to text transcription
- Release for IOS