本项目从建文件夹到正式打包成apk均由cursor完成,未写一行代码,共用时3小时。(This project was completed by cursor from creating the folder to officially packaging it into an APK, without writing a single line of code, and took a total of 3 hours.)
WikiTok多端兼容安卓版ios版(WikiTok is compatible with Android and iOS versions on multiple platforms)
apk下载地址(APK download link)
灵感来源(inspiration source)
A TikTok-style interface for exploring random Wikipedia articles in multiple languages.
Vertical scrolling feed of random Wikipedia articles
Support for 14 languages including English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese and more
Article previews with images, titles and excerpts
Share articles directly or copy links
Language selector with country flags
Preloading of images and content for smooth scrolling
Responsive design that works on mobile and desktop
Progressive Web App (PWA) support for installing as a standalone app
Personalized recommendation model, modeling user behavior such as reading time, clicking on detail pages, liking, bookmarking, and sharing for each entry, and pushing entries that are more suitable for users
AI function: automatic translation of languages worldwide, users only need to choose the language they need, and then LLM automatically translates content from any country's language, making its content more abundant
Text to audio function