It's a demo project using Spotify API.
- React 16.8 w/hooks
- typescript
- prettier + eslint
- modular css (and flex, no framework)
- Masonry layout
- Debounced search
- Real audio (html5)
Running on node 10.15
You will need a Bearer accessToken to run the demo. Set it in config/index.ts
This is because the demo doesn't include an authentication process.
And of course, in real life this token would be provided by a server side layer, but there's no backend in this demo. And I'm actually calling the API through a public proxy.
Install packages and run as usual:
yarn install
yarn start
However, you could have issues with node or yarn version. So, alternatively, run with Docker.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec spotifive yarn start
docker-compose down