Copyright 2011 Luke Hovington
This is a project to sense temp, humid and maybe a few other enviromental varaibles
PLEASE NOTE This is still a work in progress. The board hasn't been tested, nor is there any software for this yet.
Cut 3V3 into JP3 Route 3V3 into 3V3 U1 input (USB 5V not 3V3)
Cut I_SENSE/LIGHT/V1_EN Route V1_EN -> I_SENSE MC (Micontroller Side) Route I_SENSE -> V1_EN MC Route ADC_EN -> LIGHT MC Route LIGHT -> TP1 MC
Route L-BLU to MC (Missing Track)
Licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License ( The "license" folder within this repository also contains a copy of this license in plain text format.