This library manages the basic network tasks for Netx (ThreadX) in a OOP way.
- ThreadX (Core) (Memory pool size: 5*1024)
- NetX (NX Core, Ethernet Interface, Ethernet Phy Interface) (Memory pool size: 35*1024)
- HAL ethernet configuration (MAC address?)
- Stm32ItmLogger
- Stm32Common
- Stm32ThreadX
In file NetXDuo/App/app_netxduo.c
add the following:
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
#include <main.h>
#include "Stm32NetXCPPWrapper.hpp"
/* USER CODE END Includes */
// ... //
// Jump to our C++ NetX thread setup function
ret = Stm32NetX_setup(byte_pool);
assert_param(ret == TX_SUCCESS);
// ... //
/* USER CODE END MX_NetXDuo_Init */
Do not include the Ethernet Interface, Stm32NetX has a modified version of the driver.