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weiqijin edited this page Jan 11, 2019 · 18 revisions


Those parameters would cover the setting from nextflow.config file .


(plz configure those options in nextflow.config or docker.config file) .

Name Example/Default value Description
--reads ./*{1,2}.fq.gz input raw paired reads
--designfile FALSE a txt file that stored experimental design information, plz see details from --designfile section above
--comparefile FALSE a txt file that stored experimental compare information, plz see details from --comparefile section above


(paths to references, softwares and special environments. Only need to be set at the first time you run the pipeline) .

Name Example/Default value Description
--redir /path/to/refdir the folder containing all reference files and index
--genomefile path/to/refdir/chr2.fa Path to Fasta reference(required if not set in config file)
--gtffile/--bedfile/--annotationfile path/to/refdir/hg38_gencode.txt Different annotation files from GENCODE database for annotating circRNAs. e.g. [gencode.v25.annotation.gtf]/[gencode.v25.annotation.bed]/[hg38_gencode.txt]
--ciridir/--find_circdir/--mapsdir/--knifedir /path/to/tools/directory Home folder of ciri/find_circ/mapsplice/knife installed location


Name Default value Description
--starindex/--bowtie2index/--bwaindex/--segindex/--bowtieindex/--refmapsplice/--knifeindex - Path to STAR/bowtie2/segemehl/bowtie/bwa/mapsplice/knife index. If not set, the pipeline will create the index itself.
--singleEnd false specify that the reads are single ended
--merge true merge the different matrixes produce by different tools and draw the venn graph
--separate false annotate the results separately
--selectTools 1 specify which tools should be use. 1 for circexplorer2, 2 for ciri, 3 for find_circ, 4 for mapsplice, 5 for segemehl, 6 for knife. For example, you can set 1,2,3,4,5 for running five tools in the same time.
--outdir ./Result the output directory of the results
--mRNA path/to/gencode.rsem.fpkm_m6Astatus_11_29.mat Path to the mRNA expression matrix. Only need to be set when you want to do the correlation.

Detailed instruction of parameters

  • --reads

    suffix of your raw reads file. For example, *_{1,2}.fq.gz for paired end reads file sampleA_1.fq.gz and sampleA_2.fq.gz

  • --outdir

    path to the result output directory

  • --selectTools

    specify which tools should be use. 1 for circexplorer2, 2 for ciri, 3 for find_circ, 4 for mapsplice, 5 for segemehl, 6 for knife. For example, you can set --selectTools='1,2,3,4,5' for running five tools in the same time.

  • --starindex

    path to the STAR index directory. To build the index, you can use the command such as STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --runThreadN 1 --genomeDir /home/wqj/test/starindex --genomeFastaFiles /home/wqj/database/circleTest/1.genome/chrX.fa --sjdbGTFfile /home/wqj/database/circleTest/1.genome/gencode.v25.annotation.chrX.gtf --sjdbOverhang 149.

  • --segindex

    path to the Segemehl index directory. To build the index, you can use the command such as ./segemehl.x -d hg19.fa -x hg18.idx.

  • --bowtie2index

    path to the Bowtie2 index directory. To build the index, you can use the command such as bowtie2-build -f ../chrX.fa chrX.

  • --bowtieindex

    path to the Bowtie index directory. To build the index, you can use the command such as bowtie-build GENOME.fa GENOME.

  • --bwaindex

    path to the BWA index directory. To build the index, you can use the command such as bwa index /home/wqj/database/circleTest/1.genome/chrX.fa -p genome.

  • --knifeindex

    path to the KNIFE index directory. To build the index, you can follow the step in in

  • --designfile

    design file

  • --comparefile

    compare file

  • --mRNA

    mRNA expression matrix file

  • --gtffile

    gtf file for building your STAR index, running CIRI and Mapsplice, running annotation. For example, gencode.v25.annotation.gtf.

  • --genomefile

    whole genome reference sequence in .fa format for running CIRCexplorer2, CIRI, Segemehl, Find_circ. For example, genome.fa.

  • --annotationfile

    annotation file of genome in .txt format for running CIRCexplorer2. For example, hg38_gencode.txt.

  • --bedfile

    annotation file of genome in .bed format for running CIRCexplorer2. For example, gencode.v25.annotation.bed.

  • --refmapsplice

    path to the reference files for Mapsplice directory.

  • --refdir

    path to the directory including all reference genome files and indexes files.

  • --singleEnd

    true when using a single End reads input, default false

  • --separate

    true when each selected pipelines producing its own results, default false

  • --merge

    true when all results produced by selected pipelines merge together, default true

  • --ciridir

    path to the CIRI scripts

  • --find_circdir

    path to the Find_circ scripts

  • --mapsdir

    path to the Mapsplice scripts

  • --knifedir

    path to the KNIFE scripts

  • --otherTools

    path to the in house R,Python,Java scripts


As a nextflow-based analysis pipeline, CircPipe allow users edit configure file nextflow.config to set the index files and default file path parameters instead of typing them into the command line.

To configure, please go to params line, and set the following information of various file locations and system environment settings

params {

  container = 'likelet/circpipe:latest' // Container slug. Stable releases should specify release tag!

  //choose the tools
  separate = false
  merge = false
  selectTools = '6'

  //the necessary reference
  refdir = '/data1/wqj/database/data/testdata/Genome'
  annotationfile = "${params.refdir}/hg38_chr2_gencode.txt"
  genomefile = "${params.refdir}/chr2.fa"
  gtffile = "${params.refdir}/gencode_chr2.v25.annotation.gtf"
  bedfile = "${params.refdir}/gencode_chr2.v25.annotation.bed"
  refmapsplice = "${params.refdir}"
  mRNA = "/data1/wqj/database/data/testdata/gencode.rsem.fpkm_m6Astatus_11_29.mat"

  //reads files
  reads = "./*{1,2}.fq.gz"

  //the indexes for tools
  starindex = ""
  segindex = ""
  bowtie2index = ""
  bowtieindex = ""
  bwaindex = ""
  knifeindex = ""

  //the output directory
  outdir = './Result'

  //tools directory
  ciridir = '/home/wqj/tools/CIRI/bin/CIRI_v2.0.6'
  find_circdir = '/home/wqj/tools/find_circ'
  mapsdir = '/home/wqj/miniconda3/envs/tools_in_python3/bin'
  knifedir = '/home/wqj/tools/KNIFE'
  otherTools = "$baseDir/bin"

  //files of DE

  singleEnd = false

  email = '[email protected]'

  help = false
  igenomes_base = "./iGenomes"
  tracedir = "${params.outdir}/pipeline_info"
  clusterOptions = false
  awsqueue = false
  awsregion = 'eu-west-1'

// Capture exit codes from upstream processes when piping = ['/bin/bash', '-euo', 'pipefail']

timeline {
  enabled = true
  file = "${params.tracedir}/nf-core/cirpipe_timeline.html"
report {
  enabled = true
  file = "${params.tracedir}/nf-core/cirpipe_report.html"
trace {
  enabled = true
  file = "${params.tracedir}/nf-core/cirpipe_trace.txt"
dag {
  enabled = true
  file = "${params.tracedir}/nf-core/cirpipe_dag.svg"

manifest {
  name = 'nf-core/cirpipe'
  author = 'Qi Zhao([email protected]), Qijin Wei([email protected])'
  homePage = ''
  description = 'cirRNA analysis pipe'
  mainScript = ''
  nextflowVersion = '>=0.32.0'
  version = '1.0dev'