Simple script that integrates KeePassXC and OpenVPN, so you can store your OpenVPN credentials in a KeePassXC vault, access and use them with just a single command.
- openvpn
- keepassxc
sudo apt install openvpn keepassxc
sudo make install
If you just want to generate the .conf file, use sudo make configure
NOTE: After installing or generating the .conf file, you'll need to fill it with the required variables, the .conf file can be found by default at /etc/default/kpxc-ovpn.conf
OVPNFILE=<Path to your .ovpn file (Absolute path only, include file extension)>
VAULT=<Path to your KeePassXC vault file (Absolute path only, include file extension)>
KEY=<Name of the credentials for your OpenVPN authentication inside your KeePassXC vault>
sudo make uninstall
(will also delete the .conf file)
After filling the .conf file, just run kpxc-ovpn