CartesIO is a Cartesian Control Framework with focus on online control of multi-chained, hyper-redundant floating-base robots. The software archicteture is mainly built on ROS instruction, providing a robot and task description with URDF/SRDF and YAML files. The CartesioTests Repository basically constitutes a Cartesio Wrapper of the C++ Examples of the Cartesio's Documentation. Here, you can directly execute it and you can modify it just tuning some input parameters. Here, you can find three main sub packages
where each one implements C++ Examples of Cartesio's Documentation plus Launch file Example. Download the Repo to have all the examples ready to use!
To Install CartesioTests run
git clone
inside the src folder of a catkin' workspace and that is it.
To Execute the examples in the packages, run
- CartesioTestsCpp
roslaunch cartesio_tests_cpp CartesioTestsCpp.launch
- CartesioTestsQuickStart
roslaunch cartesio_tests_quickstart CartesioTestsQuickStart.launch
- CartesioTestsROSClient
roslaunch cartesio_tests_rosclient CartesioTestsROSClient.launch
CartesioTests requires the following dependences: