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Run with docker & Singularity

dengshuang0116 edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 8 revisions


  • Prepare input files as mentioned earlier.
  • Pull or build the image Users could either pull the pre-built image from DockerHub, using the following command:
docker pull ???alesssia/???circdocker???

or build a local image using the file Dokerfile in the ??circdocker?? folder.

docker build -t yampdocker .
  • Use the image by adding the -with-docker option followed by the image name (???alesssia/???circdocker, if pulled, or ???circdocker, if built), that is, with the following command, which assumes a pulled image:
nextflow run  -with-docker ???alesssia/???circdocker
  • Alternatively, users can set the following parameters into the nextflow.config file:
docker.enabled = true
process.container = '???alesssia/???circdocker:latest'


  • Prepare input files as mentioned earlier.
  • Use a Docker image with Singularity by adding the --with-singularity option followed by the image path (--with-singularity docker://???????)
nextflow run --with-singularity docker:????????????
  • Alternatively, users can also set the following parameters into the nextflow.config file:
singularity.enabled = true
process.container = "docker:???????????"