A Python library for reading and managing configuration files, similar to Golang's spf13/viper.
README.md also provides a Chinese version
✅ = Available, 🚧 = Under Development
- ✅ json
- ✅ yaml
- ✅ toml
- 🚧 ini
- 🚧 hcl
- 🚧 envfile
- 🚧 java properties
- ✅ from environment variables
- ✅ from parameters
- 🚧 from network
- ......
Just a simple configuration is needed to get started, eliminating the need to manually write code to read configuration files, allowing you to focus more on project development rather than spending time on tedious tasks.
Piver can automatically search for and load the required configuration files in the target path you configure, making it easy to access configuration entries in your project.
Piver can use your custom default values when a configuration item cannot be retrieved.
Piver can also load configuration files by reading environment variables and command line parameters.
Priority: Command Line Parameters > Environment Variables > Configuration Files
If you want to use Piver in your Python project, you need to install it first.
pip install piver
poetry add piver
Piver is global, meaning it's best to load the configuration file early in the project's lifecycle; otherwise, trying to access configuration items before loading the configuration file will raise a ConfigNotInitializedError
First, tell Piver the basic information of the configuration file: name, scan location, and format. If you provide a file with an extension to Piver, you do not need to explicitly tell it the file format; it will automatically infer it.
Next, use read_in_config() to read the configuration file.
Finally, use get() to retrieve content, with the target key as a string, using . to separate levels.
import piver
piver.add_config_path(".") # add current directory to config path
piver.set_config_type("toml") # set config file type to toml
piver.set_config_name("example") # set config file name to example
piver.read_in_config() # read in config file MUST
print(f"Dsn is: {piver.get('database.dsn')}") # get value of database.dsn
ZichengHuang 黄子程
lfcypo (Zicheng Huang)